Monday, February 05, 2007

Just because prostitution is legal in certain parts of Nevada does not really excuse or explain what this 80's A list actor was doing propositioning models to spend some time with him in his hotel room recently. Our actor was at an event which featured women hosts and presenters and was too lazy to try and just hit on them. Instead he went up to each model and offered them $5000 to spend the night with him. Most were just disgusted at the offer, but it seems as if our actor finally found two who were willing to spend the night with this loved everywhere but here actor.

Which former A list actor trying to make a recent comeback has added some extra lift to his lifts? This aging actor has always worn lifts in his shoes to at least give the impression that he is within shouting distance of 5'8". Now as he ages, he has added another inch or two to the lifts which has caused him to fall down on several recent press calls for his recent movie.

Going from one extreme to another. This actress who was on everyone's lips a few years ago, is back and going stronger than ever. She is extremely tall and some say overly aggressive towards men. Her relationships have not lasted because she LOVES to be in control. Her latest conquest has nothing to do with love and everything to do with a part she wants. The fact that he is smaller than her and loves to be dominated by her is just a plus in her book. If you think Angelina and Billy Bob were odd with their blood, then what this actress collects will really make you shudder.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    david hasselhoff is a much bigger star oversea's than in america
    jack nicholsen
    gena davis is really tall

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Daryl Hanna for #3?

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    al pacino for #2

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I'm gonna say Sly for #2.

    That's all I have so far.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I thought Tommy Cruise for #2.


  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    hez great guess on sly.. i think you're right on with that one. imdb lists him at 5' 10" but i'm thining they padded that too :) hee hee

    i made a guess today on MV over on the board. curious as to your thoughts on who i think it may be... check it when you have time.

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Ditto to Sylvester Stallone for #2

  8. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Ewwwww! Collections!
    I hope she remembers to refrigerate them.

    80's A List actor - I think its the Hoff.

    I guessed Tommy C. for #2 also but that might be too obvious a guess.

  9. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Radiohogirl, I saw your MV guess on the Message Board. I think it's a good one.

    I think the key to the item is how bitchy the MV was when introduced to S. According to the BI, is it possible she was a bitch because S is someone she's known and been jealous of for a long time... Like possibly someone she used to be in a group with??

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    so guess that means she's keeping the swimmers!?! why???

  11. Anonymous12:21 PM

    so guess that means she's keeping the swimmers!?! why???

  12. Perhaps Michael Douglas as #2 (Falling Down) and I like Daryl Hannah although Uma Thurman might work too.

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Was the Hoff considered A list? I am not sure I on board with Hoff for #1.
    There was an awards show for adult videos in Vegas in January...does anyone remember hearing anything about any stars that might have gone to it?

    #2 Tom Cruise is listed as 5'7" which is within shouting distance of 5'8"

    #3 Daryl says she is shy...but it also says "On two occasions has run after and captured muggers in New York City. She says that both men's faces displayed mixed emotions when they realized who was sitting on their chests, holding them for police"

    Mrs Mo :)

  14. Anonymous12:47 PM

    uma's very tall as well as sigourney weaver.

  15. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Why don't you have any gossip about "black" hollywood besides Isaha Washington

  16. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I would venture to guess Tyra Banks for BI #3.

  17. Anonymous12:54 PM

    If you have a problem with PerezHilton don't visit his's not that hard.

  18. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Stallone for #2 is the perfect guess. There have been reports for years of how carefully he tries to hide on screen and in real life that he's quite small. That was never the case with Tom Cruise

    Concerning tall actresses, Uma Thurman is quite steady with her Turkish beau, Geena Davis is married with kids, Sigourney Weaver has been married for twenty years, Nicole Kidman wouldn't get a part through Keith Urban. Except for the "extremely tall" part, it would suit Sharon Stone fine.

  19. Anonymous12:59 PM

    anonymous 12.48, what is your problem? what are you talking about? why is perez a racist? you sound like an asshole to me with nothing better to do that complain. the way that you are behaving you are acting no better than a racist or a homophobe and you dont even realise it. get your head out of your ass and listen to yourself. your pathetic. really.

  20. Anonymous1:00 PM

    not a clue on #1

    I agree with Sly for #2 - the "shouting distance" = Yo Adrian!

    I thought of Bridgette Nielsen for # 3 - ex-wife of sly at #2 and a few years back took over the Flava of Love - thus the LOVES (3x) I believe she just married. I would ascertain that to be a conquest.

  21. Anonymous1:01 PM

    #3: Katie Holmes

  22. Anonymous1:03 PM

    ooops....correction..Bridgette hooked up with Flava on Surreal much reality little time

  23. Anonymous1:05 PM

    What about Scott Baio for #1.??

  24. Anonymous1:06 PM

    #3: Sean Young was always known for being a real freak about roles & relationships.

  25. True 12:54 this forum is special FOR the lack of ranting on "off topics" that have nothing to do with logic or the subject in question. "People do not absorb moral lessons from those who trample upon their feelings": Miss Manners of all people and the old but true cliche: the end does not justify the means. It appears this person or company has a personal issue with Perez and only Perez as there are many other sites, magazines, PR companies, advertisers, etc the list is endless concerning Ms. Hilton. Another great reason to check out the board.

  26. #1 Tom Selleck?
    #2 Al Pacino?
    #3 Darryl Hannah?

  27. Anonymous1:45 PM

    ok this may be outta left field, but what about Joan Allen for #3. Shes VERY tall and I saw her at an InStyle party and she was VERY aggressive to a guy who was WAY younger than her and shorter, and they mention book- she was in Notebook. Any takers on this one?
    No way its Daryl Hannah- shes painfully shy and awkward

  28. Anonymous1:54 PM

    All this blog work and a part of it a mousetrap? Are you for real? Dude-get your priorities set right. You are insane.

  29. Anonymous1:54 PM

    1- ?
    2- tom Cruise?
    3- Sharon Stone?

  30. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I don't have time right now, but here's a list of tall women, many of whom are actresses.

  31. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I'm guessing Dustin Hoffman for number 2. He's about 5'6" and has been on a few different talk shows in the past couple of months promoting Stranger Than Fiction.

  32. Anonymous2:17 PM

    To: anon 12:54

    your fanaticism is so misguided
    you seem green with envy or secretly enamored ...Start your own blog...

    stalk him not us

  33. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I think #1 is definitely the Hoff

  34. Anonymous2:28 PM

    #1 Ray Romano - "loved everywhere but here"
    #2 - al pacino?
    #3 - geena davis

  35. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Ray Romano was not A list in the 80's. Maybe tv A list in the 90's when his show was on, but NOT in the 80's

  36. Anonymous2:36 PM

    The author of this blog, EL likes Perez Hilton. What does EL think about the situation of Perez Hilton? He or she must have studied ethics in law school.

  37. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Perez IS an asshat and deserves all he gets..all the power to them.
    Having said that-EL you must feel pretty good,already your site is considered tops if you're getting BOYCOTT PEREZ

    1- The Hoff
    2- Sly
    3- Daryl H.

  38. Anonymous3:22 PM

    # 3 = Charlize Theron?

    Tall, Monster from a few years ago, and remember the story of how she was discovered...?


  39. Anonymous3:31 PM

    there's some good choices for tall women. . .kristen johnson--3rd rock from the sun, and lucy lawless of xena fame also.

  40. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "This actress who was on everyone's lips a few years ago"
    Sounds like a lipstick campaign maybe? Mrs Mo

  41. Anonymous3:37 PM

    j said
    please dont leave us rookies suspended...
    do tell

  42. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Uma just doesn't strike me as sexually aggressive. I look at her and see a yoga teacher.

    How about Mandy Moore? She's no pixie. More like 5'11.

  43. Anonymous3:55 PM

    How could DJ AM be helpful in getting her a part though?

  44. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Perez Hilton deserves anything he gets.

  45. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Myababwa...Brigitte Nielson, what a fabulous guess!

    And she was married to Sly...don't know if that means anything, but...

  46. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I agree with the earlier post that says #1 is Scott Baio.

    "loved everywhere but here."

    Joanne loves Chache (sp?)

  47. I think it is appropriate to point out that Perez chooses not to speak on Parasite's remarks as he has made it his personal mission to get Washington fired from GA. However, I don't know that I agree that this is the proper forum for that discussion.
    I don't think any of these guesses on BI's sound great. Anything fresh?

  48. Anonymous4:43 PM

    #3 Sharon Stone - hello people, she's going out with shorter than her Christian Slater

  49. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Val Kilmer for # 1 pays for sex
    just saying...

  50. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I'm pretty sure the event in #1 was the AVN awards in Vegas last month, as anon said. Many of the presenters were female, and the actresses in pron refer to themselves as 'models'.

    I can't find much about the actors who were there. If it didn't say 'actor' I would say it was Eddie Van Halen, who was nominted for writing music for some film, and who is taking the band back out on the road. Actors mentioned are two from 'Saved by the Bell' = D list, and Eddie Murphy = A list.

  51. Anonymous5:00 PM

    My comment about Mr. Baio got lost...but I am pretty sure that even though his glossies from Tean Beat decorated my room...he was not an A lister.

    One thing I noticed...Ryan O'Neal did not get a very shiny post from EL earlier today, and he was def A list in the 80's.
    Mrs Mo

  52. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Sharon Stone is 5 81/ that extremely tall? I would say it is tall, but I am not sure about extremely tall. She does have an aggressive manner though. Then again, I don't really see Christian Slater as powerful enough to get her a part she really wants. I think the actress we are looking for is probably hooking up with a director or producer.
    Mrs Mo

  53. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I gotta go with Scott Baio for #1 - aside from the Joannie Loves Chachi/loved everywhere but here thing, I thought I read somewhere that he liked to hang around poolside in Vegas.

  54. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Hey Ent ,
    any gossip on Jennifer Aniston and Keanu reeves hook up?

  55. Anonymous5:34 PM

    for # 1 it has to be someone who could blow at least $10,000 and I don't think scott baio or david hasselhoff could- eddie murphy works, but as I know someone would say the only prostitutes he's hiring are trannies.

  56. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Sorry Anon, you're right, I should have elaborated on my Charlize comment (for #3).

    5' 9" tall Charlize was supposedly discovered in a bank by an agent who observed her causing a huge scene (and who then offered his card) when the teller wouldn't let her cash an out of state check, which led her to yell and swear furiously in her native language, Afrikaans. Plus, at 15 years she witnessed her mother shoot her father dead after he threatened to kill them both, which may have left some major scars and men issues to mix and mingle with her self-described very sexual being.

    Despite all that, though, I think I was wrong, because hasn't she been together with Stuart Townsend since 2001?

  57. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Gawd you People !
    on what planet is Hasselhoff and Scott Biao A-List?
    for the short actor with lifts in his shoes the clues are
    recent comeback
    promoteing his new movie
    Sylvestor Stalone
    as for 3 I would say Mandy Moore please explain "If you think Angelina and Billy Bob were odd with their blood, then what this actress collects will really make you shudder"

  58. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I think the "extremely tall" reference to #3 is a clue or pun or something other than "tall" in the literal sense.

  59. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I'd say Kristen Johnson, because I have seen pics of her at premieres again lately

    she's 6'1

  60. Some of you are insane. There is NO WAY in hell that Al Pacino or Nicholson are former A list actors (in reference to #2). They will ALWAYS be on the A list, period. They're the cream of the crop. If I only had what some of you are smoking...

  61. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Actually, David Hasselhoff (and Baywatch and Knight Rider) are considered very A list other places in the world aside from here. Hasselhoff is extrememly wealthy, he has a music career as well. I know it's hard to wrap your mind around, but the fact that he was A list in the 80's is very, very true. I remember (kind of).

    just saying, because I know it's difficult to imagine. I know.

  62. 1- i'm thinking hoff since he's a big deal "everywhere but here"

    2- stallone definitely

    3- brig nielsen is a great guess. the only thing that really doesn't fit her is 'being on everyone's lips'? her relationships do fail.

  63. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I hate to be greedy... not really ;) ... but yeah tell us what she collects please

    I love Perez and so do all my friends! I spread the addy of this site and Perez all the time at work because it's a video store everyone(expect old women buying us weekly or people) always want to know about their favorite actors. Hate on or love on and make him some money by spreading the word any publicity is good publicity especially for a website that needs name recognition.

    I wish we could get hot pictures of ent lawyer, a gossip guy who is actually straight, so the fantasy could be a little more visual. Eye candy is always yummy and surprisingly healthy.

  64. Anonymous8:34 PM

    sharon stone is not tall.

  65. Anonymous8:55 PM

    #3 had me thinking Kristanna Loken for a minute , cuz she is really really tall and everyone was talking about her a couple years ago in T3. But then Iread somewhere that she is dating Michelle Rodriguez. So I`m not sure now

  66. Anonymous9:18 PM

    #3 Diaz?

  67. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The Hoff


    K. Lokken ?

  68. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I chng'd my mind,
    Uma Thurman for the 3rd.

    Hi Ent!!!!!!!!! :o)

  69. Anonymous10:29 PM

    hoff WAS a-list in the 80s.... is not now AND he's in vegas
    Eddie murphy is STILL a-list

    Tom Cruise for #2 doesn't make sense since he's still a-list.... no matter how much people hate him it will take a while for him to drop off that

  70. Anonymous11:07 PM

    sharon stone IS tall, dumbass. now, whether she is the right answer, that's another matter...

  71. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I think definitely Hoff for #1. For those of us old enough to remember just how A list he was in the 80s. :O)

    #2 - Sly.

    #3 - Sharon Stone. Everyone talked about the famous leg-crossing, no panties scene in Basic Instinct. The only thing throwing me is "a few years ago". Basic was more than a few years ago. Hmmmmmm...........

  72. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Darryl Hannah did the remake of "The attack of the 50 ft. woman" in 1993. Now, if that's not tall, I don't know what is.... ;)

    Her 'shyness' could just be a ploy. I bet she got a lot of pleasure from sitting on those muggers 'chests'.

  73. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Don't put that shit on the guessing boards. Don't you have anything better to do? If YOU don't like Perez, don't go to his website. Simple as that.


  74. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Hoff was never an A list actor. I think #1 is Steve Guttenberg

  75. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Ray Romano for # -- "Everybody Loves Raymond"

  76. Anonymous8:38 AM

    There is a promo for Surreal Life (or is it Road Rules?) where Brigitte is kissing Ron Jeremy......

  77. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I would call The Hoff an A-list actor when "Knight Rider" was on. That was a really hot show at the time.

  78. Anonymous5:40 PM

    No No No Hoff was NEVER A-List what are you people on crack?

  79. Anonymous6:28 PM

    okay, i usually just read here, and i don't have any good guesses, but the "collection that would make us shudder"...
    i have no idea where i heard it, or who it was, but i remember something about a woman who made plaster casts of her conquest's, uh, members.

    although that doesn't help much, i kept thinking about it. who knows?

  80. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I would argue that Mandy Moore (5'9, tops- I've stood beside her and she's about my height), Sharon Stone (5'8), and Charlize (5'9), while tall, are not "extremely tall." Geena Davis is 6' flat footed- though I don't think this is her, I believe someone of that height caliber is who we're looking for.

  81. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Anonymous at 5:40. Define A list??

    I'd define it in part at least as someone who is internationally famous - a household name. Hoff definitely fell into that category in the 80s - everyone watched his shows, cheesy or non.

    I don't think comments like yours are helpful - it's supposed to be a bit of fun - lighten up!!!!!!

  82. Anonymous5:29 PM

    sharon stone being 5'-8" my ass. that is a lie...she is not more than 5'-6"...i stood next to her and she is tiny...besides she's in a picture with cher and cher's taller and claims to be 5'-7" ~neither were wearing platforms

  83. Anonymous11:21 PM

    No one is reading this now, huh?

    #3 - Chyna - the one from wrestling. Her real name is Joanie Laurer.
