Sunday, April 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #9

January 8, 2014

This still A list mostly movie actress was doing a live television interview. It was the morning. She was in her dressing room. This was the actual conversation to get her to go out on stage.

“Ms.____, we are ready for you now.”
“Hang on just a second, I need to do something first.”
Our actress then takes a little baggie out of her purse and lays out a little line of coke on the makeup table in the dressing room and snorts it right up.
Actress- “I hate coffee, but I do love Colombia.”

She then got up and walked out to the set.

Cameron Diaz


back again said...

uuuuhhh, I think she skipped that tip in her best selling Health Book- "The Body Book..How To Understand & Love Your Body"

June Gordon said...

I wish I could afford coke, but when you on a budget and still want to keep your figure I am grateful to the Lord Jesus that meth last longer!!!!

Ben said...

“I hate coffee, but I do love Colombia.”

I'm stealing that line. Now all I need is some coke.

Scorpiotina said...

This is not the first time Enty has said that some big name has "pulled out a baggie of coke". No self respecting cokehead would keep their blow in a baggie. It's in an special envelope or it's in a vial.

And-so-on.. said...

She's organic and in touch with the common people like Gwyneth perhaps.

Ben said...

"self respecting cokehead"

First of all that's quite an oxymoron. Secondly who the hell keeps their drugs in a fucking envelope?? LOL I'd laugh my goddamn ass off if someone pulled their drugs out of a envelope in front of me. Baggies are perfect. Baggies have been perfect for drugs since year zero.

Jess Sayin'' said...

Points to Cami for the line, and for at least making the right choice. I mean, a coke habit can be a problem, but coffee is just flat-out DISGUSTING. (That smell makes me want to vomit!)

OKay said...

Baggies are perfect for WEED. Not much else. I've never seen coke that didn't come in a vial.

Ben said...

Well, a vial isn't a bad option but every tweaker I know puts it in baggies and there's not that much of a difference between speed and coke so. Doing coke is extremely dumb anyway. It's too expensive and lasts for like ten minutes. What a complete waste of money. Still envelopes.. lol.

Meh said...

That is fucking awesome. Cameron Diaz just got a lot cooler in my book.

Jbo said...

Well, la deee da - we in the midwest DO carry our coke in a baggie...

Jbo said...

They have these cute little zip lock baggies these days - like ones spare buttons from sweaters come in :)


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