Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Blind Item #8 - Thisclose To Killing Himself

Apparently, late last week, early into the weekend, the A list director who has been in the news a lot lately tried to kill himself. He told the guy he was having sex with that night and brought him the drugs that he wanted something not messy. No guns or slashing of wrists. He settled on pills and apparently took a whole bottle of sleeping pills, but they caused some type of reaction and all that happened was he spent several hours puking before sleeping for 18 hours. Oh, over the past few weeks he has asked guys he is with for identification to see if they are over 18. Notice I said the word see.


  1. Oh poor widdle baby Bwyan Schwinger.

    Who was it in another thread who called Bryan Singer out for not being able to handle any of this and would probably commit suicide.

  2. Up the dosage. freakshow.

    1. Amen to that. Use a gun next time, do us all a favor.

  3. Can we begin calling him "Sanger"... because this mf'er won't be singing much longer..

  4. I can't feel any pity or compassion for him. He didn't make a mistake or a series of forgivable mistakes. He reveled in the power and took advantage of people in awful ways, and probably laughed about it for years. He thought he was above consequences for so long. Too bad for him he's having such a hard time facing the music, but he brought it all on himself and ruined peoples' lives. Nothing is going to undo what he's done, but it's time he was held accountable.

  5. I don't think wishing death on anyone is a good idea. Let him be tried in a court of law and sentenced if he's found guilty. Someone killing themselves because of pervasive gossip can become a martyr.

  6. If he was gonna commit suicide, he shld have done it before he raped snd molested those young boys. How does he think THEY feel? No, not feeling anything for him either.

  7. Funny how a person than can be so vile to others is so weak when exposed and having to face the consequences.
    Didn't that guy from Glee (whatever his name, the one busted for child porn) slit his wrists recently as well? Poor, poor babies, ooohhh.

  8. So what's actually the latest on him? I'm not hearing a thing anymore.

  9. The last we saw of Brian was his appearance on a staged video for TMZ.

    1. Right nutty, overconfident, sure of himself Singer. Tmz talking to him like no big deal...SMH

  10. Bon Voyage! Don't expect a going away party, Singer.

  11. I fear nothing will come of any of the accusations

  12. that was mark salling, mag. singer should be involuntarily committed.

  13. Sounds like a lame pity attempt to me. Having someone with you, not getting something like Fentanyl, not buying it. When do the charges come?

    1. Exactly. Whoever witnessed it should have called the cops and let him be put on a psych hold.

  14. He did it to his own damn self. Part of me hopes he succeeds next time, but part of me hopes he does get thrown in jail for more than 12 years. The chances of either scenario coming to fruition? Most likely slim to none.

  15. If you want to suicide,you hang yourself .More efficient

  16. Enty's clever -"notice I said the word see" - meaning "Si" = "Seen-gur."

  17. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Ambien won't kill you,

  18. I definitely am glad he didn't succeed in committing suicide. He needs to stand trial and his accusers deserve justice. I hope he spends a LONG time in jail, then he can die. Hell ain't going anywhere.

  19. If he is sufficiently weak, he can be turned to exposed those higher up in the paedo-world.

  20. These creeps are never remorseful about their crimes or destroying lives. They only regret being caught.

  21. In fact no don't let him kill himself! He has to answer for his crimes. Wait until he is in prison then he can do it!

  22. Pills, bah. Carbon monoxide is the way to go.

  23. He knows exactly what to take that will kill him: He's just too weak to do so. Therefore, he won't. He just continues to play games is all he's doing. Continued emotional mind games with those he's enveloped all these decades, nothing more.

  24. See as in he didn't want them to be over 18...

  25. So he's still seeking out underage partners. Must figure he has nothing to lose by it now.

    What's the movie/show where someone hires an assassin to kill him, but doesn't want to know it's coming? It escapes me. Seems like he could afford something like that. But prosecution and turning evidence to shave off some years would be better.

  26. i read "see" to mean he wants to see id to give him plausible deniability. fake ids would be preferred as long as they're convincing.

  27. is there a high hurdle in california to have someone sectioned? theoretically couldn't anyone who knows him do it? in florida and new york you just call the police. embarrass the asshole! keep him under watch so he can't take an easy out!

  28. This asshole better not succeed taking the easy exit, I want him to face trial and then rot in a cell 'til he dies, the later the better.

  29. @just sayin' you're referring to section 5140? You usually need a close family member to do it or law enforcement officer who has observed the relevant behavior first hand. I agree that this guy needs to stand trial, primarily for 2 reasons: #1 - rat out his buddies. #2 - prison justice.

  30. There's only one accusation out there that I'm aware of? Considering Fox have cleaned him out, and he's off the Queen movie, I'd assumed something bigger was coming down the pike. Perhaps they're waiting to wring out the Weinstein stuff before moving on to him?

    I'll echo others in not wishing death on anyone. I'm all in for hearing allegations of awful behaviour and seeing him punished for them if they turn out to be true though.

  31. Sorry, I mean face charges, not stand trial. Singer would never actually stand trial because he would "sing" and plead out so fast.

  32. Well, this is a relief. If that fuckstick actually tried to off himself, then I have to assume he believes that he can't lawyer his way out of it anymore.


  33. That explains what he meant by "health concerns."

  34. Suicide isn't the "easy way out". The torment of wanting to die is just as bad as, if not worse, than sitting in jail or facing trial.

  35. Shotgun next time you fucking, coward. Just sayin’

  36. let's hope he tries again and ends up like mark r. in an open secret.

  37. hothotheat: normally i'd agree with you. but there's suicidal depression and there's poor-little-me,-the-world's-so-mean,-i-just-wanna-take-the-easy-way-out-because-i'm-not-decent-enough-to-face-the-fact-that-i'm-a-piece-of-human-scum-or-be-accountable-for-my-crimes-which-were-just-innocent-fun,-and-if-i-can't-keep-doing-what-i-want-i'm-not-gonna-play-anymore.

    i wonder if his parents are alive to see this.

  38. He's a scheming predator, no different than others mentioned. He's doing it for the poor-me attention. Those such like him have no empathy. It's deviant behavior playing out before us.

  39. If at first you don’t succeed...

    (Kindly confess your crimes in full first though, along with those of your cohorts. And be sure and turn over all evidence to the Feds and copies/transcripts to multiple news outlets.)

  40. Dear Readers:

    The chaos hasn't begun. The numerous all powerful men who have been accused are still in a state of shock and denial at the moment. Some are in the warm, fuzzy cocoon of Rehab. Once the weeks pass, the new year begins, then you will see the suicides, disappearances and breakdowns. No jobs, no wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, red carpet invites, no money coming in, will be the rudest of realities.

    Of course these known men are the top flies on the manure pile. There are far, far more buzzing around the stench we haven't seen yet.

    A rape room in a famous, celebrity hangout restaurant?! What!!!??? That one I didn't see coming. Not familiar with this? Google The Spotted Pig, Greenwich Village, NYC. Not only frequented by the owner, but allegedly Mario B.

    As Jimmy Durante used to say, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

  41. ooo Boo the tide is a turning - i am really praying the children pedos get exposed as we have seen how horrifying life can be for the victims afterwards... seems so beyond evil vile and sick... i cannot really wrap my brain around it

  42. Where ya at Sandy? You like the pedos, doncha?

  43. Where ya at Sandy? You like the pedos, doncha?

  44. No Compassion from me for Singer. Or any other pedos.
    He won't kill himself any more than OJ would have...sociopaths use threats of suicide to get pity and to manipulate others.

  45. What about the rest of the pedo crew who frequented the same pedo parties of Singer? There is a lot of big names include. Just Google it. There is even a 'Sir’


    Anyone who thinks Ambien can't kill you is wrong. I took 8 tablets once and not only did a family friend and registered nurse say she was surprised I didn't have a psychotic break (I didn't), both she and my mother attested to people they've known who've died from an Ambien OD.

    So yes, for the record - Ambien CAN kill you.

    I didn't realize I had taken so many, so then I took another and another... then I was so gorked out I took another... and another... I only had 8 which is why I only took 8. In other circumstances god knows how many I might have taken.

    That was my PSA for the day. Hope y'all benefit.

    1. Ambien can be scary because people do things they don't remember, which might be why you took so many. My friend took it one time and got up out of bed and went into the living room where a few people were hanging out and started trying to force them to eat food, like put it in their mouths! She had no memory of it the next day. And one time when I took it I texted a guy a bunch of selfies on the toilet when I got up to pee and didn't remember until I saw it on my phone!! 😂

  47. The sad reality is, that even if all these alleged abusers get their day in Court, their sentences will be pitiful and it won't be long before they're back up and running in the industry again. Money talks and a lot of judges and law enforcers are complicit on the abuse going on.

  48. Who was it that said: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem?

  49. Sleeping pills are very hit and miss if you are intent on suicide, most times your body will naturally vomit them up, your body is way smarter than you.

    Careful here Enty, who ever told you this might be setting up a suicide scenario, so when the badest of the bad have him permanently retired because he might spill the beans on the whole ring, a suicide back story has already been spread to pull the wool over the publics eyes (with some lavish greasing of palms in the police and medicos dept.) and the books will be quickly closed on looking for any other reason for his death.

    1. Fair point there.

    2. I recall another story on here about someone watching Kanye play Russian roulette. Who are these people that just sit and watch someone attempt suicide? That in and of itself is suspect.

  50. He should have taken a cocktail of whatever he has slipped all the young men he assaulted over the years. Or just manned up and used a gun if he wants to go out like a coward. I think thats what angers me the most about him killing himself - no justice to his victims. Like Uma said “you don’t deserve a bullet” think that rings true with him too.

  51. He's too coward to kill himself and he deserves a trial anyway!
