Thursday, April 03, 2014

Blind Item #2

This C+ list mostly movie actor with A list name recognition was witness to his daughter's girlfriend breaking up with her. He had no idea his daughter was even gay.


  1. I bet that was confusing then, formerly hot Baldwin Steve

  2. Don't think Bruce is C list, surely

  3. Is this an outing by association?

  4. Where is FSP?
    I need my safe place.

  5. Who is this obviously brain-dead dad who had NO IDEA his kid is gay? If you pay any attention to your kids, you get an idea. I knew my kid was gay long before he came out to me. His siblings got an idea, too.
    This asshole dad is one reason why I fucking hate people.

  6. Ok maybe not Bruce, but it would not shock me to find out at least one of the older 3 might be gay.

  7. @Megley
    Exactly. Clueless parenting.

  8. Bruce is an A+ movie actor. It's even on Enty's list as that. He's not a C+. Tom Cruise is also in the process of being A, but falling to a B lister according to the list.

  9. Eddie Murphy has a daughter that want to be a VS-model. Maybe her?

  10. I wouldn't call Will Smith C+ list, so I guess its just a random pick one. I think the Eddie Murphy guess is interesting.

  11. Stephen Baldwin would be the most scandalous answer because of his born-again faith. I can see that being a major shock to him, a gay child.

  12. It seems God (or whatever is in charge of all of this) has a sense of humor and loves to generously dispatch gaybies to many of the "Jesus-freaks-with-a-large-stick-up-their-ass fundie types". I can't imagine anyone rejecting their child because of their sexuality. Those who do are incapable of love.

  13. Which has nothing to do with this blind item. My guess is Tom Cruise.

  14. Enty's list is so annoying because you can't use it to solve blinds.

    A) he's incredibly inconsistent

    B) the list leaves off a gazillion names.

    The only C+ celebrities on the list are Dominique Swain, Gia Carano and Rose Huntington-Whitely.

  15. Stephen Baldwin. In today's N.Y. Daily news there is a blurb out how he was at dinner with wife and daughter, daughter got in "fight" with a girl and spent 30 min crying in the bathroom.

    1. Looks like jenny has the 411 on the Baldwin daughter. She's much prettier than Ireland.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Stephan Baldwin would be an INTERESTING ANSWER... esp. since his daughter (don't know how many he has??) is REALLY GOOD FRIENDS with the YOUNGEST Kardashian girl.. Kylie Jenner (?).. If that were true, AND IT was Kylie, would really mess with Momma Kris' career plans for her daughters!
