Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mr. X Blind Item #2

He won't ever say it publicly, but this A list manager knows that his A- list singer client was in big trouble until a few weeks ago. Sales had been lagging, everyone talked about her attitude first then her diva pose rule and then her acting and finally her singing. Now, she has changed the whole thing and has probably five or six years of goodwill she would never have received.


sandybrook said...

Gaga teaming with Starbucks?

JustReading said...

Ariana Grande.
I'm sure there are responses here, but I can't see them, sorry

MeMyselfandI said...

Arianna Grande Latte

Katy said...

Diva pose rule = Left side only

sandybrook said...

Grande makes sense....

Sunspirit said...

So is it Scooter Braun and Ariana Grande and the thing about being in 'big trouble until a few weeks ago' being the Manchester terror attack?

Dee said...

Scooter Braun is such an awful creep who produces monstrous personalities. Anyone else notice Taylor Swift conspicuously absent at the One Love Manchester concert? Guess there was no money to be made or Instagrams to be had.

Lol said...

Scooter is trash

police dog said...

He won’t ever say it publicly, but this A list manager [SCOOTER BRAUN] knows that his A- list singer client [ARIANA GRANDE] was in big trouble until a few weeks ago. Sales had been lagging, everyone talked about her attitude first then her diva pose rule and then her acting and finally her singing. Now, she has changed the whole thing and has probably five or six years of goodwill she would never have received.

Hate to say it, but it's true. That terrorist attack was the best thing that could have happened to her career. That statement sounds disgusting and sick - because it IS.

Shorny said...

Here's hoping Grande doesn't become a Venti from this new goodwill...

Amy said...

Ariana's latest album AND tour sold very well specially considering all female pop musicians are having trouble selling albums. So I don't think she was in trouble.

I don't doubt he would say something like that though. He sounds like a dick.

Sunspirit said...

Dee -I literally thought the exact same about Taylor.

itme said...

Katy Perry has been engaging openly and honestly with her critics lately but she doesn't act? Hm

AyyPapi said...

The goodwill will last - until she slips up (again) and the mask drops.

How is Justin still thriving? said...

Scooter has the toughest clients. I'm in awe that Justin Bieber has a very thriving career after everything he's rumored to have done. It takes a genius in pr to have turned that sinking ship completely around. Justin has like 3 songs in the top 10. And Kanye is nuts but still has a career. Braun is a miracle worker.

longtimereader said...

Scooter organised the concert and got his acts (usher/bieber) on stage, the guy earned his 20%.

longtimereader said...

Why!?! she is not connected with manchester, you could say the same thing about every other A list act that didn't perform. Hell where was morrisey!

Venti said...

The difference between grande and some other young artists is she has a gorgeous voice. Like a young Mariah Carey . Girl can sing.

Bagel and cream cheese said...

Scooter needs to teach pr and management at colleges because his clients never stop earning huge checks.

Sarah said...

Say what you want about Scooter, but it would take a dirtbag to keep the industry's most difficult clients in line. Bieber? Grande? Kanye? Just having one would be exhausting, much less all three. The man earns his paycheck, I'll say that.

masha said...

dirtbags leashing other dirtbags doesnt sound like much effort. takes one to know one, no?

masha said...

its true she legit has actual talent. would be worse if the singer was a total bitch and totally talentless

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X | CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTSCRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS said...

[…] June 15, 2017 […]


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