Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blind Item #12

This A- list mostly television actress who stars on a hit ensemble network show had another hit show back in the day but in between was just crickets. Anyway, she says she wouldn't mind if her children watch her have sex with her significant other because she thinks it is healthy. Ummm.


  1. Fear if the Walking Dead/ Dharma and Greg

  2. Julie Bowen? Christine Laken?

  3. Isn’t Jenna on fear the walking dead now? That is not network show.

  4. I'm sure she's just talking out her ass

  5. Simon-right you are
    Think it’s Mayim Balik.
    And sorry for visual

    1. For someone with such a high IQ, she needs a good slap.

  6. Mayim”let me chew my kids food first” Balik

    1. Beat me to it

    2. Believe the baby bird feeder was Alicia Silverstone. ;)

    3. I think that was Silverstone.

  7. Sounds more like a comment taken out of context, like a child accidentally walked in on them (it happens) and she didn't freakout and scar them worse.

    Doesn't mean they are pervy exhibitionists that do it in front of their kids on purpose.

  8. Mayim Bialik is so orthodox, she can't even show her bare skin to someone she's not married to. (Notice she always wears sleeves and tights.) I don't think this is her.

  9. At Best Man yes- a spdegree in neuroscience... she wrote a book about parenting that caused some controversy I recall. Co sleeping was a tenet which is no big whoop, but like I think they’re like 9/10 lol

  10. She also breastfed them until they were 4/5 I think

  11. Not Bell, obviously. I like the Elfman guess, though the network issue doesn't quite fit. I think the clues to look for are the current hit ensemble network show, and a big gap in work since back in the day. Was thinking Chrissie Metz, but only a three year gap since AHS.

  12. Maybe her point was that having to watch two gross bodies smoosh against each other would push young people towards abstinence. Or suicide. Either way no more teen mom shows which I think we can all agree is the real problem.

  13. Bialik (did you know she studied Neuroscience?) is her own special version of orthodox (Yes, a Neuroscience degree, really.) Some vegan stuff, a little family bed junk (A neuroscientist, can you believe it?), some nursing the 5 year old on the NYC subway, yeah, her own brand of orthodoxy. Mayim (the neuroscientist!) hasn't been selling her brand of orthodoxy for a good while on her blog anymore. The divorce from her husband (NOT a neuroscientist) seems to have taken the wind out of her sails for how strictly and devotedly she wants to be the New Age Orthodox Mommy (and neuroscientist.)

    Since her kids are welcome in her bed anytime, being walked in on during some hot neuro-sex with a new boyfriend would make sense.

  14. I know MB is really smart but ewwwww!

  15. Ya' know, having regular bowel movements is healthy, too, but no-one needs to follow my into the bathroom, either.

    Agree with Mayim on this one.

  16. Well she is a crazy ass scientologist chick so really... not a surprise

  17. Whomever this is has deep seeded issues and I hope they seek help.

  18. @Sara Spin, spin, spin it all you like, but there's a world of difference between "seeing" and "watching."

    1. Not spinning anything. This is written at least third hand so who knows wharf the original statement was. I don't really give a shit.

  19. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Well, Bialik is a neuroscientist, so she know what a slice of brains should look like on the show... And she sat down with producers to educate them, when the 'brain slice' looked too thick... ha ha. Except that Jim Parsons was not laughing, when he told that story. And as a neuroscientist, she has written several books telling you how to raise your child, incidentally
    did we mention she is a NEUROSCIENTIST? Anyone still wondering why Jim Parsons is shutting down the show?
    smdh....Ego ruins so many great things

  20. all the neuroscience comments are cracking me up. my daughter is graduating in may with a neuroscience degree and i'm seriously worried she is going to be unemployed or working at the local gas station. haha
