Monday, November 27, 2017

Blind Item #1

They haven't actually gone out in at least six months. However, this foreign born former A- list mostly movie actress asked her boyfriend to not say anything to anyone until he found someone he wanted to date. Our actress hates dating and hates relationships but knows they look good for tabloids. She is so strange. Everyone used to think she turned out normally for being such a popular child actress, but not so much.


Tricia13 said...

Emma Watson?

No Wuckin' Furries said...
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Misty said...

What’s your definition of normal Enty?

Count Jerkula said...

Enty, does Emma still cry during sex? That is so cute. When I was perusing her leaked photos, the thought of her crying helped me get over the top.

Riven said...

so random no name dude gets to look like he's still dating a famous actress, and she doesn't have to deal with breakup questions or famewhores. how is this a problem for anyone? fucking dumb BI.

Sofie said...

What's so strange about this? Some people are aromantic...

And like Riven says: Sounds like a win-win anyway.

beebopcowboy said...

emma has always struck me as a bit asexual. if she was a that would be a dream..

childeroland said...

What's so strange about not wanting to date?

vortexmanipulator said...

If scumbags are sending blinds in about her crying during sex, I'm not surprised she hates dating. And anyway, it must be a nightmare for her. She's a young, very wealthy woman

The Dark Side said...

Agreed. I find nothing weird about being asexual, in fact I am myself. Considering all the other stuff I have read on this site, this is the least strange of them all. She seems like a pretty well balanced person to me.


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