Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Your Turn

Have you ever done a fad diet? Did it work?


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Awwww, bless Patsy and her useful diet tips. Not sure why Saffy chose to not follow suit.

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    My mum, ever fucked up, had me on fad diets throughout life. They don't work, hence the "fad". BTW, I weighed just over 100 pounds when said diets were enforced (Atkins, maple syrup, Israeli army, 3 day diet, hallelujah diet, soup diet)
    I manage to stay at or under 100 pounds through ethical eating (vegan), no scales in the house, organic and humane foods, and exercise (that old chestnut that is omitted, from all fad diets).

  3. No diets! Just eat in moderation.

    What the hell is a hallelujah diet?

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Folly: from what my mum told me, it's having veg (mostly carrot) juice and barley greens. Having said that, on a daily basis, as a vegan, I have barley greens & fresh veg juice I prepare myself. However, between those, I actually fucking eat.

    2. @Rach / Forgive me but i read that as vag juice. :-O

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Ha ha Folly! That's an interesting premise for a new fad diet! I hope y'all like fish!

  4. I wanted to fast-drop five pounds in a week and gave that "Sacred Heart Diet" a shot. I made it a day on that nasty soup; just not eating was easier.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Dewie: when I smell cabbage I start to gag! That soup is vile. I'd rather just cease eating.

  5. the lemonade cleanse... i spent four days hyper aware of every fast food joint in a fifty mile radius...

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Suzie: I call it the maple syrup diet (it's more difficult than you think to locate pure maple syrup in Aus). It's VILE! How many days did you make it? And in the long run, did you see results? Maybe that's why Beonce is so cranky!

  6. I tried the 3-day military diet a few weeks ago. It did work, though not the 10lb weight loss it promised, and it gave me the worst ever migraine headache on day 2. What I like about doing some of these diets is that it's kind of like a starting place for me to continue eating less and healthier than when I started. I can never stay on them for too long though.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      CeCe: I think here its known as the Israeli diet, and it's EVIL!
      If peeps wanna lose 10 pounds a week, amputate something.

  7. Yes, Atkins (low carb). It worked until I started eating carbs again.

    1. Yep, me too. Worked like a dream until about a year later you get 'CARB CRAVE'.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Hothot: I attempted Atkins (or now Dukan) and it only piled on weight. And I've hot friends doing Paleo. I reckon it's about well being, health and balance (+ exercise).

  8. I did South Beach-it works, lost about 20 lbs in 4 months. Of course, I have not been diligent, so gained a few back.

  9. Hell to the no.

    But I did lose 3 pounds in 3 days this week once I started working again. My schedule is something like: Run around like a lunatic doing the mommy, wifey, housekeeper and cooking duties from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; teach from 2:30 to 9 p.m.; play with the kid, get him to sleep by 10 p.m.; straighten up; stare at the Internets exhausted; attempt to sleep. Notice eating and drinking are not a part of my day. Instant weight loss! Also, I haven't had a glass of wine since Sunday.

    I love food too much to diet. My mom did the whole Weight Watchers thing. She's thin as a rail. She also walks around my town like she's Forrest Gump.

    I am hoping to get my almost-3-year-old potty trained, so that I can send his cute ass to a half-day pre-k, and actually exercise again. In my dreams!!

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Susan: you can write & promote a new diet plan involving being an active mum.

  10. Yup. Did the Cabbage Soup Diet, Hydroxycut and a few others I forget. Lost 50 lbs through good old fashioned salads and exercise. I recently did Dukan before a wedding so that I would fit into the dress, and it did work, but the four pounds came back.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      CJ : 50 pounds? You're begging for a high five.

  11. Is cleansing really good for you? They seem like such a con to me.

  12. The Body Ecology Diet. The best pro-biotic diet in the world. Lost 25 lbs, stopped craving any junk food, and had mucho energy.

  13. @Susan...cleansing is the best thing you can do for your system, if you choose the right cleansing program. It rids your body of toxins, medals from the environment, and parasites that you injest.

  14. Sacred Heart was good for 8 lbs for me and 12 for the ex in one week. But, I got sick of that soup.

    The best diet was laser gum surgery last year. I couldn't eat for days and when I did it was just applesauce or yogurt.

  15. I do a system called Isagenix but it's not a fad. It helped my dad lose 50 pounds in 5 weeks and keep it off. It's based on toxins and food, not nasty GMO and chemicals. If anyone is interested, email me at :) I'd love to help and this is my life's work! I'm an avid reader here too!

  16. yeah the food poisoning from airline "food" diet......lost 5 lbs really fast.........

  17. I did the Atkins and lost 40 pounds. I did not cheat once. I also walked every single day. Sadly, I need to go back on it.

  18. Years ago I went on the Hollywood Diet. Nothing by Watermelon the first day, Papaya the next day, I don't remember what the third day because I didn't make it that far. Ate a whole pizza in one sitting.

  19. Tru Leigh - That is crazy. You can only eat one food for one day?! I would start hallucinating.

    Rach - I could write a book about being a super frazzled mum.

    My dad did the Atkins diet as well, or at least his version, during which he would eat 10 pounds of bacon per day.

    I just subscribe to small portions and a ton of fruit and veg, really. And no fast food or soda. But, if I want a bowl of pasta or a piece of bread or a cookie, I eat it, damn it.

    Honestly, cutting out my summer boozing is how I lost a ton of weight this week, and I never sit still except for fucking around on here. OK. I need to go practice the piano. I'll check in tonight....

  20. I am in the fortunate position of having good genes, and exercising my entire life, so I have never been more than 10 lbs over the weight I like to be. I am still wearing a ring I got for my 16th birthday - on my largest finger. I am almost 43.

    Being active really helps.....

  21. Atkins, when followed according to the plan as written, is not a "fad" diet. Ask Dana Carpender if it's a fad. She's been doing it for...16 years? Great cookbooks from her.

    Paleo isn't a fad, either. How can it be a fad when it's been around for thousands of years (if not longer)? The main thing is to just eat natural, real foods and no processed ones. I don't call that a fad.

    This could be a hot-button topic, because everyone's going to have a different definition of what constitutes a "fad." If people are sticking to it for longer than a year and they're thriving, I say it can't be called a fad. *shrug*

  22. Rach - I didn't do cabbage :o I modified the soup a lot from most of the ways I found it prepared to turn it into a fuller vegetable broth (more spice, less stinky stuff).

    But it just isn't meant to be eaten all day, every day, for a week.

  23. Was raw vegan from 97-2003. Felt great, lots of energy, stopped due to peer pressure. I slowly gained 20 lbs + a whopping 60 with pregnancy 3 yrs ago. Only lost 25 lbs since then, just started Keto diet, so here's hoping... Good luck to all!

  24. The fat smash diet is by far my favorite of all the fad diets.

  25. @hothotheat: me too--on Atkins I lost more than 50 pounds. The 'carb creep' did me in--and that is not the fault of the diet, but rather my own lack of willpower. :-/

  26. @Susan: I have to say that juice cleanses and the like sound like BS to me. That is what your liver and kidneys are for.

  27. I do no carbs, no sugar, no fruit 2 days in a row every week. Lost 14 lbs and it keeps me skinny.

    Since it's only 2 days, even when I have a carb craving, I remind myself that I can have toast on Wednesday. Six months in, I haven't cheated even once.

    But the two no-carb days have to be in a row! I do Monday and Tuesday, they're easiest for me.

  28. @ms snarky, I like that idea!

    I have done South Beach a number of times. I do think it's really not a fad, but more of changing how your eating style. The first two weeks are tough, and it takes time to prep the food and the snacks but I felt great, had a lot of energy and I didnt really feel all that restricted (although I did miss my pasta and I do NOT like whole wheat pasta- blech!) It might be time for me to do it again although it was much easier to follow when I was living alone.

  29. @ms snarky, I like that idea!

    I have done South Beach a number of times. I do think it's really not a fad, but more of changing how your eating style. The first two weeks are tough, and it takes time to prep the food and the snacks but I felt great, had a lot of energy and I didnt really feel all that restricted (although I did miss my pasta and I do NOT like whole wheat pasta- blech!) It might be time for me to do it again although it was much easier to follow when I was living alone.

  30. @ms snarky, I like that idea!

    I have done South Beach a number of times. I do think it's really not a fad, but more of changing how your eating style. The first two weeks are tough, and it takes time to prep the food and the snacks but I felt great, had a lot of energy and I didnt really feel all that restricted (although I did miss my pasta and I do NOT like whole wheat pasta- blech!) It might be time for me to do it again although it was much easier to follow when I was living alone.

  31. What is this "diet" thing of which you speak?

  32. Irish Diet.

    Small breakfast

    Reasonable Lunch

    Big Dinner

    Drink till you puke.

  33. I'm on a eating plan supported by Dr. Oz. Two days a week, and they have to be consecutive days, you eat only 650 calories each day. The other five days, you eat healthy. I lost the ten pounds I wanted to lose. I also exercise every day (walk and do kettlebells).

  34. I am not sure you would call it a fad diet but 20 years ago I did OptiFast. Between Memorial Day and the end of October I lost 110 pounds.

  35. 300 calorie a day diet:

    Breakfast: lettuce & tomato sandwich on diet bread.

    Lunch: diet sprite

    Dinner: air popped popcorn and steamed bean sprouts.

    I got down to around 83 lbs. on this years ago.

    Worst idea ever.

  36. I have tried Weight Watchers, but got tired of counting points. I tried Atkins, but just could not eat that much cheese on a daily basis... I did the Master Cleanse (lemonade/syrup diet) for 21 days....that was a killer, but I did lose 30 pounds. A couple years ago I tried the 6 week body makeover. I have maintained the diet portion for over 2 years now, and still lose the occasional pound or two a month. I lost 40 pounds on this body plan, and love the heavy protein/veggie aspect of it. I also made sure I did 30 minutes of exercise daily, even just walking at lunch.

  37. Fad diets are stupid. Just eat normal healthy food 3 times a day, splurge once or twice a week, and you should be fine.

  38. I recently did the low-carb diet from the "4 hour body" by Tim Ferris.
    20g of protein at every meal and carbs such as lentils and beans are allowed (by example, chili con carne is ok). Except that, no limitations for quantities or calories. So if you re hungry, you eat something, simple as that.
    And the beauty of the thing: one day per week, it s all the crap you want to eat! (you ll recover in 2,3 days, no biggie)
    Easiest diet I have ever found, I actually had to eat more than I was doing previously on a calorie-restricted diet and it worked for me.
    3 thumbs up!
