Monday, December 02, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Emma Watson shopping in London.

A rare photo of Anne Hathaway without her husband.
Heidi Klum takes the kids tree shopping.
Jessica Alba on the beach with her kids. Yes, it really was that warm yesterday.
Justin Bieber competes against a 10 year old in skateboarding.
Donnie Wahlberg discovers those aren't pillows.
Kourtney Kardashian auditions her kids as elves in Santa's reality show.
Krysten Ritter in Mexico.
Kristen Stewart distressed at a party over the weekend.


parissucksliterally said...

I don't think Kourtney's kids are cute at all, but at least she spends time with them - unlike her sister.

Why do people get trees this early? Won't they die by Christmas?

auntliddy said...

I like how kortneys kids always look mad, lol

Sherry said...

i swear at first I thought that was Angie and thought which kid is that? Duh.

Seven of Eleven said...

Why isn't the 10yo wearing a shirt?

@paris, driving yesterday I saw people coming home with trees strapped to the roofs of their cars. So glad for my fake tree and no needle vacuuming (or lunatic pets trying to eat the branches).

Oh, Donnie, the vest. The vest.

I still love the B* in Apt 23. Forever.

Harry Knuckles said...

Anne Hathaway doesn't annoy me nearly as much as she seems to annoy other people.

Miss Klum is still hangin" in there.

Kelly said...

That waist is Scarlett sized. Wow.

TalksTooMuch said...

Every picture just makes me feel cold, am in the middle of a blizzard right now.

Kristen Ritter is a living testament to the power or sunscreen

Unknown said...

Krysten Ritter and Anne Hathaway look very similar.

NaughtyNurse said...

I love Emma Watson. That girl's got class.

Paris, I think in Hollywood, people go get their trees whenever they feel the paps will be there to capture the moment.

Glitter said...

Jessica Alba: Why?

MadLyb said...

I read that Kristen Stewart was upset over the weekend and was wondering how anyone could tell?

Most women who don't bake in the sun and get dissed because of their lily white skin will age extremely well (i.e.; look at Brigitte Bardot - she baked in the French Riviera for most of the '50's and '60's and did not fare well for it in later years.)

Became a Cumberbitch yesterday after watching "Sherlock". Good god that man is hot.

MrWolf said...

What the fuck is with that "Mercenary" hat that Kristen Stewart always wears? Is that some idiotic brand of American clothing, or is she moonlighting with Blackwater?

Seachica said...

@paris - I got my "Hanukkah bush" this past weekend, because the holiday is so early this year. With proper care, it will easily last until Christmas. Key is to saw off an inch or two before standing it up, and water it daily

Kassandra said...
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Kassandra said...

Krysten Ritter should maybe re-think her beach-ware.

I understand she is probably "naturally skinny" (aka "has a high metabolism"), but i honestly feel she would look much more attractive in an interesting one-piece.

>not naturally skinny
>>naturally the opposite
>>>i look better in bikini top and board shorts
>>>>i really have no room to judge...just disregard this whole post...

parissucksliterally said...

Ah, seachica . Thank you. And Happy Chanukkah to another member of the Tribe. :)

nunaurbiz said...

Ugh Kourtney and that dick are in my hometown. HELP US!!!!!


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