Monday, January 26, 2009

Quick Hits

This Is Jeopardy! - Apparently Jeopardy wants some new contestants who don't have to go to one of their auditions to take a test. Instead, now you can take the Jeopardy test online. No, you can't do it at 3am. I guess they want to keep it somewhat competitive and probably don't want you cheating, so they have it set up to be done online at very specific times. They are coming up at the end of the month, so if you want to see when you can take the test in your part of the country, click here.

Role Playing Is Good - Hugh Jackman told a story the other day in an interview about how his wife makes him wear all of his costumes home from whatever role he is currently playing. Whether it be X-Men or the Australian television drama, Correlli, his wife makes him leave them on for at least one night of, umm, yeah, that. Apparently Ms. Jackman likes to be able to scream Wolverine, and not be referring to the movie Red Dawn.

What's Wrong With Being Single? I guess Paul McCartney is a sucker for love. Plus he has really good lawyers. The rumors are running wild that Paul is going to marry his girlfriend of what, six months? She is already living at Paul's place, plus she just got her divorce finalized so she is ready. I think the kiss of death is that Heather Mills thinks she is fantastic. That can't be good.


mooshki said...

Green Wave Gal, you're our game show representative - I expect you to give Jeopardy a shot.

Re: "Red Dawn," I'm glad you appreciate the true classics, Enty.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I'm going to be on the road during the Jeopardy test. I'd love to go on it.

Hugh can wear anything and I'd want to have sex with him. Or nothing, whatever.

whole lotto luv said...

Jeopardy held online tests last year, too. But they never let you know how you did on it, unless you make their contestant pool. I'm gonna take it again anyway, even though obviously I didn't do well last year. Someone has to be the dumbest.

David D. said...

These fake Hugh Jackman "I have sex with my wife, really I do!" stories only make things worse. I love you, Hugh, shut up.

Cheryl said...

Paul really is dead because I can't imagine that the real Paul from the Beatles would make this mistake again.

Goodgrief said...

Unless he has recently hired some good lawyers, I wouldn't say he had good lawyers when he got mixed up with Heather.

bionic bunny! said...

i think i really like mrs. jackman. i like to think i'd do the same thing!

slappywhyte said...

dam i missed my chance for the online jeopardy audition ... just saw the article


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