Sunday, January 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 16, 2017

If our former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort thinks conversion will get her more money, she is mistaken. Now, not only will no one marry her, but they won’t even pay to sleep with her. I don’t think she has quite thought things through.

Lindsay Lohan/Islam


Laura Ramona said...

She s fuc*ed! But most disturbing thing is that she will do it for free!

Kellyanne C, The Girl From P.U.T.I.N said...

Adds another terrifying dimension to radical Islamic terrorism

And-so-on.. said...

Worked for Miss Janet.. all you have to do is live in Luxury, ignore the world, stay chaste and serene and pop out a few kids.

GoTrollUrSelf said...

Loved your SNL number, KellyAnne.

melissa said...

Wow. I am so shocked this woman is still alive.
Does she really think her Islamic 'John's' want to pay to fuck a CONVERTED AMERICAN Islamic woman who has been working as a hooker for over a decade now?!?
She is dumber than I thought and that is REALLY fucking dumb.
Death will be the only time this one has any peace and ya know what, she brings on ALL the drama herself.
Fuck her childhood, that was 25 -30 years ago, fuck her parents, she lives across the world from them, this whole mess of a life is ALL her OWN fault.

Mona said...

Because of her parents alcoholism, she was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. She can't help what she does. Her brain was not wired correctly and no surgery or medicines can put it back together again. Her world must be pure hell.

Mazoo said...

She won't stay converted for long, maybe she could stick a month without drugs or booze but I doubt it.

Jennifer said...

She will end up an ISIS sex slave.

Hortensia said...

Muslim men certainly do not want a well-known whore for a wife.
And, people with Alcohol Fetal Syndrome can grow out of it, if they have life long support.

Mooshki said...

She's with a Turkish billionaire and is getting paid to say nice things about Turkey and Erdogan. Pretending to convert is a way to make Islam look good and score one against the West. She's playing a more dangerous game now than her usual sex games, and is too dumb to know it.

Nora said...

@jennifer because being a sex slave for Hollywood rapists isn't as bad? Hollywood is Practically a legal pedophile ring.

Jennifer said...

And your point is what Nora?

marlo said...

Nora has no point, She's an inbred cnut who constantly defends the dregs of humanity. 1.6 billion muslims and 50+ countries, most of which have marriage ages for little girls as young as 11 or even 8 - and she talks about Hollywood. Yeah......that's exactly the same.


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