Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Mark Zuckerberg Has A Sex Clause In His Pre-Nup

The New York Daily News has an article about how couples are including all kinds of things in their pre-nups. One attorney says that in Mark Zuckerberg's pre-nup he is required to have sex with his wife at least once a week. She actually had the clause inserted. And it can't be virtual sex. It has to be the real deal. Now if she could just do something about Facebook.


Sherry said...

I can see why someone would have to remind a nerd to give you sexy times.

Henriette said...

She WANTS to have sex with him?

Matt & Jess said...

Does this mean that he is not that into sex? Or he went without for so long that he developed a porn addiction?

Frufra said...

Y'all know I'm a gossip-luva, but this little tidbit makes me feel kinda sorry for them. That's an embarassing, very personal part of your life to have thrown out there in the press. I mean, they're rich and famous, but didn't get that way by making sex tapes or somethin', like some of our usual suspects 'round here.

sandybrook said...

Hes not used to getting laid so he has to be reminded to come up out of the basement and get busy.

MissMoPR said...

When we moved in together, my now husband actually asked (he was being nice) me if we could have sex at least 3 times a week. When we were going to get married, I actually asked half jokingly if we could put it in our prenup bcs I sensed he may not be able to keep up. Lol

LottaColada said...

Get it girl!

@dragon, I'm sorry but I love it when you say that!

Tam said...

From that rubbish article: Writer/Producer Gregg P. Sullivan has required himself to stay fit and trim. “If I let myself go and abandon her sexually, she has the right to have sex with any other person she wants,” says Sullivan. Viva la romance!

libby said...

I've dated engineers, all types. They would schedule their whole lives, even in a relationship. They plan and plot everything. At first it's cute, then it gets tedious being another line on the schedule.

I know Z's not an engineer, but he is a nerd. I feel like I've dated somebody a lot like him, a few times.

Karrots said...

It may be a way for her to ensure that he doesn't not spend extended periods of time away from her.

Unknown said...

That's honestly what I thought too. Pretty creative lol

La Descarada said...

You secure the worm, girl!

Karen said...

The question is: "What does she get if he fails to uphold his promise of sex once a week?" or "How does she benefit?"

Maybe his failure to meet this stipulation would give her grounds to say that he was abandoning the marriage? I know nothing about the law, though.

Seachica said...

GAH!!! Folks, let's get this societal misconception out of the way once and for all. Not everyone has sex on the brain 24x7! Some people don't need or even want it more than once a week. Some people are less sexual. Not everyone is constantly panting for sex every single day. And not every couple has the same overdrive for sex. Sometimes one person is more sexual than another. That doesn't mean their marriage is a failure, because marriage is a fuck whole lot more than how often you have sex!

RowdyRodimus said...

@libby I'm a super nerd and I can always (had a typo there that said "I c anal ways", Freudian slip I guess lol) fit sex into the time I have in a day. Then again, I've been going with an average of 3&1/2 hrs. sleep a day for the last 15 years so my day is a bit longer than most. Comics and games (video and board) will always be there, but if one doesn't give regular tongue massages you might not have the chance to get throat cancer when the woman leaves your ass.

dee123 said...

Meh. Just lay back and think of the money.

Frufra said...

@Seachica - agreed! Marriage year 1 looks pretty different from marriage year 20. You can't even begin to understand what you're getting into when you take those vows - complicated doesn't begin to express it! Worth every minute of it? For me, absolutely. But it goes way way way beyond the physical.

Count Jerkula said...

From everything i ever heard, sex clauses are unenforcable.

Kelly said...

Yeah, exactly, what happens if he doesn't?

Unknown said...

@river, i think that should be a default part of every prenup/marriage. (unless the person doesn't care about sex).

i would hate to marry a fit, healthy, attractive guy -- only for him to turn around and get that belly at age 33. i'm sure my future husband would hate the same for me.

Unknown said...

@Frufra. You got that right. We are coming up on our 8 year anniversary and still going strong. Have we had our problems in the bedroom? Abso-freakin-lutely. But we didn't let that get in the way of the fact that we love each other unconditionally.

To expect that you are always going to be attracted to your partner when you get married is something that, I think, has killed a lot of marriages. Anybody who is about to get married or just married needs to know that if you are really in this for the long haul, you must accept that you are not always going to be attracted to your partner and they won't always be attracted to you. To be honest, this isn't a bad thing. It is part of an evolving relationship and it is almost always temporary.

This is another reason why you must know for a fact that you have unconditional love for your partner because the unconditional love is what you must focus on when there are problems, not the attraction. Your marriage will be so much better if you accept and embrace these things.

trainrides said...

@Karen If I were Mrs. Zuckerberg, I'll have it stipulated that if he fails his weekly duty, then I should be allowed to screw one of the Winklevoss twins (Winklevi?) or Edward Saverin, like Zuck did.

Oh god, I actually went there.

Frufra said...

@Annie - unconditional love = nail hit squarely on the head. That was something I knew very little about until I got married. My husband has definitely opened my heart to that type of love, and it has been life-changing. We're at the point in our lives that, as I tell him sometimes, if he goes to jail, I'm baking him a cake with a file inside. We are in it to win it.

Unknown said...

Libby, I think engineers need their own category in the DSM.

Frufra said...

@T.E. - that's so funny, because I was looking at the pic of Zuckerberg up there thinking that his little belly was kinda sexy. My judgement has been clouded by many years with a burly man :-).

libby said...

LMAO, Iceberg. 'Tis too true!

My FAVORITE is about 3 months into dating---When they realize their 'girlfriend-goal' is complete, and they no longer have to tend to you. SO fun explaining AGAIN to another nerd, that ladies need attention. Example--If he's a mechanical engineer. I use the 'oil change' analogy. Whatever gets through.

Unknown said...

@frufra idk his personality, but he isn't a bad-looking guy.

also, burly, solid men can be verrry attractive.

Ashlea said...

I was just thinking about what you brought up Frufra. I've been married for a little over a year, we have an infant and sex is still awesome and at least a few times a week. I just thought well, what will sex be like after another kid, and a bigger house and our parents aging and so on and so forth. I'm just glad i married someone that I love on an intellectual level. He makes me laugh even when I don't want to. After I had my daughter I had such bad post party's depression and he got me through It but it was so stressful. Marriage is hard. Much harder than expected it to be.

Unknown said...

@trainrides - LMAO!! Great comment!

MsWeedle said...

But...but...what about HPV?

Unknown said...

@Frufra "My husband has definitely opened my heart to that type of love, and it has been life-changing."

OMG, I can't 'true dat' enough with this comment. So, so very true. It's funny that you mention having a burly man because that is one of the things that I had to deal with that made me focus on my love for him over my attraction for him. My man became burly and it was a struggle for me, but I grew to like it and now I find myself attracted to burly men. (For example, I think that Alec Baldwin looked SO much better with the extra weight and I never would have thought that pre husband).

It's weird and beautiful and wonderful all at the same time how things like that evolve with the love for your partner if you keep your focus on what really matters.

WareCat said...

You can totally tell dude has a baby dick. That's why he married an Asian.

& who the fuck still uses facebook?

TheEntrepreneursWife said...

I married an entrepreneur and I can totally understand why she did this. It guarantees time every week when he is obligated to focus on her and her only. I heard she did something similar when she agreed to move to CA to be with him (something like 100 minutes of no Facebook talk per week?) FWIW, I'm thinking about instituting something similar in our house.

Bit dams said...

men would fuck a snake, if someone would hold the neck. seems odd that man his age would need prompting. hummmm. suspect when their marriage ends we'll be hearing more about this.

trainrides said...

Thanks, @Diana :)

__-__=__ said...

Once a week? Seriously, once a week?!?!? With the person you love. I don't get it.

Amy in MI said...

The Winklevii are quite handsome!

trainrides said...

@Amy Truer words have never been said.

Amy in MI said...

My roommate and I are in one of those situations. Amazing attraction, both physically and emotionally, his 3 year old adores me ( and vice versa) and we previously dated before I moved in. Now you can cut the sexual tension w a knife. I love that man more than anything and the more I get to know him the more I care. And I'm finding out that feeling is mutual. I think when you don't force things to happen, love had a way of connecting people in ways they never imagined. It's the first time I've ever felt like I don't want to experience life without him. Sigh, you gals are making me corny!

Amy in MI said...

As long as they don't talk, train!

Seachica said...

Frufra, Annie - I'm so glad to hear discussion of successful marriages. I'm getting married to a man who loves me unconditionally next month, and I'm in it for the long haul. I plan to be with this man when we are in our 70s and our bodies are wrinkled and fat, and we need a ladder to climb into bed. I don't understand people who are worried about how they look for their partner. If their love is dependent on physical attraction, then the marriage is going to falter -- there is always a younger version of you out there. It took me 24 years of being single, but I finally realized that personality and life goal matches are the recipe for marriage. Physical attraction is the recipe for fuck buddies. Nothing wrong with that, but when you confuse the two, you end up with a divorce down the line.

Which -- to bring this full circle -- is why almost all Hollywood marriages fail. In a town where physical beauty is too often a substitute for talent, it's hard to get to the real person and find a match based on actual compatibility.

ClaptonsLayla said...

Agreed. And in the column they used to write their trashy gossip a great story om humanity or a spotlight on its problems went untold.

Mainstream news should be banned from hollywood stories. Leave it to tabloid shows and internet. Dedicate the space to something more truthful. Then maybe news wouldnt be driven solely on commercial appeal and be news driven.

Celebrities dont belong to us. Would we like to be a page six item on some of inner albeit not mainstream lifestyle practices.

Pip said...

Here's a tip TE, don't age! Then you will never have to deal with the breasts that sag, and god forbid, a belly!

WareCat said...

Exactly @Pip. Can u believe ppl actually date & marry for other things than just looks? I mean, gross!

Bit dams said...

"I'm getting married to a man who loves me unconditionally next month, and I'm in it for the long haul. I plan to be with this man when we are in our 70s and our bodies are wrinkled and fat, and we need a ladder to climb into bed." i'm seriously not kidding when i say; thats what everyone (well ok, 95% of people) thinks when they get married.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Mark Zuckerberg had a one night stand with a Victoria's Secret model he met in a club one night back in 2004. Didn't enjoy it either. Don't know who the model was though. Anybody know?

CanadianMiss said...

Well as relationships progress,and you've been with the same partner for many years, sex kinda takes a back seat. Maybe this is just a way for them to make sure they stay connected, and not become roommates. It sets it in writing that they must focus on each other to keep their relationship strong. I say good for them.

Mango said...

@ Jason Blue Eyes - I'll bet she didn't like it all that much, either.

Katie said...

Facebook didn't launch until late 2005, so what would draw a VS model to a nerdy college kid who couldn't see past his own pocket protector?

TeacherNan said...

I'd prefer a Winklevoss sammich- I'd build that into the pre-nup. Let Zuckie tinker with his computer shiz all he wants-Winkie sammich once a week instead.

AKM said...

Amen, Seachica!I wish I could exactly remember that old Suzanne Sugarbaker quote about how unimportant sex can be and how there are so many other things that feel even better, like shopping or putting a crown on your head.

AKM said...

Found it:

"What's the big deal about sex?! I mean, people talk about it as if it's the be-all and end-all of existence and I just don't get it. I mean, we're talking about what, 6 or 7 seconds here? And it's okay, but it's not as good as having someone put a crown on your head, or shopping!"

crila16 said...



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