Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 18, 2016

Maybe next time this A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner will allow her nannies to enter the first class/VIP lounge. The other passengers would probably appreciate it instead of watching the children of the actress throw food around the room and knocking over plates and tables. Our actress was on the phone trying to arrange a pap walk when she landed. Oh, and she should be careful because the big fat check she gets from one airline will be in danger if they find out she was using/prefers the lounge of another airline.

Nicole Kidman


GoTrollUrSelf said...

I'm totally over Kidman.

GoTrollUrSelf said...

I'm sure she gives a rat's ass.

Marlin said...

Arent her girls a little old to behave like this? I know all kids have their moments but i cant stand bratty kids. She must be the mom who cant be bothered unless for paps. Actually this surprises me, thought she would be a different kind of mom.

david said...

Congratulations, Derek Harvey!

Nice one.

Guesser said...

How come they don't listen to the nanny at all? That is part of the job, isn't it.

I ate my own head said...

I know right? My mother would have smacked me if I acted like that in public.

Laura Ramona said...

Well.. at least she haf the kids instead of dumping them to the poor nannies

Sam said...

I think this is a scientologist plant fake story

CooCoo Catchoo said...

Agree with the CoS guess.

Liz said...

I don't believe this, my friend worked as a private ski instructor the last 3 years and she always spoke very highly of the kids and there were never nannies around.


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