Friday, June 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 19, 2015

The sometime actress wife of this former A list mostly television actor from that long running almost network show is the one who leaked stories about her husband. She knows he needs rehab and he has blown off the family and interventions so called him out on it publicly. Kind of.

Jared Padalecki


Ruh-roh said...

this is actually very very upsetting :/ One of my favorite shows is supernatural and him and his wife always seem like they're happy. I know he's been known to drink, but never knew he had a problem :( So sad, hope he gets the help he needs for the sake of his family and himself!

back again said...

@Ruh-roh, I don't know him as an actor but I read more about his plight after reading that he actually tweeted(?)out that he needed help.I understand that he suffers from crippling depression &/or other illness & he is now in treatment.

Riven said...

Like I said on the original, so Enty you're saying his wife tweeted his panicked messages? I smell a divorce on the horizon if that's true. There are 100 other ways to get your spouse into rehab, public ally humiliating him with the stigma of a "breakdown" is NOT the way to do it.

This is billshit btw, he's not an addict. He was under emotional duress caused by mental illness and having a hard time coping.

Ruh-roh said...

Yeah, he's always been pretty open with his depression with his fans, which alot of fans,including myself, appreciate espcially if they're dealt/dealing with it as well. I just assumed that it was alcohol, alot of reporters have said that he always has a beer in his hand. I really do hope he gets the help he needs.

Riven said...

Meant to add: His tweets were sent while he was at a convention with co-stars and the production team. He had plenty of people who (1) were present and keeping an eye out for him and (2) could have quickly facilitated getting him home

Ruh-roh said...

You think his Gen tweeted it? Idk, alot of his co-workers including Jensen had said he left a convention because of personal matters after that tweet happened

emmy said...

I wonder what drugs he's on, for his age I wouldn't be surprised if it was pain killers.

H2O said...

Liquid B-12 sometimes helps depression, the normal everyday variety.

Heisenberg said...

Jared Padalecki has never been anywhere near A list. I'd say even at his best he was no higher than a B- lister, and that's being generous.


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