Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Item #4

Apparently this actor told friends that if this A list singer ever leaves him he is going to kill himself. They should believe it and they should be screaming for him to go get help.


  1. Ariana and Pete Davidson??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pete Davidson sounds like a stable dude.
    The tattoos were a great idea.

    1. Especially above the collar. That's a power play right there

  4. Love the dude, but he needs help if he wants to avoid the 27 Club (and putting Ariana through yet another tragedy). Please, dude, get better

  5. Messy emotional wreck scorpio and the cancer is going to make it worst.. deep waters

    1. can’t tell if u are joking or actually believe The zodiac

      Damn ppl dumb these days

  6. Wow! I hope he gets help. Very sad when a person wants to end their life over a failed relationship.

  7. 27 Club means he dies at 27. He's still a few years away. He needs help.

  8. Dude got lucky and got a girl way out of his league. Instead of crying he should enjoy the remaining time and use that as a stepping stone. He won't always be Ariana's guy, but he'll always be the guy that got with Ariana. He could play it cool, but if he continues with that tattoo nonsense he's just going to look like Ariana's pity f*ck.

  9. They seem like an unhealthy match. He seems like he needs some mental health help, and she moves quickly from guy to guy.

  10. 90-95% of subjects of these blinds should be encouraged to kill themselves. Bring in all the stops - Dr Phil. Dr Drew. Dr.Oz. Oprah. Bring them all in for the suicidal support these people deserve and need.

  11. Nah, that's like cyber-bullying, we should have CDAN Helpline manned by Count, Vess and Geel.

  12. He has borderline personality disorder. They are very suicidal people and are unstable. He's going to most likely end up killing himself.

  13. LOL@Spider Rico

    Thing is, if you are getting into a relationship with an A lister, chances are the relationship will not last, most of the time it will be ruined not by anyone of the 2 participants but by the whole cult of celebrity

  14. I thought he was bipolar, not BPD. He seems like a nice enough guy, just unstable.

  15. @hothotheat No, he has BPD. He's openly discussed it before. Instead of him doing things on impulse (which is a symptom of bpd) like getting into relationships, he should focus on himself. I don't understand why he isn't getting any help. He has the means and access to do so.

  16. LMAO @ "CDAN Helpline manned by Count, Vess and Geel."

    I laugh at terrible things and I'm okay with that.

  17. There’s some kind of payoff for Ariana in this (shout out to Dr. Phil here). She jumped straight from one relationship with a recovering addict into another. Recipe for disaster.

  18. sounds like too much too soon. Then again people who are so intense in the beginning of a relationship loses the interest just as fast.

  19. Anonymous11:25 AM

    They both need help and I don't mean couple's counseling! They are spinning out-of-control, both on a high. Soon the pendulum will swing the other way. Take cover!

  20. What shocks me about this ítem is that Ariana Grande Latte it's considered A list. Barf.

  21. Pete had been in therapy for a very long time - and he's had a rehab stint last year. We saw him on tour before he went to rehab and holy crap, he was openly asking for drugs again and again.

    He's been open about his mental health issues, I suspect he's probably got some PTSD from losing his fire fighter dad in 911 as well.

  22. Anyone who says this to their partner is a piece of shit.

    1. @Jennifer
      ABSOLUTELY! If he says it to her, she needs to get out, that's emotional abuse.

  23. hope whoever it is gets help SOON because not only is he in dire need of it whether he means it or not that is ABUSE to his partner because that's a horrible control trip to lay on someone else to hold on to them....they BOTH need help ASAP.

  24. He should not be suicidal over tired ponytail, and maybe take a look at why he wants to be with an adult who wears a high ponytail everyday, and plays at being a child. I would have to be really self-relective if that's what attracted me.

  25. Anonymous2:52 PM

    How the hell do you know what the man said to friends? Fly on the wall? Slipped a mike on an SNL comic?
    Ridiculous gossip. ----
