Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Blind Item #13

Three very high profile politicians who are on the national stage are sweating bullets. Someone else who should be worried about the sorority sex scandal is the husband of this former Disney actress. He was apparently a frequent customer before, during, and in between marriages.


  1. Whoever governs around Fort Valley State University?

  2. Lindsay Graham, Rubio and someone from Georgia maybe Gingrich even though he's not a politician anymore

  3. Lindsay Graham would only be sweating if a sorority sis was going to tell all that they DIDN'T have sex.

  4. I thought rubio liked gay foam parties?

  5. To guess the same way as everyone else- three politicians I don't like.

  6. Black sorority, I'll guess Dem/Black politicos.

    1. Just because it’s a black sorority doesn’t mean it’s Dems or black politicos. I’m not saying it couldn’t be but a lot of guys love to get with black chicks on the side while running with a mainly white crowd. It’s almost a fetish for some dudes. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out it’s a Republican. Could be a mix of both. But just like those homophobic Republicans are always caught with men racist Republicans can also have a closet hunger for black girls.

  7. So one has been married multiple times and is currently married to a former Disney actress. Hmm.

  8. Is this what you`re talking about ?


  9. Probably that Natasha

  10. Israel Houghton and Adrienne Bailon for the Disney actress and husband?

    Politicians not sure but Kamala Harris was in the sorority that is being investigated at Fort Valley State, except she was in the chapter at Howard.

  11. Obama, Biden & Kerry

  12. And Kamala Harris got her foot in the political door by hooking up with San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. The entire "elite" in this country is revolting.

  13. Probably is Natasha

  14. US congressmen from Atlanta/Macon.
    4 likely suspects. All four are members of fraternity in “divine nine” group of charter black frat/sororities which AKA belongs to. All 4 are black democrats who have been in Congress for a while.

  15. @MeliticusBee has a good guess here.

    Though why they should be sweating bullets when POTUS45 has moved the sexual morality goalpost virtually to the other end of the field, I do not know.

    Seriously, between Kennedy, Clinton, Schwarzenegger, and now Trump, I think America has officially moved past the believable pearl clutching stage.

    1. You think Trump TALKING privately about grabbing starstruck women's vaginas is WORSE that Bill Clinton's rape history? Worse than the 3 gay men who came out about Obama which only ended when two of them were murdered? You soulless hypocrites disgust me. You should thank your ignorant stars that President Trump won because the world would not have survived a Hillary presidency...I mean that literally and you'll see why soon. Not that I expect that to change the mind of a fully indoctrinated cult member such as yourself.

    2. That’s a good one!

    3. @Robin

      I hesitate to dignify your response with an answer, but here we go.

      I named four prominent US politicians with extremely well know sex scandals of varying types. Not rumored. Not whispered in corners of the Internet.*

      Anything else is purely your own confirmation bias and negativity showing.

      *Seriously, the gay Obama thing is ridiculous on many fronts, not that I expect to convince you fully indoctrinated Obama haters of that.

    4. Seems like Robin spends way too much time on Infowars and reading other crazy conspiracy sites. What a lunatic!

  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/05/01/aka-sorority-chapter-at-small-georgia-college-embroiled-in-sexual-misconduct-investigation/

  17. Obviously they will all have the first name "John"

  18. Clinton, Clinton and Huma

  19. Oof. The Deltas would never allow this

  20. Graham with a woman? Seriously?? You people need to sober up.

  21. Jeezus, have you seen the accused female pimp, looks a shark in human clothing.


  22. Someone was pimpin' hos up n down the aveh-noez!

  23. I hope one of them is that gash Kamala.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Damn, Brayson, that is too damn funny.

    Coming up next on Shark Week, shark face off! Who is the scarier predator.

    Contestant 1 versus Contestant 2

  26. Hank Johnson--"Guam will sink", John Lewis "He's an Icon!" and another scumbag Democrat, what a shock...
    These are some of the same "Black Caucus" hypocrites who threw John Conyers under the bus a few months back...

  27. Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy

  28. Trump, Pence and Nunes. Lock them all!!!

  29. pence and rubio are both closeted, so they cant be the answer to this blind.

    this is about that AKA sorority being investigated

    1. Pence is too busy flogging himself for all those impure thoughts he has about young boys while “Mother” yells at him and draws him a scalding hot bath to cleanse him of his sins.

  30. I'm going to start a drinking game for my cdan perusing time. Whenever I read the word Clinton, gotta take a drink. Whenever I read the sentence, "Don't believe the hype", gotta chug a whole beer....

    1. You’ll be wasted before you get to halfway through the comments on Clinton mentions alone.

  31. @Brayson87, you always crack me up. Thank you! If you don't write comedy, you should. :)))
    This blind could probably be about any of the politicians, which is so sad.
    I think we should focus our detective skills on politicians that come from around that area or have been known to prefer black women, given that sorority.

  32. Ted Cruz. Trump already outted him during the campaign as a major client of hookers

    1. He would know since he’s one himself. Trump always accuses people of doing things he does himself or being something he is. Pay attention and he outs himself every time.

  33. I would be thrilled if scandal destroyed Lindsay Grahamnesty, but there is no chance he is doing any sorority sistahs.

  34. Trump was about to have a bench hearing for the rape of a 13 year old (along with his BFF, Jeffrey Epstein) that was conveinantly dropped when the victim conveniently refused to show up for meetings and a press conference. Suit was dropped around same time as Stormy payouts. Weird, huh...


    1. Don’t forget about his good ol buddy Alan Dershowitz, the guy who makes a fool of himself daily on TV spouting off bullshit about how Trump can do whatever he wants without consequence because he’s president. Guy is a total hack and seems to have forgotten any law he ever learned all of a sudden. It sure seems like Trump has something on him because he’s scared to tell the truth.

  35. Robin + 1

    Their hypocrisy is foul .

    1. That’s rich coming from people who support rapists, pedophiles, and watch this administration tell an average of ten lies a day all while claiming to be good “Christians”. At least back when Bill was in office all we thought was that he was an adulterer now that we know better most people have ditched him. None of you are ditching your rapist, what’s your excuse? Roy Moore? What’s the excuse there? Dennis Hastert?

      We ditch the pervs on our side when we find out about them. We don’t excuse them as locker room talk or say “god chose them” so it’s okay. You guys are out of your minds with hypocrisy, so much so that you can’t even see it. Trump is a rapist, make no mistake, you guys just refuse to admit it. If all Trump did was cheat on his wife no one would care, just like we didn’t care when we thought that was all Clinton did, but you guys cared about that. You cared that Clinton cheated but not Trump? Who are the fucking hypocrites? I still don’t care Trump cheats on his wife. I care that he’s a rapist & malignant liar, with fascist tendencies who doesn’t know the first thing about the Constitution and doesn’t care to learn. That’s what I care about.

  36. Thanks Itttt and More Cowbell! :)

  37. Focus. Be on the side of decency.
    Robins AFB is near Fort Valley State University and would afford access and cover to any visiting high profile pols.

  38. Wow!!!! - Hosting of the DNC supporters blind much.

  39. Can't think of three GA politicians on the "national stage." Don't want to stretch to Florida like some others are doing. Not Trump, he'd be A(+?) list celebrity-politician. Iirc Bill Clinton gets a letter too in blinds.

  40. Spare me your outrage little Miss Liberal moron. Up until Obama left the WH you idiots were calling the Consitution outdated and irrelevant and now you are acting like you are the defenders of it. Please that is a load of crap. You Liberals don't give a crap about he Consitution bc if you did you wouldn't constantly be adovacting for the removal of our rights.
    And as far as Trump being a rapists that is bs too and you idiots know it. Basically if the Left is accusing it is bc they are doing it and that is obvious. Trump went to Epstein island one time when the Clintons invited him. He saw what was gong on and left immediately. And then he reported it and that is the only reason anyone ever found out about that horrible place. And as far as Stormy goes that is just stupid. You expect us to be outraged about a man having sex with a porn star like ten years ago? GTFO the Left has been covering up for rapists for the last 100 years. So this whole we reject them when we find out- really? Bc you are still pretty far up Bill Clintons butt and let's not forget Hillary an accused child rapists too. You are full of crap and your weak talking points are uninformed and shallow.
