Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blind Item #3

It is one thing if you are paying some guy to basically be a boyfriend. One thing that makes it really obvious that this A list celebrity has a paid boyfriend is that he does not work on the weekends. Monday through Friday he is right there, but weekends are his time off.


  1. or jessica simpson (if i remember well she gives money every month to her fiancé) or jennifer lopez

  2. Everyday Dave doesn't like kids soccer games? I guess that makes him Weekday Dave

  3. Gotta be Britney. I think her team is actually more interested in his function as a 'minder' than a boyfriend for publicity purposes.

  4. Sounds like Britney. This makes me sad. Of all celebs, she really deserves true love.

  5. So now I'm wondering who babysits Britney on the weekends?

  6. I don't get how he classifies people. Britney is still gets huge hits. Wouldn't she be a "singer" and not a "celebrity"? To me celebrity is people like Nicole Richie. People with no discernible occupation.

    1. She's a celebrity because she's done a movie and reality TV. I know it's confusing...

    2. @Andrew- To Enty you're either a:

      Reality Star

      Specifics give too much away.

  7. What about Paris? She leases her bf right? Poor guy is probably sobbing on some therapists couch somewhere every Saturday & Sunday...

    1. Hahaha oh wait, it says a list. Well she sure as fuck is not a list anymore....

  8. I'm pretty sure there's a few guys out there willing to work weekends.

  9. Yep, it's gotta be Britney. She is looking much happier these days. If she's renting him, then perhaps she's doing some things on her terms now. I think that's a step up from dating white trash douches bound to break her heart, don't you?

  10. Yup Paris is paying that young cutie...

  11. Oh Brit's BF is never at the soccer games...

  12. There are photos of Brit and her boyfriend out on weekends. Quick google search answers that - don't think it's her. As for who it may be... That I do not know.

  13. J.Lo would never give her boy toy the weekend off, would she? Isn't the world supposed to revolve around her 24/7?

  14. I need to get me one of these fellers...

  15. #Cassandra Kelly - Totally, Brit-Brit deserves the real thing more than the rest of them combined. But I do think it's her.

  16. Actually, Brit's BF would be smart to stay away from soccer games. K-Fed is there and it is family time for the boys.

    Put it another way, if i were in a similar situation with a non-celeb, I would back out and let the GF's kids have time with dad.

    But i do agree this is David.

  17. Tom Cruise. Who could stand him 24/7?

  18. It read as Britney or Jlo but with Britney it's weird bc Enty said Brit was in the dark about her boyfriend being a rental. So wouldn't she wonder where he goes on the weekends?

    I guess J. Lo.

  19. I think JLo I'm not sure Brit is the one paying her b/f and Eric Johnson is an ex NFL player who has his own money and Jess wouldn't have gotten knocked up twice if she didn't want the guy around.

  20. I was thinking Jlo for this, but I suppose Britney fits.

  21. Jessica Simpson, J.Lo, and Paris Hilton are all known to be paying their men (totally pathetic BTW) so it could be any of them. I know Brtiney's guy is getting paid but I don't think he counts because I doubt Britney is the one who agreed to pay him. I've always figured her handlers make those deals, and poor dopey Brit-Brit is in the dark about the fact her men are paid.

  22. How about Sharon Stone?
