Friday, November 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #10 -Anniversary Month

December 15, 2014

This celebrity used to make millions of dollars per year. She was married and had kids and it seemed to be the perfect little family. Looks can be deceiving. The man in the relationship is a celebrity. He is or was A+ list in his little corner of the entertainment world and still commands A list name recognition in his world. In her world she was also A+ list and had just as many fans. Probably way more to be honest. He cheated a lot. She did drugs a lot. Both of their careers started to nose dive but hers much faster and deeper. The drugs just consumed her and the relationship turned nasty and abusive on both their parts. He divorced her and she kept doing more drugs. She lost custody and is not even allowed to see her kids because of the drugs. She became a dealer for a bike gang and when she was short she would make up her difference by having sex with the bikers. Her drug usage increased and she needed to make more money. She started offering herself as a monthly sugarbaby type escort which paid the bills for awhile but as her drug use increased even more, wealthier men did not want to be dragged into her drugs and bike gang drama. She then moved to a pay by the hour type woman and that has now led her to using her huge e-mail list and offering 15 minute specials to customers for as low as $100.

Jenna Jameson/Tito Ortiz


MRS.K said...

Wow....she really is the town bicycle. All the boys "ride" her.

sandybrook said...

I don't think this is a shock or even a BI.

Select said...

Don't really care anything about Jenna Jamison. Waste of a blind.

MontanaMarriott said...

Well it must have paid off cus isn't she preggers with a wealthy dude's baby now!?!??

Alabama said...

She's pregnant with a jewelry scammer fake wealthy guys baby. However, it appears as if he has helped her get clean. She used when with him but she's been clean over a year so hopefully she ends up ok. Totally ruined her face with surgery.

Guest said...

She has completely ruined her looks yes, but she has TONS of money so selling herself for $100 is BS. She doesn't need to. (She used to though, but that was long before she was famous, while she was still only a stripper in Vegas)

One of the few old-skool porn stars who made a lot of money on her own production company, which she sold to Playboy for a small fortune.

No need for her to turn tricks. She is wealthy. And sober too, for as long as it lasts this time around.

Apple Tarts said...

@Guest she didn't do anything except F on camera for Club Jenna her first husband did all the work behind the scenes to make Club Jenna huge for the sale to Playboy. Jenna repaid his hard work by screwing him out of most of profits of the sale.

Porny said...

Her first husband always came across like a total douche. She may have been wealthy, but drugs burn through money like wildfire. I didn't think her and Ortiz were ever married.

Hot Cola said...

Sad for her. Gotta get that shitty humiliation/ victim wibe out of you or you will be back to it. And she did so well for a while. I was genuanly glad for her.

parissucksliterally said...

I read her book. The girl was gang raped and left for dead on the side of a road in Montana when she was 15. It's no wonder her life turned out the way it did.

I feel bad for her. She was so beautiful.

Melissa said...

Same old sad story....
Tragic only because there are children involved.
And I am sure she is broke, her wealth was blown thru quickly I am sure by living WAY above her means.
Combine that with an off the charts drug addiction....real broke, real quick.

OKay said...

Are you kidding me? What happened to her was tragic, but every choice she made after that led her to where she is right now. Her life turned out shitty because she decided to wallow in victimhood.

I ate my own head said...

This one had the nerve to put a happy face on porn as if it was some great life. What a crock, when you fuck for money there is a HUGE psychological price and that always leads to drugs.

Long Island Girl said...

Her entire childhood was fucked. Unless everything that's happened to her, happened to you, then you would have no idea how your life would've turned out or what ill decisions you might've made.

Layla said...

I saw her and her husband years ago on Oprah. It was so weird. She was selling this whole perfect family thing with her twins and her giant house. It was like she was trying to redeem her porny past.


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