Monday, September 23, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Loans Dina Lohan Another $100K To Save The Family House

Last fall Lindsay Lohan loaned Dina Lohan $40K to save the family house. It probably would have been enough if Lindsay hadn't spent the next three months in rehab without any money coming in that Dina could spend. What little money did come in, Dina spent on booze and botox so she stopped making payments again on the family house. On Friday public records revealed that the lenders filed suit against Dina. They want to foreclose on the house. So, probably against her better judgment and the better judgment of all humans Lindsay is reaching into her suddenly Oprah flush pocket and loaning her mom another $100K which Dina will probably spend on hair coloring. It takes a lot of money to keep your hair that shade of trailer blonde.  At this rate Lindsay will blow through her Oprah money quickly and there isn't going to be a second season of her show so she better hope for some high paying acting gigs or learn a new trick her friends love so she can be ready the next time her mom comes calling.


Ms Cool said...

How much can that house cost?

Meanie Rhysie said...

Gawd, that picture is just precious, isn't it?

Lindsay will never have a chance at freeing herself from her demons as long as she remains connected to her incubator.

Anonymous said...

You'd think they would've paid the house off first and then whored themselves out for Botox and drug money....

auntliddy said...

Rach is right! Priorities people, priorities!! You need a base to unleash the crazy.

MISCH said...

@Rach Around

exactly, if it's "the family home" why isn't it paid for ?

Rosso said...

Yeah what the hell kind of house is this? Or does she pay it off then get a new mortgage on the house to get some extra cash & thus plunge herself back into debt.

Gypsy said...

I hate Dina for making me pity Lindsay.

Count Jerkula said...

House is on Long Island right? Highest property tax rates in the nation, no? Who has the address, loom up the house on zillow and see what the taxes are.

The Dude said...

Why are these people even considered newsworthy?

Anonymous said...

Add another Dina IOU coupon to Lindsey's suitcase.

__-__=__ said...

Note to Lindsay: this is not breaking free
Note to Ali: RUN

OKay said...

@Ms Cool - exactly what I was about to say! That damned house should have been paid off three times already.

Sherry said...

Yeah didn't she pay $100K not too long ago? I distinctly remember that. And to have to pony up that kind of money means she never paid a damn payment. Hell even I got my underwater house refi'd so I didn't have to pay a higher payment. Get with it woman.

Basil said...

I feel bad for Lindsay now. Who knew that could happen. I do have to say that it is very very hard to say "no" when family comes begging for money.

You know, I find it funny that when Dina was doing that Living Lohan show and Lilo REFUSED to be on camera because she thought reality was beneath her. Now guess who's doing a reality show with Oprah? lol

RoseBlue said...

I have passed the Lohan house numerous times. It's a few blocks south of the southern state parkway. It's a typical LI split level. Not very impressive

Count Jerkula said...

@RoseBlue: What do you figure the taxes are? 10K? 20k?

Unknown said...

It's not about the cost, it's about burning through the equity every time you need money.

NaughtyNurse said...

Tough love, Lindsay. Let the bank foreclose on your mom's house. She is a money pit.

NaughtyNurse said...

And Count, to answer your question in a way: I live in a four bedroom house in a middle class neighborhood in New York, in a suburb outside of NYC-not unlike Lohan. My property taxes are around $16-17,000/year.

KittyKatMeow said...

New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the nation but I do not know where New York falls on the scale...and it seems like Dina just doesn't pay the mortgage so Lindsay will have to bail her out...what happened to all the money that the younger sister Allie (sp?) makes as the highest paid supermodel in the world (according to Dina)??? That's A LOT of booze and botox..with the booze countering the effects of botox, I might add...

Count Jerkula said...

Yes, as a state NJ does, because you got a whole lot of nothing in Upstate NY. Westchester County, NY and Nassau County, NY have the highest taxes of any counties in the nation though.

Bangagong said...

Doesn't Lindsay have a little brother who is still a minor? Maybe that's why she's giving money, to make sure he can continue to live in the house.


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