Saturday, April 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6

April 7, 2017

The foreign born A- list dual threat actor that I want to play the next James Bond was high as a kite at the premiere of his latest project. Apparently he took a taxi to the event and when he emerged from the cab, it was pretty evident both he and the driver had a glorious ride over.

Idris Elba


Cici said...

Be careful, Idris :( Americans kill Black men with weed.

Bill said...

What the hell is wrong with you?

Myname said...

Sharing is caring.

OKay said...

What, like it's not possible?

dianavonthirstybird said...

Reminds me of the scene in Basquiat when Jean-Michel & his West Indian Limo driver smoke ganja en route to one of his art gallery openings. Both are all smiles when they arrive. Great film.

Dumblesnore said...

This is really not blind-worthy. Good for him.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I was more interested in finding out who Enty wants to play Bond, TBH.

He was a father figure to Mako Mori in "Pacfic Rim", Enty! FFS!

It's kind of a big deal... It wasn't until November 2016 that I realised how I only viewed those British actors as 'big brothers' (all along) and it makes every difference in the world. ♥

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I always love when westerners call it "ganja", it's just vegetables.

dianavonthirstybird said...

Gosh, Scandi, did you know Jean-Michel personally? He called it Ganj. He had all kinds of names for his drugs. He had a wicked sense of humor. I was a well known local photographer at the time and knew him well. Obviously, this is a slow day for you to have time to label people 'westerners' when you don't know who the hell they are. Smarmy much?

ParkerInTheShade said...

Smoking pot is not a big deal...not a good bline

Dee said...

Scandi's just having a break from bracketing incongruous words and talking in circles to seem mystical. Scandi - you just seem high, dude and not terribly intelligent or insightful. As far as I know, it's not a fucking cucumber or a carrot so no it is actually not classified as a vegetable but a plant. Smug.

Dee said...

No, it's actually not possible to die from marijuana 'poisoning'. There's the miniscule chance of psychosis and thusly consequences but even that's a stretch.


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