Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 2, 2012

This actress is fast approaching A list and made her fame in television and movies. Always seemingly nice, she also has a husband and kids. Turns out that she may love fame and publicity more than she has ever let on before. She usually will let paps know when she is leaving her home and leaves it up to them whether or not they want photos. The other day they did and she and her family walked slower than you have ever seen anyone walk just so that lots of photos could be snapped. When one of her children started crying about how long the whole process was taking, our actress sternly reminded the child that there is no crying allowed when they are being photographed by paps and to be quiet.

Alyson Hannigan


  1. A Kindness and now this?! Confused.....

  2. Well damn so much for kindness. Can't win them all I guess

  3. LE GASP!!!! No!!!!! I refuse to believe this!!!

  4. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Alyson Hannigan is fast approaching A list??

  5. Damn it Willow! Now your "kindness" just seems contrived.

  6. First a kindness and now this? I feel like it's the ending of Chinatown!! What is going on here?

  7. OH COME ON! you can't pull the football away from on Alyson now. Good Grief!

  8. What is it with the Buffy girls and calling paps.

  9. I'm kind of glad this isn't Garner or Alba. But how is Alyson fast approaching A list?

  10. Noooo next thing you know you'll be telling us she's Kaiser Sosa. I'm so confused.

    1. Love The Usual Suspects reference. :)

  11. Eh, everyone has their good and bad points. I like her so much I'm gonna coast on through this and stick with my "kindness" vision of her.

    1. I agree with you, if you go out of your way to help the homeless and you don't advertise that you did you get a pass in my book for something small like this. At least she isn't forcing planes to wait on her or fat dudes to go down on her like Rihanna does!

  12. I think I will ignore the listing given on any blind in future

  13. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Yeah this makes me think the kindness blind may have been planted or at least exaggerated or maybe this one is off base?

  14. I don't get the rating, but I am surprised.
    Maybe cuz she is a teacher on HIMYM I assumed she'd be a really sweet mom.

  15. Damn, Enty. Have us all love Alyson mere hours ago and now want us to think she's a nasty critter. Not cool, dude. Though I still love you and all of the hard work you put in every day, not to mention reveal days. Drink up and eat many strips of bacon when you're done tonight!!!

  16. I think people who are self-obsessed with their image can also be capable of great kindnesses. No one's perfect- that's a lot of pressure to put on anyone.

    Aaaaaaaaaand it's also just gossip!

  17. It's possible there are professional reasons that she wanted to be more visible at that time. She only reminded the child "sternly" about behavior in public, something I wish more parents would remember to do in some cases. In any case, the kindness way outweighs this.

  18. I do enjoy how fickle we are, we turn on celebrities so quickly!

  19. At the time, wasn't that American Pie reunion movie out? That would give a little bump in status, as would the speculation on her pregnancy. It sounds a little like Alyson is having a bit of a mid-life crisis, though. It happens even to the best of them.

  20. humans are all multifaceted and have contradictory actions. sometimes im incredibly kind and other times incredibly bitchy ;)

    1. That's what I'm sayin'! Don't we all have a bit of crazy and a bit of kindness to us?? I still love you, Alyson!

  21. HIMYM is an ensemble show I guess she has to find ways to break out of the pack. Still love her though. The family does awfully cute family halloween costumes.

  22. I'm a day ahead in the here, so belated new years, and I can honestly say no work was done by anyone, esp me.

    As far as the ratings, maybe b/cuz their fame waxes and wanes as the year goes on, so does their position ont he listing and they move around a lot?

    Ha, Kaiser Soze. Good one.

  23. @Lisa
    I was just going to add that.
    One of the most generous and nicest guys I know cheats on his wife.

  24. I agree with tmpr. I don't think this is that bad. Shouldn't all parents at least TRY to console their kids when they cry, especially in public? I know it doesn't always work, but at least make an attempt to stop your kid from screaming. People forget that part of an actor's job is staying visible. You think when all celebs get papped that it's just an accident?

  25. Nooo not Lily! She's been my fav since American Pie.

  26. As someone who deals with kids daily, maybe her kid was having a bad day and she just used the photographer excuse to get her to stop crying and behave. Kids can be trying and I've used weirder reasons to tell them to stop crying and behave.

  27. Well damn so much for kindness. Can't win them all I guess

  28. There were rumors that she was pretty mean to Amber Benson on the set of Buffy. Plus, she and SMG supposedly didn't get along, either. This doesn't surprise me. But honestly, I will forever love her for playing Willow.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm work you, @chilie, so not a big deal!

  30. Well damn.
    I guess we're all entitled to our kind and nasty moments.

  31. Wow I thought this was Jen Garner for sure! Never would have guessed Alyson, especially since there was already a blind about her. Speaking of which-There are a lot of blinds with the same people as the reveals today. I'm guessing that some people are more likely to sue than others, and Enty would rather keep revealing the people who are less likely to sue? That would make sense to me.

    This is pretty bad IMO. It's not worded as if the mother was consoling the crying child, but more like the mom was trying to keep the upset child from embarrassing her.

    1. @Krissie---And that's so bad why? Shouldn't parents be a little embarrassed when their kid makes a scene in public? Kids get upset over silly things. They shouldn't be able to do exactly what they want at all hours of the day. If my sister in law gave my 1 year old niece that luxury (no kids for me yet), she'd eat skittles at every meal and never get out of her pajamas. :) Oh well. Can't always get what you want.

  32. Why is it considered bad of her to expect her children to behave in public? That's something all parents should do. I'm not seeing this as a bad thing.

  33. Is her crapfest show still on? I thought that gimmick was so lame it wouldn't last.

  34. Well, I think it IS possible to be both a kind person AND a famewhore at the same time. So she wanted her child to not make a scene in public, especially since people were looking. My parents were the same and we weren't famous with people taking our pictures.

  35. This makes me sad. Why Willow, why?

  36. Think of it this way - free family portraits and no need to make the trip to Sears :)

  37. I like how Enty said that they were walking slower than anyone has ever walked before - too funny!! I still like her, though. ;-)

  38. I do remember that once, on the ramdom photos, there was one of her and her husband, and Enty's description said something like "AH and husband go out while their youngest infant is in the hospital".

  39. Things that make you go hmmm...

    It's always the quiet ones...

    Though I am sure at one point or another they all call the paps.

  40. I can't speak for everyone but the reason I personally think this is lousy on the mother's part is because it's not about discipling the kid; it's only about image. Of course you should teach your kids to behave, but you are supposed to do that because it's the right thing to do, not because you want good pictures of yourself and your spawn in "Us" magazine.

  41. Okay - Nonsense.

    1) She's always seeming nice.
    2) But she may like money and fame based on she occassionally tells paps when she's leaving her house?

    That's literally nothing - Every actress does that and most do it alot more.

    3) She told her child not to cry in front of the paps.

    Visit a walmart in my town and see what those moms do when their kid starts crying in public.

    Sounds like a complete non issue, even if true.

  42. As a celebrity, Alyson's in a different position than the general public is.

    If one of my (3) kids were to cry in public, it's not such a big deal. If a celebrity's child is photographed crying, there is a danger that the crying child could become a news item, and there are probably better things than having your name associated with a crying child.

    It sounds as if: it was just going to be a relatively short time that the children had to be quiet, that the children were prepared in advance, and that they have likely been through it before. If it's good for mom's job to have everyone getting along in public, that's a factor too.

    The reason given in the blind for the crying was impatience with the photographic process. The child wasn't: hungry, needing to go to the bathroom, crying bc of abuse or in pain. He or she was bored, which is not unusual bc they have short attention spans.

    There's nothing wrong, in my opinion, with Alyson asking the child to stop crying. She reminded the child why, and it was implied that it was a family rule that was usually obeyed.

    Being quiet at appropriate times is a social skill that everyone has to learn. Even learning to control his or her emotions for a short length of time is a good social skill, in my opinion.

    The child was probably amply rewarded afterward.

    1. I agree tuxedo . It is like any other non celebrity parent expecting their child to behave in social situations . Lord knows my kids have acted up in public and I have asked/told them they need to behave until the activity is over . I can't hate on her for being a normal parent who is trying to make sure her kids learn how to behave in society .

    2. And ps . My kids are ALWAYS rewarded for good behavior . I feel like that is the best parenting strategy I have . haha

  43. I don't get why this one is so bad. It's a little sad that she's calling the paps, but maybe she wants to have control of when they photograph her ? I definitely don't think it's bad she Is disciplining her child. When kids cry in public, they make the parents potentially look bad to others. Children should treat their parents with respect and not make them look bad.

  44. I still love her, this isnt as bad as some of the behaviour of those with loads less talent.

    (and solitarity for redheads:)

  45. I also work with children daily, and I wish more parents would teach their children how to behave. Too many let their children have absolute fits in public without doing anything, and who wants to hear that? Not to say that I know the circumstance, and I think it's a little shitty for any celebrity to call paparazzi for photo-ops, but I agree with the above posters about how a photo of a crying child can be misconstrued in the media.

  46. Isn't HIMYM starting to wind down? Have no idea how many seasons they have left, but it seems it's nearing the end. If that's the case, she might want to put herself out there so she can land some new work.

    There was video of her on Halloween that was awesome! They took the kids trick-or-treating, and she wore a big, goofy costume (a dragon or dinosaur, I think.) She seemed like a great mom there; a lot of celebrity moms might dress up as something sexier, so I give her benefit of the doubt.

  47. Maybe she knows HIMYM is ending and she needs a new gig.

  48. This makes me love her more. Not only she is kind to poor people, but also a good mother.
    Her children won't be the spoiled ones whose cryings or whinings I'm used to suffer whenever I go outside my house.

  49. Ha! To those of you who thought this was my beloved Jennifer Garner.

  50. They all call the paps! No biggie!

  51. You could easily write a good and bad story about most of us each week. I gave to charity over Christmas and I also had an argument with a friend at a restaurant. So which person am I? Both.

  52. I think that's a large part of why she and SMG never got along, they each had their ups and downs throughout Buffy's run and were clearly competitive with one another.

  53. She has been in the news a lot with her family. I'm really shocked it's her; she comes across so nice and unaffected by the Hollywood hype.

  54. I didn't see this...at all...
