Monday, August 02, 2010

Justin Bieber Thanks His Fans By Writing His Memoirs

First it was Miley Cyrus at 15 years old, and now it is Justin Bieber at 16 writing their memoirs because, you know, they have so much to say. Justin has solved the problem of having fans who are maybe not old enough to read that well yet. His book will be illustrated and also have lots and lots and lots of photos. It is all a thank you to his fans.

"Between the behind-the-scenes pictures and the story I think this is going to be something they can all enjoy. This is just another way for me to say thank you to my fans."

Of course you have to cough up $22 for his thank you, but I am sure the book will be life changing. Although I think it is ridiculous for a 16 year old to write his memoirs, I don't begrudge the kid for doing it. I think his shelf life has about another year to go and then he will be living off what he has earned the past couple of years for the rest of his life. As long as his 20's are not too self destructive and he can make it through to an age where he and the Jonas Brothers can go on tours together, he should be ok. So, if someone wants to pay him $1M for his photos and his thoughts on the inspiration behind "Baby" then more power to him.


Now! said...

Yeah, well, who would have thought that Tom Jones would still be making records in 2010.

Or, in 1956, who would have though we'd still be listening to Elvis more than 50 years later.

You just don't know. David Cassidy and Donny Osmond still have careers, such as they are.

Wonder what ever happened to Bobby Sherman.

audrey said...

I am sure that his fans are right this minute begging their moms to let them line up outside the nearest book store all night starting now, so they can be the first to get this book. By the time it is written, edited and published he should be just about over.

Anonymous said...

I will pass.

mooshki said...

I can't say anything, because I still have my Duran Duran 'Book of Words' from 1984.

sunnyside1213 said...

I can hardly wait to hear about his toilet training.

ardleighstreet said...

@ Nutty
Bobby Sherman worked as a deputy with the San Bernardino Police. ;)

Selock said...

Meh. Okey-doke.

But I am waiting for the memoir Joe Jonas is going write when he's 30/ know that Jonas family/Disney experience is going to give him soooooo much crap to spew.

Meg said...


RocketQueen said...

You know, a BETTER way to thank you fans is to reduce ticket prices. Just sayin'.


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