Sunday, January 08, 2012

Katy Perry Tells Her Parents To Be Quiet

Apparently the news that her parents were using Katy Perry's divorce as a way to get more people to show up at church did not sit well with their daughter. Katy Tweeted that no one speaks for her, including her family. At least her parents did have her best interests at heart. They did pass out free samples of her perfume.

The problem is that when Katy has spoken for herself in the past she has always lied. For months and months she said that everything was great in her marriage and that people like me and other tabloids were wrong and that Russell had never cheated and they were this idyllic couple. So, why should we listen to anything you say if you are not going to tell the truth?


FrenchGirl said...

who cares about the truth? only the gossip is fun!

Anonymous said...

The real question is why should we care what she says?

But taking a stand on Twitter is always the most respectable path.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Perhaps she didn't see it as "lying" so much as "not telling the whole story" or "telling it this way because maybe that'll make it really happen"? I mean, I can certainly understand not wanting to tell the world "Yup, my marriage is heading right down the crapper, just like you all said it would!" How many civilians have we known who did something similar, and who didn't have millions of people gossiping about them? I'll give both her & Russell a pass on that one. And yes, methinks she's more than a little annoyed about her parents' stunt, and however many friends spilling the beans for $$, which is also understandable.

(Sometimes I think we tend to forget that celebrities, when all is said & done, really are just people, and fuck up in all the same ways the rest of us do, albeit on a much bigger, brighter stage. Contract marriages? Bearding? Fake pregnancies? Religious spats between friends/family members? Putting out the "party line" when the reality is very different? Yep, yep, yep, yep and yep again. "The colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady are sisters under the skin.")

EmEyeKay said...

I'll admit that even tho I don't give a rip about her, I thought less of her when the divorce news came out, b/c she was so adamant that it wasn't true. Why lie? I suppose she has reasons I'm not privy to, but still...

Del Riser said...

This isn't tops on my "wants to know list." I think she lied while she and Russell worked out the details, who would do the filing etc.
Her folks are scary, I was on guard when I saw her Dad's shiny suit. He looks like a man who now thinks HE is the reason people come to his church.
Katy should watch Jimmy Fallon, Maybe she'd think Russell was cute and funny again.

Bridget said...

I agree that her parents are scary. I saw an article on Radar the other day (I know, I know) that said that her parents were making anti-Semitic remarks at one of their church tours. If it is true, they are assholes.

Cheryl said...

Not a fan of the parents but she seems the type to throw them under the bus when the truth gets a little inconvenient.

annabella said...

yes, the anti-semitic remarks of her parents along w/their obviously using her name for their own benefit creeps me out.

so, lying about her divorce or not, I feel badly for her because she is getting a divorce and because of how her parents are.

mooshki said...

"Contract marriages? Bearding? Fake pregnancies?"

Jeepers, what kind of friends do you have, Robin?! ;)

lutefisk said...

T least they were thoughtful enough to give out samples of her perfume.

zeldafitzgerald said...

How is it any of your business whether she tells the truth or not?

Bit dams said...

my family was ALL OVER my divorce. i think its natural, they want to do something and taking is kind of all they can do.

why do any of you post things like "its not your/my business" what celebs are doing ON THIS SITE? this whole site; pretty much ONLY things that are not anyones business! thats why we're here. we can't read this anywhere else. who's serewing who, who had an abortion, who is gay, who OD'd, who is about to have a breakdown. none of that is our business! but we all come here to talk about it anyway, don't we?

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Katy lied about her marriage ending? I would have lied, too. Most people walk down the aisle with the thought that they have found the one, that they'll grow old with this person. So when it comes crashing down, like many in the gossiping business said it would, why expect Katy to stand up and say "You were right about my doomed marriage all along!" I'll wager she's not a glutton for self-punishment.

She did what almost everyone would do in that position: try to fix the situation and failing on that, dodging questions until most of the legalities are resolved. It doesn't make Katy a bad person, but rather, just a person with frailities like the rest of us.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Mooshki: I'm not necessarily referring to my own personal friends (although God only knows they have their own quirks). ;-)

Out in the "real" world, though, there are plenty of people obviously marrying for money or position, and while they may not have actual contracts a la GMD, some of the prenups out there might as well be contracts, not to mention all the finagling people do to get around said prenup. Plenty of women have claimed to be pregnant to snare or keep a guy, and while most of them drop the pretense eventually, a few don't and then have to scramble for a baby, sometimes with horrifying results. (Google "Bobbi Jo Stinnett" and I think you'll agree that wearing a pillow and adopting, while ridiculous, is a hell of a lot better all around.) And yes, there are still people out there who use the appearance of a heterosexual marriage to hide their gayness; sometimes their spouses are in on the deal, sometimes not. (I had a gay roommate years ago who was only partly joking when he said he should find a nice lesbian & settle down so they both could have kids.) And let's not forget that you don't have to be famous to get away with murder (sometimes literally)--just well-placed/rich/represented by a really good attorney.

There's something called Rule 34 of the Internet, which is that, if you can think of something, no matter how horrifying, someone somewhere is making porn out of it. Perhaps there needs to be another rule suggesting that, no matter how over-the-top any given situation involving celebrities is, someone somewhere is probably doing the exact same thing, or as close as they can come, given that they probably don't have as much money, influence, etc.

Anyway, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. ;-)

Jessie said...

She probably wanted some control over how the divorce was announced. It's annoying when someone else tells everyone your news.

surfer said...

Katy owes us absolutely nothing. It couldn't have been easy trying to work things out (whichever way) with all the media attention.

And good for her for calling out her parents. That's pretty shitty to be using your child for publicity.

Henriette said...

I think her and Brandt should've just kept their traps shut. People CAN live out of the public eye, but they CHOSE to profess their undying love. Idiots.

Chrissy Buns said...

I have a hard time with her, solely based on that 'diddled her skittle' thing in her twitter's funny and somehow slightly disturbing...

Anonymous said...

@ Henriette: I get your point, but that's no different from regular people pretending to still be in love around family and friends while all the time, they fight like cats and dogs at home. Are those people idiots? Would you call someone in your circle an idiot if they did the same thing>

Not taking up for Katy, obviously, But I don't see the difference, other than the scope on which the information is known.

BigMama said...

I find it terribly sad when I read a celebrities parent is using something that they actually do have the right to privacy about, to gain something for themselves. She lied, I did too when I got divorced. I didn't want to have to explain myself and didn't want to look stupid if we ended up working it out after all

Henriette said...

@Layna Day
Yeah, I would call someone in my inner circle who did this an idiot too, but they are not in the public eye. They will not be doing interviews about their private lives nor do they have press agents. Other celebs have stated they do not speak of their private lives and that has been accepted. These two windbags chose to put their relationship on display.

Anonymous said...

@Henriette: I'll agree to disagree. :-)

RocketQueen said...

I don't see the point in lying, either. The truth is going to come out when you divorce, so you just look like a liar for denying it. Why not just refuse to comment? I'd respect that a lot more.

Kraymond19 said...

I can't even imagine what it's like to be in their position. No matter what, a breakup or divorce is painful & complicated. I was with someone for 9 years & a "public figure" in some areas/genres. We kept our breakup secret for months afterward out of respect for each other.

Timing & healing is everything. It's hard to let go sometimes... whether for fear of losing friends or "family". You never know how things will turn out & sometimes you need just one heartbreak at a time.

Ugh... might be the most personal thing i've ever spilled.


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