Friday, June 03, 2011

Jack The Monkey vs Spider Cats

What do you get when you cross a 4 year old girl and Jack The Monkey? A great story.

What happens when kittens are running around like crazy and climb up a wall? They realize they are out of their element and crawl down very, very slowly.


SusanB said...

The wall those cats are on - what are they made of that their claws would stick so well? I do love cat videos though!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

D'aaaaaaAAAAAWW! Is there ANYthing better than a kitten?!

Okay. Is there anything better than an entire *litter* of kittens?

pwner said...

i think the bottom kitten got the raw deal on that little experiment :)

Cindy said...

The wall is probably that linen stuff that used to be so popular.

My kittens don't bother with the wall, they like my legs better. Ow.

RocketQueen said...

lol pwner

Patty said...

Awww, poor Jack.

lunaire said...

One of my cat thinks I'm a tree sometimes.

mooshki said...

Ida - yes, a pile of puppies. :)

Maja With a J said...

Or a pile of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

Patty said...

I respectfully disagree. A pile of Betty Crocker Brownies FTW! ;)

MISCH said...

I think the walls are covered in fabric, they do that a lot in Europe....
As for the little girl...I can see her pitching ideas in New York or L.A in just a few years...

Merlin D. Bear said...

And here I thought it was spectacular when my cat daughter hit 7 feet on a jump chasing the laser spot.
Those two win. Hands down.
I'm just never showing the video to her though...she'll try to outdo them just because she can.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Re the little girl, I agree with MISCH... but given the dearth of creativity in Hollywood and New York these days, I'm thinking that career's already kicking off.

Anotheramy said...

This is what happens when LiLo stays home and Arnold sticks with the kids hes got.

ardleighstreet said...

The little girl reminds me of a baby version of Carole Kane. :)

PM said...

enty - I like seeing your posted videos, Thanks!

and also, i'm just so glad that you're back to your more regular posting. I've been a loyal reader for many years, and about a month ago I was really worried that we had lost you. A lot of readers appreciate your funny, honest point of view... this website has been number 1 for me since the beginning and I have yet to find another website that compares. I know you'll possibly burn out eventually, and you're human so that's allowed. Just hold off until we have a program that will allow your brain to write while you're asleep (I saw it in Tommyknockers, so I'm sure it'll come true)


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