Monday, June 26, 2017

Blind Item #6

Speaking of made up awards, this recently purchased weekly tabloid is going to create an award for this A+++ list celebrity in a further attempt to kiss his butt more.


Tricia13 said...

People Mag/Obama?

Megley said...


Simon said...

Agree obama but people wasn't purchased was it?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Why would anyone do such thing?

Tricia13 said...

Not sure...Time is a weekly mag but not a tabloid...?

Simon said...

Yea don't think time is a tabloid. US weekly was just acquired by parent co of natl enquirer. Enquirer loves trump though not obama

MiMi said...

Time Inc. owns People Magazine and Time Inc. has not sold or sold off People Mag. Has to be US Weekly.

Do Tell said...

Trump has a good friend in the executive/editorial ranks at the Enquirer.

Do Tell said...

Which apparently is under the same umbrella company as Us.

Renshaw said...

It's either for 44 or 45. Frankly I've grown weary of awards, nobels, and honorary degrees being given out like candy.

Wellmaybe said...

Enquirer And Trump

LizOz said... he needs the encouragement / validation? Thanks but no

police dog said...

wasnt there news coming out that bob dylan plagiarized his nobel speech from sparknotes...I read the article and was like...

this cant be real. he has to be trolling us. this has to be some ironic performance piece. please.

police dog said...

its the equivalent of sucking dick

Renshaw said...

IDK but Bob never wanted that thing. Never. He hem and hawed the entire time. I wonder if he had a bout of impostor syndrome.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

After refusing to even attend to accept the award at all... Either he's making a "statement", or he thinks he's so famous he's immune to the kind of trouble the rest of us get into for plagiarism.

Camal19 said... least Trump got a fake award. It's better than mocking a real award like the Noble Peace prize and giving it to our former president for not having done anything to earn it at all...and still hadn't after 8 years in office.

hooha said...

He was sick, but by all means, make up what you don't have a freaking clue about.

hooha said...

Shut up, Tricia.


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