Monday, July 14, 2008

A Lohan I Can Love

Other than Cody and the grandmother there aren't really any Lohans that I would want to spend much time with. Sure if you made me I could spend a few minutes with Lindsay and if I was drunk enough I could probably listen to Ali squawk for a few minutes. But, under no circumstances would I ever want to spend anytime with Michael Lohan. Ever. Oh, sure if someone made a reality tape of him in prison being gang raped next to Joe Francis, I might tune in for a few laughs, but other than that not so much.

So when the newest Lohan, Ashley Kaufmann said she wanted to meet all the Lohans except Michael and Dina, I nearly shed a tear. I'm sure with time she will realize that Ali probably isn't much fun either, and that Lindsay probably won't return her calls, but hey there's Cody and somehow, someway that kid is going to turn out normal.

Now, as for Ashley's mom, I'm not really liking her. It's one thing to have a secret lust child with Michael and to even take him to court, but another thing to go to the press and thrust your daughter into the spotlight simply because you want some attention and think maybe your daughter can get some Hollywood money. So, as far as I'm concerned Mama Kaufmann can go join Michael and Dina over in the corner. Even though she probably did get knocked up Michael, there is something just so insincere and shady about her that I can see why she clicked with Michael.


kris said...

"...there is something just so insincere and shady about her that I can see why she clicked with Michael."

I couldn't agree more. I think this is just disgusting...

lutefisk said...

They all suck!

Jazz Hands said...

Lord, I really don't mean to be the rape police here, but c'mon. Prison rape isn't funny.

Maja With a J said...

I really do think the kid is Lindsay's half sister though. They look alike.

Winston Ono said...

i think she looks just like michael. isn't that punishment enough?

WTF said...

Sara you beat me to it. I wish bloggers didn't always use that lame "joke".


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