Monday, November 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

August 14, 2009

#1 - This A list director passed out during a premiere of his latest movie. When people tried to help him out of the theatre they noticed he had wet himself and his seat. Nice.

Quentin Tarantino


peanuts said...

Poor guy, bit mean to put this in a blind item :(

Ginger said...

Gross...was he just drunk?

loopymommy said...

It was during the premiere of Inglourious Basterds. I would gladly change his diaper every day if he keeps making films like that. He's a freak and probably as perverted as hell, but an absolute genius.

MadLyb said...

I hope they saved the seat. There's more talent in Quentin Tarantino's piss than there is in most of Hollywood.

msgirl said...

Still love his movies!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the real question is if he was drunk when he passed out.... I remember being a teenager sitting behind an older woman (70s??) who passed out. The family was in hysterics trying to wake her. They finally did and she too had wet herself. Maybe he actually had some sort of legit medical problem??

Seven of Eleven said...

LOL @ MadLyb!

Unknown said...

Good thing he was just drunk and not heroined up- he might have shat himself then- what a mess that would have been.

Unknown said...

I am sharing your thought that perhaps it's a medical issue. It happens.

Brenda L said...

I am thinking this is one of those that had already been revealed.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

The Freddie Rumson of directors.

Prolonged Exposure said...

His latest movies are utterly boring.

Becoming too successful will kill anything slightly interesting in Hollywood.

Sad stuff he didn't suffocate in his own vomit to leave a somewhat respectable legacy behind.

Now his shitty flicks will continue to be boring for some time.

TalksTooMuch said...

Back in the day, I had a first date with a dude that a seizure and peed himself, twice, during a movie. It was a Vasa Vogel (totally not spelling that right) seizure so somewhat contained, if I hadn't been looking right at him, I would have missed it. It can happen!

auntliddy said...

Kind of sad if he wasnt drunk, and if he was drunk, yuck.
I was once in a dept store, trying on clothes in the kind of dressing room that was divided but no doors. This beat up looking lady came in, and i heard water running so i went to look. She was urinating on the rug!! She was drunk and thought she was in the bathroom!!

__-__=__ said...

Makes me think about Conrad Murray talking about MJ. Addiction of any type doesn't seem to do good things for the bowels and bladder.

OKay said...
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OKay said...

Let's get a grip here. Tarantino has made some good movies, but they are all essentially the *same* movie. He can do one thing very well. That's really not an indication that he's particularly talented.


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