Sunday, July 17, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 14, 2016

This foreign born A/A+ list mostly movie actor was making moves on this actress who is much more well known for her long term relationship with a violent singer. Anyway, the actor was on set with this actress and thought they had a connection but when he tried to close the deal she told him how much she charges and he didn’t want to pay so that was the end of that.

Russell Crowe/Karrueche Tran


sandybrook said...

Russell Crowe is a major step up in class for her--bitch should have been flattered.

Pamelakiss said...

Sounds like they both dodged a bullet.

david said...

Karrueche Tran is an actress?
It what universe?

Wow said...

How much?

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Russell Crowe is gross and obnoxious. Ick

Mop top said...

Hey, we all have to make a living...

Hot Cola said...

If someone deserves to be charged, its Russell Crowe. And in what unuverce is he A-list? The geriatric ward?

um said...

These days, anyone who takes selfies and is photographed with a celeb (or hangs on to one like she did with Brown) automatically is a "model," which leads to "actress." It's pathetic.

Bobo said...

A step up in class? How? Both him and Chris Brown are thugs.

sandybrook said...

she's on a show on almost tv and was in a movie--that gets you called an actress nowadays.

sandybrook said...

He's an Oscar winner. Brown may have an Oscar tattoo somewhere on his body

Zilla1 said...


Cadream said...

So karruche tran is a PROSTITUTE WHORE as Teresa guicide would say
Did Brown pay her the entire time?

Laura Palmer said...

I can never get past the Karruche Tran, it sounds like coohie on a trans or cukarracha trans am or my cooch is on a Tran...I mean what is it ? Some kind of disease possibly? So I cannot even go past the name....Russel Crow looked hot as hell in that Harlem 70s crime thing he made with it pronounced carrr ru CheE? Is this not something monkeys scream ? I can'

AshBey said...

I second her silly name and I'm sure CB had her on payroll. Dirty skank. Since she charges I'm sure it's a countdown until she's hanging with the Primo Prostitutes aka the Kartrashians

NoseyNeighbor said...

Russell Crowe is gross. I'd charge him too just to make him go away.

GroovieMann said...

I am curious if RC is willing to shell out for it at all, or if he thinks anyone should jump at the chance with him.
I bet he has no shortage of takers, just surely not as many hotties as in the past. I have to laugh at the egos in play here.

Whywhywhy??? said...

Chris: "Come over here and get paid." Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack...."Shut up ho" Smack, Smack...


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