Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Elizabeth Hurley gets in a cigarette after a long night of red carpeting.
Ariana Grande is London's problem now.
A ringless Holly Madison in a magazine with her daughter.
Jennifer Lopez asks her kids if they want fries with that.
Eric Johnson won for the most creative mask of the night while out with Jessica Simpson.
Kaley Cuoco and her daily yoga class.
Karen Gillan is very very tall.
Kelly Clarkson and her rarely seen daughter.
Kristin Chenoweth prays for people to like her.


Tara said...

A bunch of people were concerned about Kelly's daughter's arm, as it looks swollen and rashy. A recent picture from a week ago has the arm looking much different.

ladybaus said...

I thought hurley was lilo and chenoworth was britney spears at first glance.


Unknown said...

I love Kristin.

Look at those cheeks on that baby! Omg I wanna pinch them!

Karen is flawless. I love selfie and its on tonight :D

Unknown said...

Where are my riri and cara pics? :(

Lady Heisenberg said...

People smoking in pretty dresses gives me the sadsies

Arianna is still a Grande problem for me so long as I still have to look at/ hear her

Madison/Rotella split rumors proceeding in 3...2...1...

Shelly Shell said...

I wanna pinch the checks, awww baby.

Grande is a real live brats doll.

Tina Mallette said...

Liz was relieved she was finished all her Breast Cancer Awareness events so she could finally puff on a ciggie.

sandybrook said...

Welcome back Kaley Enty missed you.
Most people who dont like gossip like Chenoweth.

Kno Won said...

I remember being an unusually tall young woman. Before you get used to it, it's awkward. Maybe the guy beside her is very, very short. And she's wearing 4" heels. Not all women are miniature.
The secret to smoking in a beautiful dress is an elegant cigarette holder and not being in the United States. (I don't like the pink doily look)

Lady Heisenberg said...

Hey!!! I gif(t)ed you TWO RiRi kitty gifs in the Halloween post @ducky! Here is some Cara a la carte ;)

Kno Won said...
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Kno Won said...

Kelly Clarkson little girl looks very natural and relaxed with her. It looks like they spend a lot of time together. Good for her. Poor little thing's cheeks are getting imaginary pinches from everywhere. Very sweet.

Unknown said...

You always have my back, lady <3

I wish enty would! Riri and Cara were at an event with Naomi back in September (that's where my avi is from) and enty didn't even put them in the rp! Can you believe that mess? For shame.

ladybaus said...


Unknown said...


Look I love Tswift but I'll vote to replace her daily photo with one of rihanna or cara if that's what has to happen. Haha

Ay said...

Kelly's baby must look like the daddy...

Lady Heisenberg said...

Gasp!!!! That is straight up blasphemy, @ducky! I hope you emailed ENTY a formal grievance!

Unknown said...

I will as soon as I get home :P

Bebedog said...

Why does Arianna always have hosiery on? and closed toe shoes? She is young...that looks so old fashioned. And it's all the time too! Argh, just bugs me. And the high pony. Change it up girl!!!

Astra Worthington said...

Kelly is wearing lace, it's probably rubbing on the baby's arm and irritating it. The other arm looks kind of similar, and babies have really sensitive skin. She should probably just change her shirt or put a little jacket on the baby. She's an adorable baby!

The only thing I like about Ariana Grande Latte is that she's wearing hosiery. It's nice to see someone look put together for once. Undergarments are not old fashioned. Besides, every time I see some skanky twat with their ass hanging out, I always shudder thinking of where they've sat and what kind of slime they've left there.

Now I really want a cigarette. Man they are the best!

Kelly said...

Cute babeh!

Jennifer said...

It's gonna be a bitch-off in London between LILO and Ariana. They are going to end up at the same nightclub at opposite ends of VIP. LILO will have her drunky frown face and Latte will have her smirky smirk face.

When asked what she thinks of LILO she will say something like 'oh well it's greaaaat seeing someone I idolized when I was growing up doing these shows. I mean I probably wouldn't do it but good for her, glad she finally found something to do! *smirky smirk*' and LILO will flip, jump across the room and go for those extensions, and claw The Left Side Only and Latte will cry and both will get kicked out for tabloid fodder and Speed the Plow will see a rise in ticket sales.

Oh fantasies

Seven of Eleven said...

Kelly's babeh is freaking adorable!

I like Kristin Chenowith. Her voice gets on my nerves sometimes (I couldn't finish her audiobook that she narrates) but her singing and talent is amazing.

When did Holly go brunette?

Grande Lotte tries too hard. A fuzzy faux coat, stockings, high heels, and a ponytail?

Erin B said...

@Derek - I thought Hurley was Princess Kate. My eyes are tired, I guess. What a scandal it would be if she was smoking & knocked up.

Alexa Rose said...

Great picture of Liz Hurley, appears to match her inside personality.

Holly Madison's marriage is probably so over.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, that's babies arm is really swollen from a rash. Poor thing.

A cigarette after a cancer event. Now that's classy.

audrey said...

Kelly is taking the picture, (a selfie)It is the angle of the camera, making the arm look bigger than it is.

Penelope said...

OMG WHAT A CUTE BEBEH! Looks just like Daddy, no question. Except cuter. :)

SugarTitz said...

Kelly baby arm looks awful painful
Holly's baby is looking cute. I thought rotella was going to jail.

MinPinGirl said...

You know it's too bad Holly didn't have a baby with and stick with Hef. I can't believe her kid is so big.

Is there something wrong (like infection) with Kelly Clarkson's baby's arm? It looks really red and huge.

Go away Jessica Simpson and take your dull husband with you.

MinPinGirl said...

If Liz Hurley wants a cigarette and she's not trying to smoke in your car then STFU. people do harmful stuff to themselves everyday. I'm an ex-smoker but if you want to smoke as long as you're not doing it where I am it's not my bees wax. You gonna bitch the next time you see someone eating non vegan?

Meghan said...

Aaaaack so many baby fat rolls in these pics!! I love it!! Chubby ankles, chubby wrists, so adorable!

I feel like Eric Johnson got married and now he's just like fuck it, smokes weed all the time and just fucks around. He seems like a good dad, though, but it must be nice to have a life where you literally need zero fucks to get through the day... Sigh... Maybe I've just had an extra hard day today, so I'm jealous, haha

Sherry said...

Derek, I emailed you. Do you get that?

I think Clarkson's baby is adorable.

Could you imagine the Ariana/Lohag meeting? Somehow feel Grande Latte would be horrified.

Astra Worthington said...

MinPinGirl, people care because it allows them to feel smugly superior over someone else. And yes, there are those militant vegans that pull that shit. The best way to deal with it is to laugh in their faces, tell them to mind their own business and go fuck themselves. Works every time for nosy busybodies!

NaughtyNurse said...

Elizabeth looks like she's right in the middle of saying, "Oh, fuck" in that picture!


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