Saturday, July 22, 2017

Blind Item #3


I don't think you quite understand the game you are playing. I know in the past you have cheated on girlfriends with no consequences. I know you enjoy threesomes with your girlfriends and whatever model you trade exposure for sex with and hey, whatever worked for you in the past is good. I am not going to judge. I will say that if you are caught doing those things with this former B+ list mostly television actress from a hit almost network show turned hanging on by a thread mostly television actress that there is a good chance you could wake up one morning minus your manhood. At a minimum you will be put on blast for a year. You might think the 100 texts and calls a day are fun right now, but think of that same number after a split. The calls and texts won't be nearly as much fun.

Love & Bacon,


P.S. You do realize she is telling people she expects to marry you before Christmas right? How long have you been dating? Two weeks.

P.P.S. One of her most recent ex-boyfriends, who is probably blessing your existence right now said he would wake up at night and find her staring at him. No matter what time he woke up.


Heather Duke said...

Glenn Powell/Nina Dobrev

Paige said...

Nina seems like she has a bit of the cray, cray!

zip said...

Childish men and women think about number of texts, calls, etc. people send. Do grown adults really care about this? High schoolers and college kids maybe play these silly games. And messed up celebrities in Hollywood, apparently.

zerooptions said...

Lol, i would have guessed Sean Young, but that would have been "back in the day"

OKay said...

I had to Google Glen Powell. Turns out I know him from Scream Queens! Hated that dick. LOL Maybe he's a really good actor. Anyway, Enty, from my two-second Internet search I found out that he and Nina have been together since at least New Year's. So, y'know, don't assume something just because you didn't know about it.

Helllloooo said...

Scott Discick and Bella Thorn?

mimi said...

I'm going to throw January Jones into the mix...

Camal19 said...

Definitely Scott Disck and Bella Thorn.

JL88 said...

Did Jennifer Love Hewitt get a divorce? Because this sure sounds like her, but I could swear she was married already.


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