Monday, November 18, 2013

Courtney Stodden And Her Husband Never Had Sex

Apparently when Courtney Stodden was on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK she made herself some friends. Well, she says they are friends but lets face it they are in a Celebrity Big Brother house instead of doing something more productive so they will probably sell any story you give them to the tabloids. One of the contestants who has chosen to remain nameless says she was told by Courtney that Courtney never had sex with her husband. Apparently they had messed around but never actually finished the job so to speak. I find that hard to believe. I know we all know the guy is strange and what 50 something guy marries a 16 year old and is normal but you would think that at some point curiosity would have come in to play. You know, even on Blue Lagoon they figured it out even without the help of someone else.

Maybe that was part of the deal. Maybe they were never attracted to each other. Maybe Doug likes guys more than women but even Rock Hudson usually had sex with the women he was involved with simply because he didn't want to admit the truth to them that he was gay.


Kelly said...

I always figured they didn't.

Bacon Ranch said...

Am I the only one who thinks he looks younger than she does?

Also, are you trying to out someone Entern du jour?

Munch said...

I thought he was a voyeur anyway? That would make sense. Fucked up all ways from Sunday but she seems to be happy enough with the fame/notoriety she has achieved.

hollywood dime said...

bullshit. she says a lot of things that aren't true, like she doesn't want to do porn. lies. this sounds like another grab at attention and press.

Seven of Eleven said...

Makes sense - Barbie doesn't have any ladybits.

Cleodacat said...

This chick probably won't live to see 25, just a giant trainwreck.

tookiesmum said...

I kind of get the feeling she probably doesn't get into sex, despite her sexy persona.

Now! said...

I'm a bit of a Rock Hudson fan, and enjoyed reading his wife's autobiography, although she's widely reviled in the gay community as a blackmailer. Don't know if that's true or not. Anyway, in the book, she says that she and Hudson had a fun sex life, at least at the beginning. His line was, "Wanna play?" In the long run, the fact he was picking up randoms at the L.A. Farmer's Market began to wear on her, and she made him choose between the boy toys and her, and he chose the boys.

Del Riser said...

I still pity Stodden, she hasn't had a good life, and I don't see it getting any better. Doug is just weird.

Sherry said...

She sure talked liked they had hot sex but then I always suspected Dougie thought this would be a good way to get attention for himself an her as well. I'm not sure it got either what they wanted.

Eros said...

I still don't kmow what either of them do. I know them purely bbecause they are blogged about so often.

Unknown said...

I think she's already passed that age by a few years.

Kathy W. - One Brown Mom said...


I can totally believe it. Those 2 are a freak show!

nevarmore said...

Then they don't need a divorce, she can get an anullement.

Paint Chips said...

She will say whatever has most shock value in that moment.

VintagePrincess said...

I think Doug has weird kinks, and probably has trouble getting it up which is why they've messed around but haven't done the deed. I have a feeling he likes watching Courtney with other dudes instead. On Couple's Therapy she was openly flirting with Nik Richie in front of Doug and instead of acting jealous, Doug looked turned on.


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