Friday, June 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 10, 2016

This B- list actress is closer to A in her own country. She was just in a huge big box office bomb here which is why I am writing about her. She told fans to f**k off after they complained about her not showing up for a performance because she was too hungover. The same fans who paid a lot of money to see her,

Sheridan Smith/Huntsman:Winter's War


Ms. Anne Thrope said...

*Mariah Carey voice* I don't know her.

Derek Harvey said...

Me neither, but somehow I Nailed it

david said...

I have to go: Who?

To me, she would just be another face in the crowd -- telling fans to F**k Off!
Since his death, I have been reading stories about Mohammad Ali and his untiring willingness to meet and greet fans anytime anywhere.
Now, he was a soul who had a right to tell everyone to F**k Off! and didn't.
RIP, Champ!

French girl said...

Who? ( and I watched the movie)

French girl said...

I remember that she dropped her play .It was in DM

Zilla1 said...

3 minutes and counting.

back again said...

she's an alcoholic & needs to keep her ass in Rehab..she's supposed to return to her play but the bosses like her understudy better & don't want her(or her irratic behavior) back.

Lola said...

she is a huge star in the uk, mainly for telly stuff

Daryn Quinn said...

She used to date James Corden and was in Gavin and Stacey with him which he also co wrote

Kno Won Uno said...

~~~slow blink~~~

bby said...


also, james corden is closeted. baby mama his surrogate/beard.

bby said...

we have NO idea who this person is here in the US

8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob said...

Apparently she is even a dame (the female equivalent to sir). And she is a boozer, like most of white Limeys, but that is going to change because all those anjem choudhry followers that are swarming the UK beat the f word up of any drunk person they see in their neighbourhoods like the tower hamlets.

sydguy said...

She's not a dame. She received an OBE not a DBE.

applepie said...

Pfftt you yanks are hillair!

Kate said...

Sure. Every celebrity is either gay or a prostitute or both, according to this site and its overly credulous readers.

BBC said...

She's A List Theatre and TV in the UK. Show is Funny Girl in which she is currently starring in the West End. It's been big news that she has missed multiple performances.

Blind doesn't make much sense though.

Mazoo said...

She was reportedly too drunk to perform on stage months ago. I think she is pprobably undiagnosed with bipolar or something similar and self medicates with the booze. There is a show in the UK about tracing ancestry, (who do you think you are) she seemed manic, playing up for the cameras and over the top on it. She was really enthusiastic about her dad who she sang with but more or less ignored her mother, it all struck me as quite odd.

schmerek schmarvey said...

glued it... (nail gun broke)


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