Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Not Much Of A Stalker

You know most stalkers are pretty loyal people. They are out there buying tickets to see you at the movies, stealing DVD's of you from the local video store and keeping Home Depot practically in business by themselves with the amount of equipment they buy to keep you locked in their home.

So, I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in the stalking efforts of Emily Leatherman. First of all, before we go any further, does anyone know what the hell is wrong with her face? Is it a birth defect deserving our sympathy or is it some kind of poison oak or ivy from crawling through the bushes? All, I know is that she gives Ted Kennedy a run for the drunk face look.

Now, I am sure all of you read that she was arrested for stalking John Cusack. She was apparently caught because she didn't have any money to give the cab driver. Note to future stalkers. Cabs cost money. When the police arrived John Cusack was waiting outside and told the police that Emily was stalking him. That must have been pretty cool for Emily with having John Cusack personally handing her over to the police and knowing all about her. It was also nice of the police to let us know exactly on what block John Cusack lives so that way future stalkers have a head start.

Last year Cuscak got a restraining order against Leatherman because she wrote him a bunch of love letters. Oh, and she threw them over his fence with some rocks and screwdrivers also in the bag. My guess is they were not going to be used to maim John, but rather just to weigh down the bag so the letters would not fly away.

I am a little disappointed in Emily. Beside not remembering cab fare, it seems that she switches her allegiances fairly quickly. Just last year she was arrested outside the home of Tom Cruise for violating a restraining order. The fact that she only wanted to be audited, was not really taken into account. Once you pick someone to stalk, don't you kind of stick with that person forever? Isn't that the point of a good celebrity stalking? It isn't really stalking if you are picking and choosing by box office results. Maybe she just does it until she gets arrested, and then moves on to a new person.

Send me an e-mail when you decide and the rest of us will keep track. Oh, and get some chamomile for that rash.


YahMoBThere said...

EL -it looks like a bad case of Rosacea.

lyz said...

Man, that MySpace issue has really upset me and I feel depressed. I'm gonna force myself to refrain from reading any more of that comment section and focus on idiots like this dumbass stalker. Ah, back to light-hearted Hollywood chaos.

Stacey Charter said...

I had seen another pic of her without this rash but not sure of the time frame. It could also be a pepper spray rash - that's what they look like if you are fair - at least that's what mine looked like when i had to get sprayed to get the police issue stuff when i was being stalked. Yeah they make you get sprayed in training in order to get the good stuff.

IndigoBlue said...

She only wanted to get audited? I don't get it. Someone 'splain, please!

Anonymous said...

With so many stalkers I am surprise a law hasn't been mandated against them or has it?

YahMoBThere said...

Indigo, I think that was EL's warped sense of humor. You know how he loves those Scientology jokes.

YahMoBThere said...

A Scientology joke--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

IndigoBlue said...

Ohhhh, Twisted, thanks. Can't believe I no brained that one. Duh.

YahMoBThere said...

It's tax season. We're all thinking IRS when we hear the word 'audited'. ;-)

littleoleme said...

Yeah I know I'm a bit of a bitch for saying this but when something like this happens to John Cusack I always think it's karma catching up with the despicable ways he's treated women.

Julie said...

maybe her face is having a reaction to mace or pepper spray lol

Lynne said...

sylvia said:
With so many stalkers I am surprise a law hasn't been mandated against them or has it?

There are laws galore against many bad things, but that won't stop perpetrators from breaking them.

I'm not trying to be snotty. Just sayin'...


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