Sunday, July 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 26, 2017

This A list Academy Award mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is tired of people talking about his weight so his PR people called in a bunch of favors and passed around some money and now magazines are gushing that he is super sexy.

Jonah Hill


Allison said...


meagain said...

No, no he isn't.

Paige said...

Actually said "nope" out loud as I read this reveal.

david said...

I thumbed up all 3 posts so far.

Sadie said...

Oh God. Even if Hill had the body of Chris Hemsworth, he still wouldn't be sexy.

sandybrook said...


HiHat said...

Jonah Hill super sexy??? There's only so much even tons of money can do...

hakunafrittata said...

I'll tell the world the truth for free.

Jonah Hill, you aren't sexy. You will never carry a movie on your own, people like you better fat.

Frank said...

Ugly & obnoxious Jonah Hill Feldstein

Salaam said...

Well at least this explains the idiotic Daily Beast article earlier this week about how suddenly Hill is considered sexy. It figures Tina Brown would sell her soul to the right PR people.

Salaam said...

andi said...

hahaha, Jonah will never be remotely sexy. He's another rich kid who bought his way in.

police dog said...

jonah hill and the word 'sexy' dont go together...ever...

sean said...

So why is Hill a-list now? He has always been B+ around here before. Despite my arguments otherwise.

persiaa said...

He always looks whiny to me.

fritanga said...

Yep. Fat or thin, Hill is a zero. Like Seth Rogen, Aziz Ansari, Paul Rudd, etc I have no idea why he has a career.

Hot Cola said...


Wildguess said...



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