Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Blind Item #3

This seasonal reality star sure does spend a whole lot of time texting the person she didn't choose. Hundreds of texts a day.


Tricia13 said...

Lindsey the Bachelorette and someone named Alex(saw her on GMA talking about him)

Corinne said...

Rachel and Peter from the Bachelorette

Speedee said...

Spoiler: I don't imagine she would have carried on about him in the finale the way she did if he weren't the one she really wanted.

Becks said...

Her name is Rachel Lindsey and she picked Peter but has been going on about another guy Alex like Tricia 13 said.
She said he should be the next "Bachelor "

prunie said...

I thought Rachel was into Peter but she wanted a man who was crazy about her and ready to propose (after what, 6 weeks and a few dates?) so she went with the really boring Bryan because he said all the right things...


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