Monday, July 28, 2014

Blind Item #6

This Teen Mom 2 star better start working on her story because there are photos being shopped of her smoking meth.


  1. Amber or is it janelle( not sure of her name)

    1. Amber is from Teen Mom, not Teen Mom 2. (Silly technicality)

  2. Jenelle. What kind of story? She should not be allowed to reproduce again. I feel for her mom bc she's going to be raising another child.

  3. Jenelle was in a bikini just one week after giving birth, so she's probably using meth to lose the baby weight. Her story will be the same as when she was hooked on's only pot.

  4. Everyone's going to be quick to say Jenelle, but maybe its Leah...

  5. @Murphy I think you're right about Leah, it's probably her because she's had to get a job to pay for medical bills and she's raising three kids and her husband works out if town all the time. This is a new link about how her doctor prescribed her pills that make her feel sluggish. Meth would definitely be the opposite of that. Leah talks about how she has too much on her plate

  6. Leah seems like a good mom though---she is a ho but she loves her daughters too much

  7. Yeah Leah has been in the gossip blogs a little lately because of her issues with her anti anxiety meds so....blinds mirror these things right? Thats what makes me think its Leah.

  8. I think its leah because she has always been skinny but now she and jeremy looks very unhealthy. Everyone has already been speaking of how much weight Jeremy has lost but Jeremy and Leah both have them sunken in meth eyes now. Meth and herpine is already big in WV too so I wouldnt be surprised if she and jeremy ran to drugs.

  9. If she isn't smoking meth while naked, why would anyone care?

  10. i'm not a huge fan of leah's, but she does have 3 kids to take care of, and one of them has disabilities. i don't think this is her.

    the most likely is jenelle. look no further. she'll use any substance available and she needs to work on her 'story' because she just had a baby that could be taken away. SHOULD be taken away.

  11. I agree with the Jenelle guess. And so sad with the new baby!! Will Jenelle's verbally abusive mother get custody of the new baby too?? I feel so sorry for her kids. :(

  12.'re probably right. Lol

  13. Jenelle's mom made it clear she will not raise 2 kids but if push comes to shove, I wonder if she would let her grandson go to foster care. Or as she would call it, "fostah care".

  14. MTV should be fined for for making stars out of these brainless ho's. Everyone of them is a train wreck who are going to mess up their kids even worse than they would have with out the MTV money. Now they have money to buy all their drugs,the money sure as hell won't go toward raising those poor children.

    1. THIS, EXACTLY. MTV (Meth Trash Viewing) should have put all that money in trusts for the kids. The "parents" have clearly shown they are incapable of thinking of those poor kids' futures. (I.e. cars, drugs, plastic surgeries, etc...)
