Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This actress who is B/C list (mostly television) wants a role in an upcoming buzz-worthy film so much that she decided to follow in the footsteps of another popular actress. She had heard about an A lister who had iced her nipples before auditions to get the part. Our actress did this before her audition but apparently didn’t think it through and put the ice on the outside of her shirt. When she walked in to say her lines the director asked, “Ummm, are you leaking?”


RocketQueen said...

The A-lister is Aniston. That's all I know. ;)

bflogurl said...

No. I call bullshit. No one is that stupid.

Linnea said...

If only I had a penny for every time that I have thought that and been proven wrong.

MISCH said...

Elizabeth Taylor used to do this before she walked out at an event...but really who could be that dumb?

EatMyDirtyAsshole said...

Maniston's nips are spectacular

EatMyDirtyAsshole said...

I would fuck Maniston

Seachica said...

Is it just me, or has the troll quotient been skyrocketing lately?

bflogurl said...

I really like the username above. Wow. WTF?

crila16 said...

If this isn't BS...it's Blake Lively.

RocketQueen said...

valerie - Sigh I know. I think it's just one troll though, it's always the same type of picture and comments. Not terribly original either. It'll be deleted eventually, is my guess.

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Astrid said...

The first person that popped into my mind was Minka Kelly.

Sarah J. MacManus said...

That's all I got.

crila16 said...

It's so sad that people become so needy for attention that they become trolls. Instead of taking the positive route and being liked for offering some intelligent feedback, they take the negative road and try to annoy like a bratty little sibling. They're people (or kids rather) who are bored, lonely and desperate for attention.

Uhhhh... said...

Michele Trachtenberg or whatever. I am too lazy to look up the spelling.

caydian said...

It's Spring Break.

Luvtheblinds said...

Hahahahahahaha...I never heard anything so funny...Jean Harlow used to do this...who does it now and does it wrong, I have no idea...but I would have loved to see the look on her face at the Director's question...

The Nightmare Child said...

Leighton Meester.

Please...please...please let it be Leighton Meester.

Anonymous said...

OMG @ troll

Why is it that idiots like these come to decent blogs instead of going to their own perverted ones?

Chrissy Buns said...

hahahaha, oh my word, what a silly girl!

*ps* don't feed the trolls and they will go awaaaay

Agent Sometimes said...

i'm on the blake lively bandwagon. for some reason her name screamed out at me when i read this.

mooshki said...

Somebody just watched Showgirls.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Seriously. These blinds CANNOT be real.

sunnyside1213 said...

Anna Lyn McCord?

Robert said...

Fucking classic! If this blind is real, who could actually be that dumb?

lzahart said...

Amoteafloat- I'm with you. The A-lister is Aniston we all know that, but i can't imagine anyone being that dumb to not realize it would get water on the outside of your blouse if you did it that way. MAYBE Anna Lynne McCord? Just because she really does seem that dumb. Otherwise I think this is kind of bs.

Spanksy said...

Why does everyone know that the A-lister is Aniston? there must have been some barely blind item from before about her doing this that I missed? Or did she admit to this in an interview? Anyone want to clue me in?

weezy said...

It's *not* Aniston. She's been very clever about marketing her chestal area. It was written years ago that when she was starting out, she showed other actresses how to slip chicken cutlets into her bra to fill out her shape.

Also, there's plenty of film out there of her as a lead. She wouldn't need to take this sort of meeting.

Finally, she's a NY girl who went to LaGuardia (performing arts) high school. She probably learned the (correct) ice cube technique at age 13.

RocketQueen said...

@weezy - we're saying the A lister is Aniston, not the one meeting the director.
@Lisa - yes, it's been around for a few years. Her nips are tweaked in a lot of promo photos and they were always tweaked on Friends :)

Mango said...

AnnaLynn McCord. I'm quite convinced she's that stupid. Although I really want it to be Blake Lively.

Ranx said...

Do BuzzFoto just have a list of blonde jokes they are trying to pass off as blinds?

Lauren said...

LOL @ Ranx's comment.

crila16 said...

A-lister is definitely Aniston, but no...this definitely can't be real. I think that the "not so bright" actress would have noticed the wet spots on her shirt before going into the audition. No one is that stupid. Also, I'm sure she would have gone to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to make sure it was working, as opposed to doing it in the waiting room where the receptionist or assistant was probably waiting with her. This is a BS blind item.

weezy said...

Folks, my apologies. I had a bad day yesterday and didn't read the article all the way through. I agree the dim bulb is probably McCord. Not sure A-lister is Aniston though, just because it sounds like something so many actresses would do -- that's a long list. Thanks for your patience.

Sherry said...

Why didn't she just pinch them? that's what we would do!

sunnyside1213 said...

Buttons sewn inside your bra works better than ice.


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