Monday, July 22, 2013

Puck Was Arrested For Domestic Violence Again

Former Real World star Puck, who is only relevant because he was on the best season of the long running reality show was arrested again last week for beating his girlfriend and then trying to stop her from calling the police. This mainly consisted of her continuing to dial 911 and Puck hanging up the phone. Puck, who is no stranger to the California Penal System as he spent time behind bars for stalking a few years ago. I seem to remember a drunk driving accident with his son in the car and this. He is currently being held on $50K bail. Looks like he is going to have to do some public appearances to pay this off. I keep waiting for him to hook up with Octomom to make a porn that will truly shock the reality world.


Anonymous said...

I could not STAND this guy when he was on the Real World. It's nice to see the Chris Browns and Justin Biebers of the world getting their comeuppance. I feel sorry for the girlfriend.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I don't know this guy or his show, but someone called as a character in "A midsummer night's dream" should not be a criminal, even if said character is a total douche.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Anyway, no one should be a criminal, but someone with a name right out of classic literature must be an example of good deeds.

NomNom83 said...

He was trash 20 years ago and he's trash today.

I remember at the reunion show he got called out by Judd (the adorable cartoonist) for having said of Pedro Zamora's passing, "Good riddance." Could he *be* more of a shit? So fuck that guy.

And, thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that Judd and Pam did get married and have two kids. So they basically are the opposite of everything that is Puck.

Nancy said...

I never liked this guy. Once a douche, always a douche.

WareCat said...

can he spell Meth face?

Barton Fink said...

the strokes or cardiac/circulation shock from the drugs has caused one side of his face to hang down, too -- look at the right side (his left side) -- Ugly soul with ugly mind and ugly ugliness

supapimp said...

Wasn't there a blind on this guy that he was closeted?

Count Jerkula said...

I always figured he would have ODed by now.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Some bitches need to get hit.

Tru Leigh said...

I thought you meant Puckerman from Glee. Imagine my disappointment.

Henriette said...

He was always disgusting and now that is oozing out.

Anonymous said...

No idea who this is. What the puck?


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