Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Zooey Singing The National Anthem At The World Series Tonight

Has anyone ever seen Zooey Deschanel sing the national anthem anywhere? I know she can sing, but performing the national anthem is tough as it is and to do it your first time in front of a live crowd of 50,000 and a television audience in the tens of millions does not make it any easier. Considering her show is a hot on FOX and the series is on FOX, this is pretty much a no brainer for the network, but I don't know how Zooey is handling the nerves. It is a tough song to sing and the thing is when you goof it up and lots of people have, then YouTube shows your goof for a very very long time. Brave person The Zooey. Hmm, I have now covered two people from Elf this week. Where is a Peter Dinklage story when I need one? Thank goodness for Christmas Vacation being on CMT last night and giving me an alternative to throwing things at the television. I do think Christmas movies before Halloween though might be pushing it.


chopchop said...

Can't watch the World Series since my Brew Crew aren't in it. :-(

BrandieMarie said...

i love zooey and LOVE she & him, but don't think she's got a national anthem voice. could be interesting.

Ms Cool said...

@chopchop - I hear you.

I'm interested in hearing her do it. I hope she doesn't make it cutesy. I love She and Him, too. said...

Hopefully she has a Xanax handy.

Clair said...

She'll do great.

brakewater said...

can someone tell me when/why Ent started blogging on the weekend? i'm just curious.

And I am stoked about Zooey - Go rangers!

Upside Downunder said...

Nice spelling slip there Enty, she definitely is hot on Fox and I hear her show is a hit too!

0 said...

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Zooey and think she's gorgeous and a fab actress... but her singing voice is horrible. Just awful. I cringe everytime her "cotton" commercial is on tv, and in nearly every movie where they work in a bit or her singing. I just can't stand her singing voice at all.

Focus on acting, honey.

Princess said...

Exactly what 0 said above - her voice makes me cringe and that cotton commercial is hideous with her singing. There is one small part where she is so ridiculously off key, everyone I know points it out every time the commercial is on. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

GoGo said...
Kudos to The Zooey!

Chrissy Buns said...

she will do just dandy. that cotton commercial is TERRIBLE, but i love She and Him. she doesn't always sound so 'kermit-the-froggy'!

mooshki said...

She has a wonderful, unique voice, I just don't think she's found the right kind of song to sing yet.

PollyPureBred said...

I thought she did a GREAT job! No snark here.

cara said...

She started in an octave so low that she could sing the high notes cause she has no range. The lower notes were faint, cuz she can't go that low. I love She and Him. Those songs fit her voice.

Rolf said...
she did a decent job.

MISCH said...

I'm not so sure, does she have the range for a song like this ?

sassyyankee said...

She hit it out of the park.

Feisty said...

I thought she did a great job. Her outfit, on the other hand, was fricking weird.

Sherry said...

She was passable. Did better than I thought she would do.

RocketQueen said...

I agree with everyone who cringes at that cotton commercial - her voice is just awful in that.

MnGddess said...

Her voice makes me cringe. I wouldn't watch it anyway. I'm still in mourning. Why, Cliff Lee? Why???


GO RANGERS!!! (And that's the only time I will be rooting for any team from Texas.)

Lelaina Pierce said...

I LOVE her voice, esp. in She & Him.

I think the Cotton commercials are stupid, though.


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