Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Had Open Alcohol In Car

Oh Lindsay, you just make it really hard on yourself don't you? Apparently Lindsay had a bunch of booze in a water bottle. You know, so people will think she is sober. It was probably going to be a pick me up at work. Look at Lindsay working hard and only taking breaks for water. How come she only takes water breaks with that bottle? The bottle was found in the debris field of the car accident. I'm sure she will say that someone threw the bottle out the window and it just ended up right next to where all the parts to her car were strewn about. Crazy how these things always happen to Lindsay. Can you imagine if she had been drinking from the bottle prior to the crash? Why would she even chance doing anything like that? Is her drinking that out of control even now?


Another Josh said...

DNA don't lie.

AKM said...

I know addiction is a terrible beast that's difficult to stare down and fight, but...come on. Granted, I guess she just hasn't hit her own personal rock bottom yet. Still...

Brooke Wheeler said...

HOW does she keep getting acting jobs? Wouldn't watch her again if you paid me!!

Ms Cool said...

There are trees in the forest.

angie said...

I read that it was found in the trunk and she passed a breathalyzer test which is why she wasn't charged. Still, she clearly loves pushing the envelope and I believe it's only a matter of time until she trips herself up for reals.

Barton Fink said...

My quality of life was measurably lowered by watching I FUG WHO FUGGED ME or whatever that crap movie she made was called. She's the worst. Stick a pitchfork in her and throw her back into the Abyss -- she's done!

crila16 said...

Oh Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay.

Maja With a J said...

There won't be any consequences. She'll keep doing what she's doing.

FSP said...

She's gonna end up dead. Soon.

anita_mark said...

Again, I'm so entertained by this.

nunaurbiz said...

What FSP said (or if not her, someone else as a result of her recklessness)

cheesegrater15 said...


parissucksliterally said...

she is such a fucking asshole.

we all KNOW she is not sober. I wish the stupid fucking JUDGE would see that too.

auntliddy said...

I really hate to say it, but this girl is looking hopeless. She needs to go to s facility, detox, get mental help from someone whis gonna call her on her shit. Then shld be evaluated for mental illness. Then mb medicated. Maybe!! But never happen because she miles and miles and miles up the river da nile.

Not A Ninny said...

I can't believe that the producers didn't shutter the set on Monday. I guess they've got enough takes in the can to think they can wrap before she gets arrested or otherwise implodes.

MISCH said...

How low does this idiot have to go ? Before she wises up ?
Don't think it will ever happen...

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahaaaaa! I love what crila16 said oh lindsay lindsay lindsay. Just grow a brain and drink at home. Then stay home go to sleep go to work in the am and do it all over again. Like everyone else does you dimwit.

EmEyeKay said...

If she gets busted for this, I lose the CDAN bet. I said mid-summer.

Dammit. Glad there wasn't any money riding on this.

Oh, and... IDIOT.

goheels83 said...

Like someone said yesterday, I'm past the point of caring about her. But this made me solidly laugh out loud. Oh Lindsay, you never cease to amaze.

CantHaveMyPurse said...

"Why would she even chance doing anything like that? Is her drinking that out of control even now?"


Because the law doesn't DO anything to her. Because she keeps skating on all these DUI, theft, drug and boozing arrests. Because she's the same idiot who writes "Fuck You" on her fingernail while being brought before a judge. Why do you think she keeps doing these things?????

/rant off...oh yeah, and I still don't care... LOL

nolachickee said...

I can't believe that a Lifetime movie could afford the insurance to employ this trick. And every time she claims to be sober she does the water bottle "trick". Like she's fooling anyone. Bitch please.

old ;ady said...

Maybe she passed because she is not drinking the stuff. I kid you not I saw Law & Order SVU, last night and this lady was taking it up the butt. Could LiLo be using the same trick. We do know she is a trick.

Jemtastic said...

I admit to being morbidly fascinated by this train wreck but she's bound to hurt an innocent person someday. While the courts protect Lindsay, who's protecting the public from her?

Jessi said...

I seriously despise this woman! And yes she is going to hurt some innocent person soon and this is what sickens me the most! So state of California and Hollywood lets continue to enable her!!!

MnGddess said...

A great deal of the blame goes to the LA Judicial System that lets her commit crimes all over town without consequence.

New Life and Attitude said...

My soon to be ex did the same thing with the water bottles. When the people at the rehab that he had "graduated" from and was then staying on as a "mentor" packed his belongings after he had been arrested for attacking me and being drunk they found water bottles under his bed that still had little bits of vodka and gin in them.

I agree - she is going to end up dead soon.

MadLyb said...

The water bottle was in the trunk because the cleanup crew threw it in there - before that, it was part of the crash, so she obviously had it in the car with her.

She's going to kill someone, and come out unscathed. That's where this is headed. She'll probably take out a whole family next time. :(

Hendrix said...

@Donner, you are so right! She hasn't "hit bottom" because no one will let her! She knows (it's been proven by experience now) that no matter what she does, she will some how weasel out of it and be given "one more chance."

To hit bottom some people really have to hit it. As in, they lose everything. Only then do they see that they are licked.

I think she's a borderline personality or even a bit of a sociopath as well as an addict/alcoholic. She WILL NOT CHANGE until people stop enabling her. LIFETIME and the movie's producer attached her to the script SOLELY FOR THE TRAINWRECK VALUE of guaranteed ratings. (SNL & Glee were examples of how people will still tune in to watch her.) That in itself is enabling as well!

What I don't get is, I don't think she was THAT great an actress to begin with. She was a bit of a savant as a child actress, but as a woman had not shown any evidence that she was growing or improving in her craft. She told one friend that she was the most talented actress ever born, that it all came naturally and that she'd never need classes or training. That laziness showed in the last things she did before her total melt down.

Moosefan said...

This trick AGAIN!

angie said...

@MadLyb, thanks for clarifying. I gave Lilo more credit than she deserves.

Susan said...

This bitch still has a drivers license?!?! What the fuck with this country? I mean I love me my America, but our systems of law are so fucked up sometimes. Guess you need to kill somebody to be locked up. .... Oh wait, that doesn't really mater either. Case in point: Casey Anthony.

MadLyb said...

@angel - The stories didn't make it very clear, but it was definitely part of the wreckage sweep that ended up in the trunk. I still don't get why she wasn't charged with open container, but I'm guessing they don't want to bother after the fact.

The truck driver should've taken the money because the odds are very high that she will get off scott-free once again, and will probably end up suing him and win, LOL.

ghost said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ghost said...

MadLyb said...

"She's going to kill someone, and come out unscathed. That's where this is headed. She'll probably take out a whole family next time. :("

Here's hoping the family she takes out with her are the Kardashians. Several birds, one stone.

Maja With a J said...

"What I don't get is, I don't think she was THAT great an actress to begin with. She was a bit of a savant as a child actress, but as a woman had not shown any evidence that she was growing or improving in her craft"


car54 said...

i am so tired of this lying addicted thieving idiot. way too many chances and way too many lapses. lock her up and throw away the key for a couple of years. i don't really care any more how talented she supposedly is.


Brenda L said...

@Hendrix, she's a sociopath. The only thing that is going to change about Lindsay is the quality of people that she finds to enable her. She'll always find someone though.

Dead Angel said...

*falls on the ground in shock* You mean Lindsay's a liar and full of shit? She's not a sober homebody?

Actions always speak louder than words, especially when every word out of her mouth is untrue. I wonder why anyone is hiring her at this point, what's the upside?

Anotheramy said...

Paris Hilton went away, why cant we send Lindsay off to turn tricks in foreign countries!

Mayrose said...

Who has to die for this sad person to face reality? But I doubt even that would do anything. It would be someone else's fault and she would probably get away with it. I refuse to watch this hot mess when it comes out.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Is she really a sociopath? Btw I read the other day that sociopath and psychopath are synonymous terms, which was news to me. I don't know why but in my head I've always thought of psychopaths as more violent and likely to be killers...

Unknown said...

can't wait for her reality show and her first porn gig!!

mooshki said...

I have to laugh when she or her few remaining fans say that she will someday win an Oscar. Even if she did a complete 100% turn-around in her personal life, Hendrix is right, she is a crap actress.

__-__=__ said...

There was a brain scam test that shows entirely different brain malfunctions in psychopaths, sociopaths and schizophrenics. All the psychopaths, etc. were similar within their groups.

A friend explained sociopaths know what is wrong and do it anyways. Psychopaths don't even consider it wrong to begin with. Serious brain malformations that are genetic.

1Jazzimom said...

I hope no one is injured with her selfish stunts!

youappearing said...

Borderline personalIty for sure. I second that.

Read the book 'I hate you don't leave me.' She totally reminds me of it.

Anonymous said...

She wouldnt have wanted to go to hospital if she had ETOH in her system at crash time. They can fingerprint the bottle. Case solved.


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