Monday, June 05, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 16, 2017

This former A- list mostly television actor from a long running network show still on the air turned B+ list mostly movie actor was being a huge d**k to everyone on a recent set. He may not still be cheating on his wife (that I can find), but he has turned all that anger against every person he works with on a set.

Patrick Dempsey


Bobbi Newhart said...

He should already know what it's like to be a has been and not fuck it up when he got a second chance with Grey's Anatomy.

sandybrook said...

This is his usual behavior no? He hasn't learned jack from the past.

McSteamy said...

He's always acted like a douchebag, he was that way in interviews.

French girl said...

Enty already revealed in some blinds that he continued to cheat so you lied ?

texasrose said...

Money Can't Buy You Love

NoseyNeighbor said...

Did she put a penis cage on him? Why 8s he so foul? He should be happy with what he has.

Marlin said...

In what world could Patrick Dempsey be a B+ movie actor??? When a Leo D would be an A+.

Sarah said...

Sigh. Patrick Dempsey is one of those people whose presence I love on-screen and it hurts me to know that he's such an asshole. He should learn to take that aggression out on a punching bag instead of towards other people.

police dog said...

good luck keeping your career. you were famous on greys anatomy and now youre just...well....

Hot Cola said...

Burn inside, Patrick, burn.

Hot Cola said...

Did anyone ever think he *miraculously * stopped cheating on his wife after years? It was a temporary break. After the heat pass on, he returns to his ways.
'Common thoes types never stop.
( old man in nursing homes giving dirty looks and remarks to any female who pass by.)

Suz said...

At least this time he has enough $ to live comfortably if his 2nd chance career ends. Loved him in the 80s, 90s TV Kennedy relative movie, Once and Again, didn't stay past one season of Grey's. Still never understand wealthy, successful celebs that stay married after cheating. Finances take the hardest part of the divorce away.

SnarkIsFun said...

Sounds sexist, but maybe now that his wife (Jillian Dempsey, makeup artist) has her own makeup & jewelry lines, and appears to be making decent $$ from them, he's without the "security blanket" of her being financially dependent on him? That she might not NEED him for his $$, and be more likely to actually leave if he kept cheating, is keeping him (unhappily) from doing so?


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