Sunday, November 27, 2011

Miley Cyrus Admits She Is A Pothead

Earlier this week I showed you some photos from Miley Cyrus' birthday party. Well, The Daily has a video from the birthday party when Kelly Osbourne presents Miley with a Bob Marley cake. Miley then goes on to say “You know you’re a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake — you know you smoke way too much f***in’ weed.”

Miley's parents were at the party. They must be so proud. I would not be shocked if the whole family sat around smoking it while they watch Noah dancing around in her new lingerie line. To see the video, click here.


shehlaS said...
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strawberrygirl said...

Oh, who cares. I'll be concerned once she starts snorting lines. I don't care what anyone says, weed isnt a big deal. And this is coming from someone who has never touched a drug!

selenakyle said...

I'm also in the "thank Jah that's ALL she's into" category.

But still.....for the parents of young, impressionable fans, this type of sound bite getting around is not so good, IMO.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I don't think Billy Ray or Trish really care. And like the others say, at least it's just pot. (We hope).

shehlaS said...


I agree, sends a not so great message to the youth.

childeroland said...

So she smokes pot, so what?

msgirl said...

Sheesh, non story here. A 19 yo smoking weed? How unusual! As long as someone isn't psychologically addicted and must constantly be high, nothing to see here, moving along...

FrenchGirl said...

not the best message to the very young kids but it's only pot

Now! said...

We had a traffic accident down the street over the weekend, where a 25-year-old otherwise law-abiding guy stoned on pot drove through a pedestrian crossing without stopping and killed a 10-year-old girl, critically injuring her mother at the same time. Three lives ruined, not to mention all the people who love them.

I don't buy the "just pot" thing any more than I buy the "just booze" thing. If someone was giving her a cake featuring Dean Martin because she was drunk all the time, I'd think it was pretty pathetic as well.

RenoBlondee said...

Agree with all of you lovely CDAN'ers!

Anonymous said...

I roll my eyes at youth. But really, what teenager didn't do this and think they were a total pothead and identify with Bob Marley. I'm embarrassed of the idiot things I said and did. I don't regret 'em but I'm embarrassed.

msgirl said...

Nutty - the problem with pot bought off the streets these days is it can be cut with other ingredients that are Not Good. That's a terribly tragic incident.

However, everyone I know who indulged in pot in their youth never ever did any other drugs. And there's never been violence or crime associated with pot, you can't say the same about liquor. Alcohol is far more dangerous.

feraltart said...

Friend of the family had a son who smoked pot, only took a couple of times for him to have a psychotic break brought about by pot use, inducing schizophrenia, and ending in suicide. Pot is not a soft drug.

Cheryl said...

I think the real problem is that Disney and her people shoved this girl in everybody's faces as a role model and idol. She shouldn't have to live up to that image, especially such a false one, but I can understand if the parents of her fans are upset.

That said, I never allowed Hannah Montana in my house and I try to keep my kids away from Bieber and all that garbage.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

I agree with the others saying "at least it's only pot.".

She could be doing so much worse. I'd be a million times more disappointed seeing/hearing [about] her getting tanked.

I do agree also, though, that using the cliche' 'I <3 Bob Marley, therefore I = stoner' crap is kind of cute/annoying. She'll grow out of it and start to give more props to the more recent and also great potheads of our time.

I like what @Cheryl said, too. :D

karen said...

@feraltart: I wanted to say the same. Smoking weed can trigger psychoses and other illnesses. A friend of mine smoked pot which triggered a manic phase. He thought he could fly and almost jumped to death. Had to be hospitalized for two weeks in a closed institution. Is on lithium now for the rest of his life. Naw, pot is not a soft drug.

parissucksliterally said...

The only problem I have with her smoking pot is that she is supposed to be a singer, and smoking ruins your voice.

I smoked for many years, and can sing pretty well. After years of smoking, my high notes were GONE. Now that I have stopped, they actually are coming back.

I think her voice sucks, but if that is supposedly the way you make money, why would risk ruining it?

Jasmine said...

I agree with the bloggers who say pot is not a innocuously soft drug.

Yes, many people can smoke it and never try other drugs again.

However I believe those that are chronic users ARE altered personality wise from this drug.

My father has been smoking pot for the last 35+ years, off and on pretty consistantly. I jokingly/seriously refer to him as Zombie Dad sometimes because the guy just has a numbed/dulled out sense of shit. His emotions and reactions to things are just not ever really present. I also think it's affected his ablity to really form and maintain healthy relationsships with people.

I know I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack for this but my experience with growing up with a pothead dad as well as seeing my peers smoke is the commonality between this 'soft drug' and alchohol and other drugs is all the same. When you're a chronic pot user I dont get a shit what excuse you give about it being all natural or something you tell people you do to relax- you are using it as a way to not deal with your life/your emotions/etc. and because of this I think using it regularly is not good.

That being said, I DO advocate for marijuana to be legal- if only because it will hopefully induce revenue for the states and I dont think the govt should be telling us how to live our life- if smoking and drinking is legal, so too should pot be.

But I'm fucking sick of people saying pot isnt as bad as the other addictive, life altering stuff. Because it can be.

Jasmine said...

*I dont GIVE a shit...

canadachick said...

ugh my 13 year old niece IDOLIZES her ...seriously she needs an intervention -my niece not Miley ha

Jessie said...

That explains why she's been so low key lately.

mooshki said...

So, basically, you guys are saying pot is almost as dangerous as alochol.

Rose said...

Lol Mooshki.

shehlaS said...
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timebob said...

so basically she is admitting it wasn't Salvia in that bong but weed.

But she isn't tethered to the Disney machine anymore and not everybody who smokes pot is a zombie.

I think she was trying to show off a bit and make a joke. Really not a big deal she is over 18.

Alicia said...

As long as you don't drive on it..pot is just fine IMO

As with all substances that change or alter your state ( caffeine anyone? ) there is a thing called : moderation. I run a cafe and I have tons of people come in who love coffee but can't drink it because of what it does to their system. ( jitters, anxiety, insomnia etc etc )

Everything has its time and place.

19 years old and smoking weed? Sure no problem. She will go through her pothead phase, embrace the culture and have fun with it for a while. Then she will quit or not quit. There are many functioning stoners in society who can smoke daily and even balance a check book (!) without any major incidents other than losing their keys from time to time.

And there are lovely things called vaporizers and tinctures and even lollipops that can give you the same effect without ruining your lungs..

Now I am off to the pantry because I have a sudden case of the munchies..

Henriette said...

For all those who say pot is not too bad, please see the above post about George Michael. He too has advocated that pot is a "safe" drug. Look how well that has turned out for him.

mooshki said...

Henriette, I don't think pot is the cause of George's problems. He has issues with a capital ish.

Skinny said...

Kelly Osbourne has jumped on twatter to defend Miley saying they where just making a joke about the salvia incident. I don't buy it.

Everything in moderation. If it's not negatively impacting on your life or your loved oned, whats the harm? A lot of people seem to have a very black and white view of drugs. I've known a few people who smoke weed everyday and you wouldn't even know! I used to work with a woman in her late 50s who would have a couple cones before work every day, I couldn't do it but it worked for her!

Weed is a soft drug and IMO causes less problems than alcohol. If I have a glass of wine when I'm stressed thats fine but if I have a cone for the same reason, because I'm using drugs it's an unhealthy coping strategy? If you're in the headspace to develop a crutch in life, you will. Whether its drugs and alcohol or gambling, eating, cutting, eating disorders etc.

I'm rambling now. I am just of the opinion that people have the right to go to the devil any way they please (so long as they are not hurting others). I don't judge what route people feel they need to take.

Lux Luthor said...

This actually makes me like Miley just a smidge.

cheesegrater15 said...

Big deal. Pot should be legalized. Hell, if everything was legalized, there wouldn't be a drug war.

Legalize it, then tax the hell out of it like cigs.

Sherry said...

I don't think pot is bad either but like anything, moderation is the key. I try to like pot but just cannot do it. Wine, that's another story.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Last year on her birthday there was the bong incident. This was just a nod to that...the cake, the stoner comment. I think it was just a joke. Either way, who cares!

Maja With a J said...

I think pot should be legal. Having said that, I don't smoke it myself anymore (unless I can't sleep) because it gives me serious brain fog. I prefer to be clear headed. And I kind of agree with Jasmine - if you smoke pot every day, if you feel like you HAVE to smoke pot every day, you kind of have a problem. My brother in law is completely unable to quit. When he tries, he gets panic attacks, sweats, gets aggressive,etc. I know it may not be physically addictive in the same way heroin or even alcohol, but I do think it can be just AS addictive.

Also, I absolutely loathe hanging out with stoned people. Which is why I never smoke pot unless it's just about bedtime. I would hate to subject anyone to Stoned Maja.

Maja With a J said...

Incidentally, my name is slang for marijuana in Swedish.

Henriette said...

I'm sure his pot problem is a contributing factor to his other problems.

Here is the deal, pot, like alcohol, can be addictive to certain people. These people don't know it until they try it. I know so MANY pot heads that talk about how they are not hooked, and they are just fine BUT talk to their loved ones and it is a different story. I think many pot heads are like alcoholics, in denial.

Personally, I think all drugs should be legal so they can be taxed.

RocketQueen said...

I agree with you, Jasmine. I smoked for years myself but know too many potheads who have just checked out of life and now "need" to smoke every day - some first thing in the morning to get their day started. It may not be "harmful" or "violent", but it's an addiction nonetheless, and pretty sad when I look at a couple of my pothead friends. They have zero energy or motivation to do anything except sit around and play video games.


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