Monday, June 11, 2018

Blind Item #11

Apparently there is a plan in place that if bail is granted tomorrow, this child molester/sex trafficker is going to flee the country to the island from where he cannot be extradited. The thing about all of this that is crazy to me is that the person telling me all this must know their communications are being monitored, so they are not very good at keeping secrets or maybe they just want to kill him but have him think they are going to save him. 


sandybrook said...

Keith Raniere's in the DM today

Brayson87 said...
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Erin said...


Brayson87 said...

+1 sandybrook, yeah he's got to know his only chance is fleeing the country.

Rosie riveter said...

If we know about it, I'm sure the feds are on to it. No offense to the super sleuths that show up here

sandybrook said...

He's probably not getting out.

IanPhlegming said...

How would he get out of the country? Doesn't he have to wear a leg monitor? And then what? Fly to Bronfman island? And then they figure nobody in the media will write about it? Would not that kind of media coverup perhaps be the last straw on the back of MSM credibility? And who ends up on egg on their face? The Feds? Unless the overarching through-plot (TWISTED! LOL) is make people feel totally helpless and insignificant--which I don't think will work, far more likely people get angry, perhaps to the point of taking action of some kind--it's far more conceivable this guy ties the knot, Anthony/Kate style.

GeeWallyThatWouldBeWrong said...

If he gets out, he won't live long.

Unknown said...

@DDonna, if anyone still thinks the MSM has any credibility, I doubt anything can change that mind. If this guy gets away, the MSM will come up with something, and the usual suspects will run around yelling "tinfoil hat" and "Infowars troll" at anyone who expresses a doubt.

Brayson87 said...

Best move would be faking his own death, but come on, if someone out on bail wants to get out of the country they will, especially if they have money and/or a network of people to help them.

pixiegothy said...
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John Doe said...

Enty, sometimes after reading your blinds I literally end up on the floor in stitches and unable to stop laughing. LOLOLOL.

Manuél Bun said...

sex traffic court, this fall on NBC

DRK said...

Ricardo Montalban

longtimereader said...

In the post eric holder world, rich people don't face consequences for their actions.


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