Friday, February 23, 2007

Four For Friday

Oscar time means pre-Oscar parties and pre-pre parties. Well, OK, Hollywood does not need much of an excuse to party. However, at one party, this actress who married above herself never let her husband get more than 3 feet away from her. Some would say she was just affectionate, but it got to the laughable stage very quickly when she kept trying to interject herself between any woman who dared speak to her husband. The only time he was alone was when he went to the bathroom. She waited by the door after escorting him there.

This former female reality star has called in every favor owed to her for one reason. She is obsessed with this singer. For the last ten days he has made appearances at four parties and she has been right there every step of the way. She crashed one party and came as the "date" of another woman just so she could keep trying to get him to notice her. Still hasn't worked but there is another party tonight so...

Life must be getting harder for this married A-List actor. Long thought to be sober, he was spotted at a recent party chugging down a drink before spending the rest of the night with a bottle of water.

I am a diva, get me out of here. That was the attitude of this recent actress who made the briefest of brief appearances. Thinking there was going to be name talent, she found herself surrounded by C&D listers and she was just too good for that. She walked through the room once and then was gone. Next year she may well be on the other side looking in.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer Hudson for #4.

Anonymous said...

#1: Maybe Katie Holmes and the Gay Midget Dwarf - Tom Cruise?

#2: Justin Timberlake for the singer, but I don't know who the reality star could be.

#3: Samuel Jackson? He's married and a former alcoholic and he could be A-list. Or maybe it is Mel Gibson?

#4: Jennifer Hudson. She is such a diva but everyone will forget her by next month, poor thing.

~ Dominique

Anonymous said...

#3 Ben Affleck

Anonymous said...

#4 Vanessa Williams?

Anonymous said...

#1 could be jennifer garner and ben affleck.

Anonymous said...

i also like ben affleck and jennifer garner for #1.. the word "dare" could be referencing the movie "daredevil" that they both were in...


Anonymous said...

What about KK for #4?

Also, JT can't be the singer in #2 - he's in FLA right now.

Anonymous said...

#4 def sounds like Jennifer Hudson

Anonymous said...

#4 def sounds like Jennifer Hudson

syd said...

I think
#1 is Ben Affleck, Jen Garner
#2 is ??? I have no clue some MTV show train wreck.
#3 I didn't know anyone was sober in Hollywood...
#4 Probably Jennifer Hudson, didn't EL say she was very she-diva at a party he was at?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I have a blind item:

This mega bucks athlete's marriage is on the rocks. Wonder if it is because he has been spending a lot of his offseason in Vegas with a stripper named Samantha. When he is not enjoying her company, he likes to watch other guys enjoy her company if you get my drift.

Anonymous said...

#1 Will Smith and Jada.. she seems kinda psycho wife possessive..

Anonymous said...

I really don't think Jennifer Garner married above herself by marrying Ben Affleck.

Anonymous said...

"some would say she was just being 'affectionate' "....yup its Affleck

Anonymous said...

#1 Nikki Cox and Jay Mohr

Anonymous said...

I like Jada and Will for #1 - not only is his career soaring over hers and always has, but he also towers over her. She has made a point lately of saying over and over that she's not at all threatened by his crushes - perhaps the lady doth protest too much???

Amber said...

#1 Melanie Griffith & Antonio Banderas?

Anonymous said...

I thought Jada and Will had an open marriage?

Anonymous said...

1. Catherine Zeta Jones
2. No idea
3. Alec Baldwin
4. Was going to say Angelina but not sure now after reading other comments!

Anonymous said...

Catherine Zeta Jones & Kirk Douglas is also what I thought of for #1.

Anonymous said...

I agree that #4 is JH. Too bad, doesn't take very long for so so talent to go very awry. Why can't anyone just be humble anymore?

Anonymous said...

1) antonio and melanie
2) diem brown or lauren conrad? for the reality star
3) tom hanks
4) jennifer hudson

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:55, I'm sure you realized after you posted that CZJ is married to Michael, not Kirk Douglas.

I think Will and Jada are good for #1, probably some Bachelor or Real World contestant for #2, Tom Hanks is a very good guess for #3 and JHud is a lock for #4.

Anonymous said...

Will & Jada was my first guess too for #1.
IMHO, I think W is not as henpecked as he likes to have himself publicly seen. I think he is very much in control of his marriage/arrangement, and I think he knows exactly how to manipulate his public image for career reasons. I have seen W on what looked like was a date to me, on the red carpet no less. It was the last thing I expected to see. W is very smooth, very smart and nobodies whipping boy.

Back to J, it is only obvious that she married way up. Had she not, I doubt we would even know her name. Career would have been a wrap a decade ago. She has always seemed very jealous of W's career, success and is super insecure. I was stared down on an occassion by J. It was so obvious, my friend asked me what I had done to J. Nothing, I don't know J, nor have ever officially met her. J knows what's good and has no intention of letting W get too far away from her, plus they are a family too.

I have no problem imagining J following him eveywhere. It's a high price to pay...

Man, I really need to stay off this blog.
Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Okay, 2:55, but what if we don't want you to go?

That was some genuinely insightful commentary you just offered there.

Keep it coming, please.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Will and Jada for #1. Know one of CZJ and MD's former nannies, and her impression was happily married...

As for #3, is Tom Hanks known as a tee-totaler?

Anonymous said...

yups i second Hez's motion

syd said...

2:55 your comments are what we need more of, please keep coming back.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:55, where'd ya go? Darn, probably off at a party we'd love to go to! Come Back soon!

Anonymous said...

1. ben affleck and jen garner
2. kristin cavalleri (laguna beach) and justin timerlake
3. ben affleck again, but who knows...numerous possibilities
4. no clue...again, numerous possiblities

Anonymous said...

1 could not be Tom Cruise, because he's an assfucking faggot. Suri's father is a movie stage hand.

Anonymous said...

1 is Ben and Jen on there is a ref to her non stop check kissing

Anonymous said...

Jem I remember reading that too. That if they were on a movie and really into their costar it was ok. I was shocked but Idk why since it is Hollyweird. I guess cause Will seemed so normal.

fo real said...

some thoughts JH is first a singer not a actress no? Diva yes but still?

married up? this one i am unsure as both cases for WS/JPS & BA/JG are good but i would agree that JG did not marry up...

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing for #2 Ashelee Simpson and Pete Wents or whatever his name is. She's a former reality tv star and he seems to be all over the place with girls.

Anonymous said...

^ That's a fantastic guess!

Anonymous said...

I think Pete has paid attention to Ashlee though.

Ben and Jen make me feel sad. People need to stop getting married, especially movie stars.

Anonymous said...

Because of the People snippet, I'm going with Ben & Jen.

Jennifer Hudson for the last one.

Middle two--no idea.

Anonymous said...

Brendalove, when you said "people need to stop getting married," you of course meant everyone except me and you-know-who, right?


Anonymous said...

for #4, I was thinking "i'm a ----, get me out of here" was an allusion to that show "i'm a celebrity, get me out of here!"...guess i was off track?

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with the Ben A. and Jennifer G. she has not "made" it to movie star status. She had one hit show on TV... and Ben got an Oscar. And to be completely evil... would he had really married her if she had not been pregnant?

BI#2 Not a clue.

The only person that popped in my mind was Russell Crowe.

I too immediately thought of the TV show... but the only girls I can recall being on the show were Melissa Rivers, that girl who had married Ian Sering(the 90210 guy)and Alana Stewart. So I am going with Melissa Rivers. You know she "thinks" she is A list. And would be offend to have C/D listers breathing near her... haha!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1) antonio and melanie
2) antonella barba and josh groban
3) tom hanks
4) jennifer hudson

Anonymous said...

1. Jada IS extremely insecure, and it comes across as snobby bitch! (this from personal experience, btw, as we were neighbors). She definitely acts like she is way too good for everyone -- and Will comes across as very down to earth. I'd say he has the upper hand in that relationship 100% and can pretty much do whatever he wants. He's not stupid!!!!
2. Sounds like Kristin Cavalleri stalking Justin Timberlake!
3. Hopefully not Tom Hanks. I think maybe Affleck.
4. Hopefully not J-Hud, but wouldn't be shocked!

syd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
syd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hmmm wonder what the flavor of those last 2 comments were

MnGddess said...

I hope ET gives up the answers to these BIs. They're particularly juicy. And frankly, I just dying to know what the answer to the first BI ever was...

#1 Will and Jada sound about right. She always seems glued to his side.

#2 Kristen Cavalierri, that dork from the first Laguna Beach and Justin Timberlake. That would be a major score for her.

#3 I thought Mel Gibson, but I don't think so. What A-lister has been known to drink a lot??

#4 And you KNOW this is J. Hud. What a smack in the face if she doesn't win Sunday.....

CYN - and I'd love to know what Jeeze is doing. Hope she's okay.

Anonymous said...

A-list drinkers.

Affleck, Clooney, Crowe, Damon, Gibson, Hanks, Williams.

I'm sure there are others.

Anonymous said...

Clooney, Crowe, Damon & Hanks have never called for rehab. They may overindulge, but at least they would not be on sober-watch. So it has to be someone (like Williams or Gibson) that have used new-found soberness as a way back into the public's goodwill.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, 7:46... it says "long thought to be sober," so I'm thinking it's gotta be someone who HASN'T been in 'hab that recently.

Anonymous said...

How about Heath Ledger and his wife for #1 - she definately married up and I bet she was following him around there's something going on with him lately.


Anonymous said...

does anyone know how to get at the blind item link that Ent offered us for that all blind item tally list? he had given us the back door entry... i cannot find in the labels or on the pages i searched

Anonymous said...

I thought of Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger. Are they married?

Anonymous said...

Blind items solved page is down again........

but you can find screen shot cches if you google it.

pusssykatt said...

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure where the Tom Hanks guesses are coming from. Did I miss something? Did he used to be a heavy drinker and is now sober? I don't think it's him for #3.

- Captain

Anonymous said...

#1 is DEFINITELY NOT Garner & Affleck. He stated in a red carpet interview he was solo for the evening b/c Jennifer was far away in Canada doing a movie.

& I'd have to say
#3 is NOT Affleck either. I think he's head is back on straight since the birth of his daughter.


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