Monday, June 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 12, 2015

This B list mostly television actress is known for one great role on a hit cable show. She was at a party this week with an a-hole of an Academy Award winner/nominee who was joined by two “models,” The models didn’t know who the actress was and asked if she was getting paid by the hour. Our actress totally kept her cool and did one of her famous fake smiles and walked away.

January Jones/James Franco


Derek Harvey said...

January does not need to get paid---she puts out for free as long as you are married or can help her career.

Lena said...

I don't get the JJ hate. She seems very shy and sweet.

mariaj said...

@ Lena I don't get it, too, although i supposed is due to the facts that people think she had an affair with Claugia Shiffer's husband, AND that her child is his.But it takes two to cheat, and i don't see the same dislike toward HIM. Not to count, who knows, maybe he and Claudia have an open marriage, or Claudia doesn't care?

And-so-on.. said...

I think Claudia caused a panic in her marriage when she thought she was preggers and they were split for a while so hubby couldn't be the daddy in some German Gossip mag and luckily that story 'somehow'.. was forgotten, she wasn't preg.. He didn't have a baby with this other chick. lot of smoke and no fire.. for it became a rumor only.. suddenly they got back together again.

LKO9 said...

@mariaj - it's typical a scorned wife blames the female lover rather than making the husband have equal accountability. Chock it up to female jealousy. "Girl power until you steal my man bitch then I'll ruin your life." and the women who feel that same scorn I've noticed do regular takedowns of JJ. projecting much?

Whywhywhy??? said...

I always thought people mixed up her tv character with her real life character. As for her baby daddy, like she said, that is her son's business.. but I would like a confirmation cause I am nosy.


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