Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Lindsay Lohan Crying For Two Minutes

If you will remember, last week, Michael Lohan said he had a bunch of tapes where Dina Lohan admitted to him that Lindsay Lohan had a drug problem and needed an intervention. Well, Michael decided he would go ahead and record his daughter also. I'm guessing this is a voice mail since there is no other voice responding to what Lindsay says. If Michael was on the phone and recording it, then he broke California law. So, unless he misses those cozy prison beds and group showers, for his sake I hope it is a voicemail.

Anyway, if you would like to listen to almost two minutes of nonsensical crying from Lindsay then, by all means, click here. Radar obtained the tapes and is kind enough to also supply a transcript. I would hate to be the person who had to listen to this repeatedly until they managed to get all the words down.


ms_wonderland said...

What he said - at least the first sentance. Not listening to it, none of my business.

What a terrible betrayal by a parent. No wonder this girl is such a mess.

Unknown said...


Shut up.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I just want to read the transcript. I don't think I could deal with the tears.

empyrios said...

this is low, even for him

Unknown said...

It's hard when you don't have anyone to trust...I've been there (My family it's really mess up) and it's difficult to see things clearly. I just wish that someone can help her, she's killing herself slowly. Also, she needs to STAY AWAY from her family, they are a bunch of gold-diggers

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Um, I won't listen to the tapes either because I think it's wrong of her father to release them (he's a total scumbag), but I don't think people take joy in her fall for no reason, I think people enjoy watching it because she comes across as so nasty and entitled. I feel bad for Britney Spears because I hear she is pretty nice, not that bright, and has a lot of issues. I only have so much sympathy to go around, and I don't feel Lindsay deserves it over starving children, refugees, and everyone else in unfortunate circumstances outside their control. It's not because she's an addict, I have plenty of sympathy for them too (at least in general), but she seems to have dug her own pit by stepping on people on her way up, stealing things just because she likes them or can't afford them, and generally just acting like she deserves better than everyone else. I come from money, but people who think they deserve everything and are better than everyone else because they are rich, exceptionally good looking, etc just piss me off. Life is chance, she got lucky and needs to appreciate that (imo) if she is ever going to be happy.

selenakyle said...

Ok--WHOAAAAA, stop the bus.

I clicked on the link to hear the thing, and what popped up on Radar but a fucking ad!?!

Fuck THAT! Never been on Radar before, and damn sure won't ever visit it again.

And Lindsay needs HELP (not fake C0$ help, either).

Dianne P said...

She is one of the few celebutards that I feel sorry for...Maybe because I was forced to watch her in Parent Trap over and over due to my kids.

Short of people who kill or sexually abuse their kids, she has about the worst parents ever. Some people can overcome that kind of upbringing, but for whatever reason she can't. I have no desire to watch her fall apart.

ItsJustMe said...

I agree, Dianne P. It's just sad at this point and I can't watch her kill herself anymore.

jax said...

you know i might not be the popular opinion, but good for him. take the fucking veil of lies off Lilo,she is an ADDICT. she is surrounded by yes men, hangers on and other addicts and enablers.

if its gotten to the point were a once popular hollywood starlet is STEALING for DRUGS....its bad. i hope this is BIG eye opener for the losers in her life and that she does get help.

after hearing this phone call NO ONE can say, they didn't know what state she was in and how troubled she truly is.

i wish more people were as concerned for her life as they are her 'rights' in this situation.

Katy said...

What Laurel said.

Tigercat said...

she's 23. she's made a lot of mistakes. she's been used by a lot of people. the drug addiction is a by product of her time in hollywood and bad parents as is any sense of entitlement she may or may not have. her desire for the spotlight probably stems from the sense of attention and approval she thinks it brings.

regardless, she is a human being in pain. i can't judge that. and yes, like some of the others have said, it's pretty obvious she is killing herself. the gossip will follow her completely down and to her grave and beyond.

Unknown said...

Btw, I don't hate her or anything, I do think her parents are awful and agree she has terrible people around her taking advantage of her. I certainly hope she gets better, I just have no sympathy left. Despite the bad things, she does have some good in her life, and she can get help, something many others cannot do or cannot afford to do.

lilbitsolo said...

What Jax said. No excuses.

holyrollernova said...

i wish i didnt listen to that - it was really sad.

im not a fan of lohan and i will be the first to say it, but this is just super sad. i wish i could give her a hug.

honestly, at this point i will be shocked if she makes it to 27. i mean she did say she thought she would join the 27 club. talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy.

so so incredibly sad, i can't watch this girl kill herself anymore. i dont care what people say she did have a ton of potential and she just pissed it away. depressing.

RocketQueen said...

I kind of agree with everyone.

Does anyone have a link to the transcript? I don't have sound at work!

shakey said...

Jax, that's the first thing I thought of - everyone will know now. As scummy as her parents are, I think Dina is so much worse than Michael. If this is the only way he can get the word out, so be it. Sounds to me like it is a voicemail and Dina (or somebody) is making comments in the background.

Nikki, I think the reason people feel sad over this is the fact that she proved what talent she had, but she pissed it all away. If she was a talentless hack (like so many in Hollywood are), I wonder if we would shrug it off more.

She's the only one who can help herself. If she doesn't, her sister will probably go down that road. Dina should be charged with Munchausen by proxy.

slider1964 said...

It's a very serious situation that's been brewing for years. Both of her parents are nothing but delusional no-talent leeches.

Anonymous said...

I would like to read the transcript, but couldn't find it. I don't have sound at work either, but would not listen to it if I did. In spite of the fact that I can't stand this entitled little bitch, hearing another human in that kind of pain is not something I enjoy.

But I have to side with Jax. In spite of the bad job her parents did, she is old enough and has been out in the world long enough that she has to realize that something is desperately wrong in her life, and that just maybe it's not everyone else's fault. She has used people, lied, cheated, stolen, and now it's coming back to her. She is the only person who can save herself. I don't take any joy in watching her die so slowly, but I don't have a lot of pity either.

Tully Mars said...

I guess my comment of the day will be the same as it was with the others...Michael Lohan is a f*cking tool.

RocketQueen said...

So I've just done a search and I can't see that there's a transcript anywhere. We're out of luck, Syko :(

BlahFrickinBlah said...

I didn't listen to it. This is one of those situations that I've used when talking to my adult kid: all of us have a story and some of our stories are more screwed up than others. They shape us to what we are today. Parents fuck up in varying ways too. Obviously, her parents are hall of famers. However, now that she is an adult and it is plain to see that her parents are fucked up and have screwed her life up, it's up to her to turn it around. She can choose to continue to be the victim of their fuckery or help herself and cut them out of her life. It's now up to her to be happy and run her life. Her parents just made it harder for her to get it under control. Harder, not impossible.

sunnyside1213 said...

Jax, my first job out of college was working at a methadone clinic. I agree with everything you said. She is an addict and needs help and soon. Addicts die.

nancer said...

i know her parents are dicks. BUT at least her dad seems to be trying to something about her problem.

yes, it's an invasion of privacy and no, it's not the best way to go about it. but what else CAN he do? her mother doesn't seem to give a shit, and it's so obvious this girl has a major problem that needs to be addressed.

so whatever else i've ever said about her---and i can't stand her, i admit----she's a fucking DRUG ADDICT and her father seems to want that known so she will be forced into treatment. whatever else i've said about HIM, i give him credit for that much, at least.

Ellebee said...

Is there anyway that this woman could be green-sheeted? There has got to be a way because her family is no f'ing help. I know people who green-sheet people all the time (law enforcement, doctors, psychologists-it is surprisingly common).

I know there are more people deserving of my sympathy and those are the ones who receive my donations. As a mother of a 20 yr old, it breaks my heart when I see parents treat their child like a meal ticket.

Majik said...

As sad as this is, I don't believe for one moment that Daddy Lohan released this with any good intentions. None, whatsoever.

As for little Lilo--yup. She had bad parents. Really bad. So do a lot of other people. Your parents' fuck ups only explain your behaviour when you're a teen and under--after that, it's aaaaaaaall YOU.

Unknown said...

I feel bad for her. Sure she is filled with a sense of entitlement, but as someone else said, it must be hard for her not to be able to trust anyone, especially her parents. I feel bad for anyone who can't trust their parents. God, I am in my 40s and I can still tell my mom my secrets and she never, ever tells. And she always makes me feel better. I am going to call her right now.

MoodyBlueEyes said...

ITA with BlahFrickinBlah.

SCat07 said...

RocketQueen: The transcript Enty mentions is actually in the video of the recordings (left-side of the screen). Hope this helps!


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