Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed - Revisited

This was revealed back in June.

May 1, 2016

This former A list mostly movie actor who was a superhero now makes his living primarily outside of the acting world. He loves it because he has a perfect built in excuse why his phone would be turned off while “working.” It allows him to be totally inaccessible and do what he wants and his wife is getting tired of it.

Tobey Maguire


sandybrook said...

Playing poker or poke her Tobes?

June Gordon said...

Who is poking whom?

HaveSeveralSeatsPlease said...

Why is this being revisited, slow 'news' day?

Lurky McLurkster said...

Cause he and his wife split today

HaveSeveralSeatsPlease said...

Yeah I saw that on the next blind.. thanks for the heads up though. I've been in bed sick all day catching up on my ID/Reelz shows on DVR. I'm on a self imposed fb ban for a week.. I'm on day 4 or 5 I think. So suffice it to say, I was shut off from the world today, until I got on here around 330.

Boots said...

So, is he an escort? What's he doing to earn a living with his phone off that his wife is tired of, but he he loves?

back again said...

He's pretty much a pro gambler... so he's got the excuse that there are no cellphones allowed at the cardtable


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