Monday, December 04, 2017

Blind Item #4

This married alliteration actor has not really been seen since his hit network show days. Yes, I mean he has done some one offs and had a recurring, but nothing like that hit show. Right now, he is trying to avoid talking to anyone about those orgies he threw for the missing A list director. I'm guessing there were not many i.d.'s checked at the door.


  1. Matthew Morrison/Glee and Bryan Singer

  2. Me thinks Tricia nailed it!

    1. He (MM) definitely has more than meets the ol eye going on


    Boom! I think Trish nailed it too! MM has a sideline business as procurer of services methinks...

  4. Singer is still MIA.

  5. I'm beginning to wonder if Singer fled the country? He/others knew they may be on the chopping block and they now know that just a few thousand dollars aren't going to shut people up they're going for millions and Singer may be running outta $$$$/getting nervous????

  6. How come the media isn't running the story of Singer disappearing? It was hot for one day and then the media dropped it...Ridiculous

  7. @Auntie H., I think Singer fled too, but don't know if he's running from the law or if he pissed off the wrong folks.

  8. @Aaaah88L, reporters are still being threatened, paid off, or blackmailed into silence. That's the only explanation. We know Weinstein has freaking ex-Mossad agents working for him, for cripes sake. These guys and those who have invested in them still have loads of money and influence.

  9. That pedophile ring must be so huge that you and I just can not comprehend the enormity of it. Seems so simple to me to say something yet there has to be HUNDREDS of young ones who crossed paths with Singer, et al, yet NO ONE has come forward. Has to encompass even LE/FBI, et al. Has to....

  10. Powerful friends will keep bryan out of custody.

  11. @aaah and Cail. yikes. chills me to the bone that the media being so bought and sold. Random bloggers here can say what they want about Enty and Himmmm, but who called the initial downfall of Spacey so accurately? detail by detail ahead of time... Not the media outlets. What ever happened to reporters that were out there getting the scoop first... breaking news... i guess its pre-approved topics only. old boys club and multi-millionaires are untouchable...

    1. This is a bit of a long read but it adequately explains what it is like behind the scenes of these news outlets and the decision-making that goes into breaking these news stories. Skip down to the middle section titled "Pressing Concerns"

    2. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Maybe Singer really is ill. Maybe he tripped and got his dick stuck in the ass of a 13 year-old boy? That could get in the way of driecting duties. ;)

    I really wonder if they're creating a nice, believable public narrative to remove him from these big projects because the shit is about to rain down and the investors do NOT want their millions to go to waste because the project got tainted by association with a rampant pederast. So they start with a 'oh noes, sudden illness' story, and later it can develop into some sad, death-defying trauma that will require him to pull out of all future projects while he tries (or fails) to clean up his legal mess.

    Or you know, he could just have panicked and run for it and is already in a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA.

  13. I think Singer is in a different country by now. He's a coward who ran away the moment he saw the writing on the wall. As careful as he was, there's something....somewhere... it's just a matter of time.

  14. Off-topic for this blind, but it seems the mainstream folks are finally finding out about this site....

  15. The pedo sex ring in Hollywood is vast. I suspect that Singer got tipped off that his name is one of the many on that long list of sealed indictments that the feds are building. I believe that he might have pulled a Roman Polanski.

    Singer is very rich, but he's no Lord Rothschilds. He has molested and raped a whole lot of teenage boys. It must have dawned on him recently that the Feds are on to him and that he doesn't have enough money to keep all of these people quiet. And, if they nab him he's going to implicate the other nasty old farts in his circle.

  16. @John Doe looks like Singer is worth $275m. The DM had an article claiming that MJs lawyers confirmed he paid $200m to just 20 accusers... i know this is all hypothetical, but that could mean that Singer is broke after just paying off approx 27 accusers... That DM article was 2015, so maybe inflation rate on hush money in this particular month of 2017 is higher that $10m each... Or maybe lawyers saw MJ as a bigger 'billionaire' fish... Or maybe Geffen will cover his tab...

  17. Makes you wonder about the connection between MM and Mark Salling. Maybe that's already been discussed here, forgive me.

  18. Pay attention. Something is going on behind the scenes. Singer has just been fired by Fox.

    His lawyers also dropped him.

    He's still MIA.

    I think he took whatever cash he had left and ran.

  19. Interesting, they're spinning it as bad onset-behavior, not getting along with actors. I don't buy it.

    Funniest (& sad) thing I read on Twitter: "Bryan Singer has left the Queen biopic to spend more time with your kids"

  20. The next few days are going to be interesting.

    Does anyone here read Blind Gossip? Looks like James Franco’s in trouble...

  21. Woah John Doe thanks for the head's up - yes he's definitely gone into deep hiding and everyone working with him knows why (his publicist also dropped him).

  22. Seth MacFarlane takes a shot at Singer . . .

  23. What would be a proper punishment for a rapist of this magnitude, I just dont know.

  24. Rather makes sense the money people behind the biopic wanted him out, fast so as to not end up with the mess Netflix, et al, are in with Spacey's existing projects. Lots of monies down the drain, let alone jobs lost. Someone made a wise business decision!!

  25. Matthew Morrison is the lead in the play Neverland that was on Broadway and is currently touring the country. He and his wife had their first child in October. Without more information, his name and that he is married are pretty weak reasons to throw him under this particular bus.

  26. Matthew Morrison is the lead in the play Neverland that was on Broadway and is currently touring the country. He and his wife had their first child in October. Without more information, his name and that he is married are pretty weak reasons to throw him under this particular bus.

  27. Re Singers 'disappearance' this goes so deep and wide. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he has conveniently committed suicide with suicide meaning disappeared by more powerful players in the ring.

  28. @pismire - the two of them are friends and are often "partying" together. More recently, MM threw a Halloween party just 6 weeks ago that Singer attended.

  29. Have Morrison and Singer worked together on any projects?

    There are several pics from their social media where they describe each other as "my good friend" but how did this friendship arise?

    MM is mostly tv and Broadway, BS is film.

    Hmmmm, what might they have in common?

  30. Singer is probably holed up on Geffen's yacht off the coast of Thailand.

  31. @ Dannette I have a few ideas what punishment should be done to him, but I don't think I'm allowed to write that here.
