Monday, January 10, 2011

NBC And Their Biggest Loser Mistake

I had a very long week at work last week catching up and is one of the reasons the blog was kind of lacking in the amount of posts. Hopefully things will return to normal this week. Anyway, I was so tired that I spent all weekend watching a LOT of television. In between all the football games I managed to catch up on lots of weekly programs and got hooked on Gold Rush Alaska. Anyway, I decided to give The Biggest Loser a shot this season. I had been pulled in by the promos of that 507 pound guy so gave it a shot.

It has been a few seasons since I watched. It is still just as compelling as always, but I think NBC has made a huge mistake. The way reality shows can suck you in and get you to stay for four months watching people lose weight or travel the world is by letting you get to know them. They spent so much time on this whole mysterious alternate training thing. Oh wait, I will get back to my thought, but did anyone actually believe the reaction of Jillian and Bob when the contestants told them there were two new trainers? Please. Jillian even said she wanted out of her contract and that new trainers were going to be on the show.

Anyway, giving those pairs of people four weeks of immunity means that we, the viewers will not be invested in them at all. They cannot be eliminated so the show did not really include them once they moved in with the new trainers. We got a brief look at their workout and a very, very quick glimpse of their weight loss. I know that I am going to care what is going on with the Bob & Jillian contestants because those ill be the ones focused on and the ones we will not want to see go or hoping they go. It is going to be very tough to get into the others when they finally are shown on a regular basis.


califblondy said...

I didn't get the big mystery thing and you're right we won't be invested in the other contestants. Sometimes mixing things up works and sometimes it doesn't. Four weeks of immunity isn't right.

Meg said...

OT: I haven't watched it this season but Rachael Ray did a re-cap on previous contestants to see how they did after they were on the show. Some of them had gained the weight back, after having kids, etc. but were back on the exercise/diet regimen again. Anyway, I was surprised to see how well most of them had done.

sunnyside1213 said...

This is written in Ted Speak. I really couldn't follow it.

PotPourri said...

Honestly, I don't like biggest loser too much. Jillian is such a turnoff and thinks she can't be replaced.

lanasyogamama said...

I heart Jillian and you can't stop me.

kathrynnova said...

that's quite alright enty, re the updates etc. you did so much for the blind reveals, you totally deserved a week of easy blogging!

didn't read the rest of this cause i've never seen the show.


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