Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Justin Bieber Going To Trial In DUI Case

Apparently Justin Bieber doesn't want to be drug tested. Since prosecutors in Miami won't give him a plea deal that doesn't involve some form of drug testing, Justin Bieber is going to trial for his DUI charge. He really can't lose by going to trial. Even if he is found guilty it isn't like the judge is going to make him serve any jail time. Yes, he would end up being forced to submit to drug tests and be on probation but that is what he would get in a plea deal so why not roll the dice and go for it. Plus he can get a jury trial and maybe he will get lucky and the entire jury will be made up of 18 year old females who still live at home and have posters on the wall of Justin. His nightmare will be if the jury is filled with the fathers of those 18 year old females.


  1. I feel like this is a WMD moment and Bieber's calling the cop's bluff on evidence that will stick. Really hope they got something.

  2. I'm going to be neighbors with Biebs soon. I'm not too worried about it, I'll handle him if he crosses the line.

  3. That is what I recommended the other day. WTF is 6 months loss of license to a kid who gets chauffeured everywhere?

  4. He'll definitely get out of the charges. It's a pretty small amount of alcohol in his system and they'll just make him pay a fine. You watch.

  5. I try not to be mean, but this kid is a queef!

  6. Don't you dare shake ya yits Bieber! QUEEF!

  7. He blew a .04 and was going 46 MPH. What are they going to get him on, expired GA DL and weed & Xanax use, but not holding? Let's be reasonable, OG Swaggy Maple isn't getting much of shit.

  8. Actually di, I believe Lil Dickhead blew a .014 and the GPS tracked him at 27 MPH during the so-called drag race. He will walk on everything except for maybe having a little alcohol in his system - a small fine and a stern finger wagging.

    1. Was it .014??? Pfft. I listed the 46, because I think that was the fastest he had been going for the entire time they'd checked the GPS. In any event, this is a non-starter. I guess he'll be my not-so-distant neighbor soon. ATL police will get his mind right if he f's with them..

  9. The cops in this case screwed up. I think a couple even got suspended. And any infractions he's guilty of are minor. Those reporting the story blew everything up out of proportion. Biebs isn't going to end up with squat in terms of consequences.

  10. It depends on the local laws and what he was actually charged with. In NJ, if you are under 21 y/o, they can nail you w/ DUI for any alcohol in your system.

  11. @Count, he was well under the legal limit in Florida for his age. I think the charges may even end up getting dropped, if for no other reason than to prevent the police screw ups from being advertised.

  12. If it was in fact an illegal stop the case could be dismissed.

  13. Take your pick.

    1. charges drop, citing law enforcement errors.
    2. trial dismissed, because Florida.
    3. Charges dropped because Bieber, Florida.
    4. Bieber's legal team will sue cops.
